It's Better! It's Straight Talk!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

PhoneGetting a post paid subscription plan is really expensive these days that we barely think about the impact that it has with our finances. If you call a friend or send text messages you wouldn't really be monitoring your spending consciously; but worry later on when you see the huge bill. That's going to cost us a lot considering times are really tough here and around the world. That amount would have been spent wisely on food and supplies for the whole family. That'll last for a few days. Imagine how much you could save if you knew the right phones and plans to get in the US. Good thing there are better ways of communicating that's got everything you need in it like Straight Talk which is available at all WALMART stores nationwide. It wouldn't sacrifice quality or service either. The coverage is phenomenal and you don't even have to sign up for contracts to get it. 


If you prefer monthly plans that would get you a thousand minutes + a thousand messages and 30 MB worth of data they have that too! You can opt to have unlimited service for $45.00 a month or $499.00 per year without worrying about reactivation or termination fees. That's the best offer since sliced bread! If I were you I'd throw away other phone services and use something that's got everything you need!


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Doesn't that just sound so nice?! A few hundred dollars sounds mighty good in our books and you can get a lot of other things like another handset for a loved one or a family member. People would really think you're rich when they see you swinging those phones at work or play. My Mom agrees with me and she'll probably get the other phone that I'd buy with the saved money when the time comes. After all, my mom knows best!

Visit Sponsor's Site

You Can Help!

I have to tell you something. This is something I really believe in. People in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world should not experience hunger. It's inexcusable to see someone ask for food when others even have an eight course meal in one sitting. We can all do what we can but we only can do so much. I am not a hero by any shape or form but I want to help. I think that alone can make a difference. It's what the World Food Program has been doing these past few years. Have you heard of them?!

If not, I would like to enjoin you to visit and check out the ways to get involved. You might think that you can't do anything to save kids and give them a hot meal with what little contribution you can make. A simple sacrifice of a coffee cup, splurge on food or shopping can literally equate to a lot of kids getting that needed nourishment here and elsewhere in the globe. Africa has been one of the hardest hit but Asia and the Philippines is not too far from it either. We have people who need it specially in Mindanao where armed conflicts are displacing hundreds of families. Some of them lose their livelihood, access to education and cannot start a new life after war. The situation is terrible but you still see a good sense of hope in their eyes, please help in whatever way you can. You can start by getting involved!

All these are available on the web site I mentioned above. You can click the images and go to the site and see for yourself how to do it. Nothing is impossible so make sure you tell your friends and family how. It takes a few informed people to let a million be educated about it so start with the people you know.

Bloggers can help too. I'm part of the Bloggers Against Hunger Movement. We can help spread the word to everyone and harness the power of Social Media. We have access to people and if you start letting them know how to help that'll be a lot already. We have a lot of avenues we just need to let them see that no matter how small or big they can contribute it can help feed kids and families from Somalia, Mogadishu, a lot of other places and our own country the Philippines. Start by going here! CLICK THIS

You can definitely help! Let's do our share and fight hunger!


For more information please visit their website!

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Men's Guilty Pleasure: Nivea For Men

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Men like it as it is. They don't like girlie stuff and the things HE use in the shower usually stays a secret. The usual suspects would probably be what "women use" but the best brand didn't stay complacent with what they have in the market.They released Nivea's men's line and oh boy; that was the time I lined up in the groceries/drug store for the best things they have. For a guy that spends an hour in the shower and a couple of minutes more looking at himself in the mirror I needed it so bad. My regimen always had to have their shower and shaving gel plus the balm that soothes my skin. It was addicting! I had to have more obviously. I was so glad to be invited to their event a few days ago to try out some of their best products that fight acne, oil, promote whitening and make us stay as good looking, younger, longer, better!

This testosterone filled event wasn't as easy as I thought it would be as you can see. We had to go through circuit training in the posh 360 Fitness Club in Makati. I tried as much as possible to stay in the sidelines and play possum. That didn't work, I tried lunges, lifts, push ups and the usual run of the mill workouts but in a very staggered pace. The games were so much fun so we didn't really think it was tiring. It was exciting!

