IBM Builds Smarter Cities; Gets Recognized!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IBM, the world's leader in "Smart Solutions" has announced the release of their Intelligent Operations Center for Smarter Cities. This is actually a new solution created to see metrics in a holistic point of view; converging information from different municipal/city departments and other government agencies. Monitoring, Analyzing is a crucial and integral part of any system so that manpower, supplies, funding and managing resources would be easy. You would have more time getting the right services for the ones who need it most. You can also get to preempt disasters and respond swiftly. Proper planning and logistics should pose as a solution for difficult situations. If ever unplanned events may come; proper procedures and expected results can still be achieved.

Creating these unified centers would eliminate red tape and implement best practices that have been proved to work for other countries as well. IBM has invested a LOT in research and development and this has been one of the key factors why they have steadily grown in the past few years. IBM is currently celebrating their centennial year! (Founded June 16, 1911)

What are the advantages of going this route?!

It would be easy to shorten disruptions and manage its impact to the public. Community services like public order, safety, transportation, water resources, structures, social services and communication with other agencies would be faster; everything would be properly coordinated when disaster strikes. There also can be rapid response units that can be dispatched for life threatening incidents if the need arises. This is a remarkable improvement to processes that made red tape and corruption common in the current government of the Philippines; and I wouldn't be surprised if people would go for that.

IBM Gets Recognized

In the recent KAPATID Awards (Kapatiran sa Industriya), IBM the grand bulwark in building a Smarter Planet received recognition for Strategic Visioning & Partnering for Business and Job Survival at the recent NCE (National Conference for Employers) held at the Marriot Hotel in Pasay City. Their continuing efforts in dealing with matters concerning the recession, hardships in the economy, policy creation, human resource planning, market analysis and research on business competitions has helped a lot of corporations go through the toughest times. Integration through their portfolio of software, hardware, application management, business process outsourcing services and analytics has given them the edge as they celebrate 75 years of doing business in the country; and a century for the world!

“IBM’s Centennial is ultimately about making the world work better. As a company, IBM has continued to reinvent itself as a modern corporation the past 100 years through best practices anchored on its beliefs and values. Our strategic visioning is best epitomized when we shifted to a globally-integrated enterprise business model, where work flows where it can best be done- based on the right talent, cost, and business environment. We continue to collaborate and form strategic partnerships with local clients and industry leaders to help realize our shared aspirations of having a better and smarter Philippines in the near future,” said James Velasquez, Country General Manager of IBM Philippines.

Congratulations IBM! This is a well deserved feat!



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A Woman with a Noble Cause

I've met quite a number of people from the industry last Saturday when I attended the Fontana Independence Day Music Festival. I was tired to say the least because of the activities that happened all at the same time. The performers were great and people were happy about the music but I saw one particular lady that quite had a different purpose when she went there. Before I do go on with my story I'd like you to watch these videos first!

She is the lovely Ms. Janice Hung. To tell you honestly; I didn't know her personally before I came to Fontana. She was introduced to us by Jayson Biadog of the Contest niche blog with the same name. Stunning, tall and beautiful I couldn't resist but look at her from afar(so did a couple hundred people in the venue). I wondered about what she's doing in the event; maybe playing "Classical Chinese Music?!" or so I thought. We talked quite a bit that evening about what she's done in the past. I adore WUSHU/TAIJI since I was a kid. It was a frustration that I didn't get to finish my stint there because I felt out of place and had to travel far to Binondo just to get lessons. The basics were hard enough let alone I was the only Hispanic looking boy in the sea of Chinese kids. Little did I know that she is an accomplished WUSHU Champion. She can probably kick anyone's butt if she wanted to because of her expertise in Chang Quan (Long Fist), Taiji Quan (Supreme Ultimate Fist), Tai Ji Jian (Taiji Sword) among other disciplines of this sport. She's the best at what she does and won gold medals in the nationals for quite a number of years. More medals in the Southeast Asian Games and the Asian Games too.

As if the Gods thought she wasn't too good... she was also blessed with the gift of singing; and she's quite good at it as a matter of fact. There are only quite a number of people who can sing and host in Mandarin and she does it fluently. A trait that you can never get these days.

Being the good lady that she is, she wanted to give back to her sport and the youth in general; and she channeled this through her advocacy; Music and Sports.

The Janice Hung Arts and Sports Foundation, Inc. put up MUZIKADEMY to help kids develop and hone their talents in music, visual arts, sports, and other creative undertakings. They raise funds so they can get these less fortunate kids trained and promoted professionally; eventually raising their self esteem so they can make a name of their own. They also plan to put up facilities and mobile studios in the future so they can go to far flung places that need the services of their organization. They also have scholarship programs for those who couldn't afford the fees but are promising in these fields. They are currently raising funds now but are very much open for more so they can help MORE kids in the future. This is indeed such a noble cause... and I'm all for it!