They didn't leave us in the dark. They carefully explained to us the products that they have a I adored them all! It took me time to actually use them all since I live in a crazy schedule. There are different remedies for oily skin but for some its like an impossible battle to win. Their line gently fights the 8 major causes of oily skin and promises huge improvements in a few days. I tried it out myself just for those who doubt them while reading this article LOL and of course it delivered! My skin stayed as nice as it is, but now i worry less about developing oily skin later on the day. When i got home it didn't develop that sticky feeling that occurs when I don't get to visit the men's room that often. The moisturizer does what it's supposed to. It hydrates my skin without making it oily again in the long run. It makes me irresistible haha! :) o if I were you I'd get this one today!

I shave every two days and I need something that would be able to soothe my skin every time I do it. After I use their awesome shaving foam I immediately follow it up with the balm and moisturizer. Yes ladies and gentlemen, as much as I hate to admit it I have a kikay kit LOL! To keep my looks as clean as I want it to, spending time for grooming is quite important and this is something that I always make sure I have time for. Some people tell me I look younger than my real age because I take care of my skin. With the proper skin regimen this is really not hard to achieve. It's not too late guys, you can still fight the ravages of time and keep yourself looking stress free!

Thanks to the wonderful people from Nivea for hooking us up with everything good with Men's grooming. Btw, if you are looking for the best deo I currently am trying the Nivea Silver Protect and it works wonders. It looks like I can wear this for 48 hours but of course I need to shower twice or thrice a day! The scent is very musky and cold so it's VERY manly. You won't have to smell like powder or flowers anymore like other brands. :)

As for my other Nivea addictions, we're still going to keep that habit! :)



For more information and a chance to win prizes with their games

Like them on Facebook and use their App!

NIVEA for Men Multi-Effect 8 Smack The Oil App


The BUM COSPLAY Contest Launch!

COSPLAY has actually gone leaps and bounds in the Philippines; and true enough they live a lifestyle out of the ordinary. They have large groups willing to dress up to play the roles of their favorite anime character or video game hero. They go to big conferences and even host them on their own. That's how big this industry has become and it is seriously a niche that the Fashion industry should tap into. Lo and behold! BUM Equipment is starting it with a big contest to get their merchandise incorporated to the COSPLAY inspired looks! Not kidding!

COSPLAY? Or so I thought was the last thing that came into my mind when fashion is concerned, unless it's those mei dolls from Harajuku that is. But there were different takes on how to attack this particular method of incorporating that and the dark, emo, rock - chic it's been carrying around since its inception. Making a whole character out of it looks like very challenging too. I'm sure both fashionistas, stylists, designers, Cosplayers and photographers would need to work together to make that perfect character that BUM needs to represent their line. A grand fashion show also was slated to show some of the best entries backed up by some of the greatest cosplayers this country has ever produced. We saw some samples exhibited in the launch, they were all good interpretations I might say!

All entries must have that BUM factor that the brand is looking for. Costumes will also be submitted to them prior to the fashion show then returned after it. This your chance of making it in the industry and bag a brand new Nikon DSLR camera, phone, a Samsung digicam and goodies from BUM. Make sure you submit those photos now because the LIKE period runs from August 8, 2011 to October 30, 2011. Winners will be announced on October 31, 2011. They will all be included in the BUM Fashion Show slated in November. So guys and gals get those BUM shirts and apparel from your favorite stores nationwide and make that COSPLAY inspired outfits now!

Thank you so much to BUM's management that answered questions from the online community and media promptly. They have addressed quite a number of issues with the mechanics of the contest and I'm sure this will be successful! Their grand plan to take everyone to the DARKSIDE real soon has been revealed... so watch out for what's next from BUM!

Did I forget to mention? Dino Imperial and Empress Schuck was there too!

Keep it here on KUMAGCOW.COM for the latest news about Men's and Women's Fashion!


For more information about the contest and it's mechanics

Please visit their website!

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