To know more about MUZIKADEMY and the Janice Hung Arts and Sports Foundation, please visit their website at; Call 585-3200 or e-mail:

Quoted from their contest this 2011:

Welcome to MUZIKADEMY 2011. Registration is now open.
1. Send us your Demo CD with Subject title: MUZIKADEMY 2011 ENTRY
2. Demo CD should consist one (1) original song, one (1) demo song
3. Send us your Profile or Band Profile with Photos
Send us your demo at
For more details you may call 5853200/09178258099 or visit
Deadline is on JULY 27, 2011

Need I say more?! Join now!



1st International Agriculture and Tourism Expo!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

he Philippines has and would probably always be an Agricultural country. Our economy may have been modified in the last few years but generally we live and breathe in this industry. One significant sector in the market that is making a lot of opportunities is tourism and what better way to promote it but on this 1st International Agriculture and Tourism Expo to be held on June 30 to July 2 at the World Trade Center, Pasay City.

This is their attempt to combine these two areas which is a VERY good idea in my books. Imagine these farmlands that we have in the provinces converted into a place to stay for tourists. Fishing, planting trees, taking care of animals, getting their food from the same organic farm... wouldn't that be nice to do rather than going to hotels and just the busy streets of Manila? It's something different and it would definitely show something that is NOT THE USUAL Philippine vacation. It would be entirely different from other countries; and this uniqueness would be the selling factor. It would create jobs and income generating opportunities for everyone else in the country.

Come to the event and enjoy live bands, games, freebies, food and fun! This will surely change the tourism and agricultural landscape in the country!



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FONTANA Independence Day Music Festival

Monday, June 13, 2011

We have been so blessed to live in a country where talented singers, legendary bands and world class performers are but a normal phenomenon. FONTANA Hot Spring Leisure Parks & Casino together with WIKA Records knows just this; and to celebrate the Philippines' 113th Independence Day Bands of different genres, Hiphop Artists, Singers, Dance Groups converged in one big concert at the resort last June 11, 2011.

Imagine watching these guys the whole day, all for the love of the country! Plus the experience to be in a world class resort ain't be that bad either! I mean, what would you feel waking up to this!

The Olympic sized pool with cabanas, tents and this huge sky!
FONTANA can truly be compared to paradise on earth!

The huge villas, lines of picket fences, year old or more trees all around give you that crisp smelling wind you yearn for while resting. I'm sure your family would enjoy it!

The afternoon started off with an MTV styled pool party complete with bump and grind ledge dancing which I only see on shows like The Grind and Spring Break! This all happened right in front of my eyes!

It was one HOT, SIZZLING afternoon!

Not just that! There were more surprises later in the evening because aside from the great, addicting music played by prominent DJ's of the country, world class bands performed!

The one and only Slapshock, Mocha Girls, Sandwich, Pop Shuvit (from Malaysia), D-COY, MIZZ SNAPPER, Tropical Depression, Artstrong, Kalayo, Peace Pipe, Nyco Maca and a lot of other WIKA Artists filled the evening with reggae, hiphop, 70's music, Jazz, funk and alternative all under one roof! I'm sure some of you are pretty sorry you didn't get to go on this event!

Nyco Maca flawless in their trumpet and Saxophones that evening! I love their sound! It brings back that 70's beat without effort!

Awesome alternative music from this band!

This band also impressed me. Their Jazz - Brazilian vibe was one of the highlights of the show. I would gladly purchase their CD and play it nonstop while driving.

Who wouldn't be awed at the sight of Ms. Mocha Uson and the Mocha Girls! As if the evening wasn't hot enough they made it oooh so sexy!

These gorgeous models also graced the event as they showed how to work the runway. Brazilian, Korean and the best Filipina Models were all there! What more can you ask for?!

Fontana is indeed a piece of paradise on Earth! They've got Entertainment like no other! I love how they went out of their way to celebrate this Independence Day Music Festival at their resort to show the best things the country has to offer. Without lifting our own bench; our people, talent and hospitality is unparalleled! Thank you to D-COY and his crew, staff and people from Fontana Hot Spring Leisure Parks and Casino; and people behind WIKA Records/Production for everything!

*Special Thanks to Louise Viola, and the gorgeous Ms. Janice Hung for introducing to us what the REAL Fontana is all about!

Wait for my article about their cause! That's gonna be posted here real soon!



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