Highschool Life

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy, Overwhelmed, Ecstatic, Shocked and Surprised! That's what we felt this Sunday. Going back to my high school was already a huge thing for me. Meeting the same people, reconnecting and making old and new friends was just one of the perks. I met some of the greatest people in the world at that age and I must say a lot has changed since then. Some of the friendships I made there were for keeps, while some of them I didn't really get to be with since we were in different sections and of course there were groupies way back then. I got to know most of them just now and I'm so glad I did go there. Imagine if I didn't and just knew these people from their names, I knew some of them were even notorious like me back then haha!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995 in their Wacky poses. This was the first time I saw most of them after graduating high school, I never felt alienated and everyone was still so nice!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995 joined the Trinity League 3 months ago. We had a few things in mind when we joined the activities; to promote camaraderie with batch mates, the Alumni organization and to plainly represent. It was just like a dream but we weren't asleep. I didn't know this was going on for years. We were pitted against others but didn't have any clue how we'd fare in these games since none of us really did this for quite some time now.

I wasn't as excited to see that the school's gym was somewhat deteriorating. It's still classy don't get me wrong but I think its outdated. Their enrollment has substantially gone down a lot since we graduated. The fees increased, some Professors were not there anymore but the quality of education still was at par with the best in the Philippines. Everyone else graduated; but look at these seats we were in... it's the same one when we took our class photos years ago. Yes, it's the same bench, same old hot gym... same old class picture but we wondered what went wrong with the plans to upgrade this facility. Apparently, it didn't happen and I wasn't the only one who secretly felt heartbroken about it's condition... most Alumni did. The school did a lot of things for us and it was high time we pay back.

My batch mates were hilarious! (Ang kulit lang nila no?!) LOL

The Alumni Org raised some funds with this event for the rehab of the gym. It's a start and I hope the small amount the Alumni Association put up would help something snowball in the near future. If you are around the area I suggest you get your kids enrolled in Trinity University of Asia High School, its where I learned a lot. I came from that school and it made me a better person. It honed a lot of the country's leaders and professionals. It made them better if not "the best" in their fields.

We played in the Trinity League Volleyball and Basketball games just for fun; but while doing that we felt we got some wins we didn't expect along the way. Later on we found out that we were already playing for the Championship for Volleyball and battling for third in the Basketball games. Guess what happened!?? =)

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995
Trinity League Volleyball Champions!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995
Trinity League Basketball 3rd Place!

Yeap! We won! We were so happy! =)

I'd like to take this bit and thank my batch mates for the fun and booze we took along the way. Thanks to everyone in the DRINK TEAM! LOL! Thank you for the overwhelming support we got from everyone in our group page and social media channels. Congratulations to our batch! I can't wait to see everyone in February for the awarding ceremonies. Thank you also to the Alumni Association and Batch 94 for hosting this year's activities. Thanks also to everyone at Trinity University of Asia (formerly known as Trinity College of Quezon City) because without you we wouldn't be where we are today! :)


Beyond the Box!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Would you like to be BEYOND THE BOX?! =)

There's a new store in town and believe it or not it's got the best gadgets that Apple has in their line. Best of all it's right at the heart of Resort's World Manila and open 24/7. It's designed to cater the most discriminating consumers as they show the best of the best Apple products and more on this side of the world. It's not just your regular run of the mill Apple Premium Store though and it's promptly called BEYOND THE BOX. Here are some highlights from the event!

Nothing would be better than getting the store blessed first! Imagine even the priest had an IPAD2 while doing the rituals for

The place was filled with family and friends of the corporation. Everyone was so happy because of the launch and they get to take away hundreds of prizes courtesy of BEYOND THE BOX.

The gorgeous Kelly Misa was also there to open the store together with Ms. Tessa Prieto-Valdez, Supermodel Sonya Smith and a lot of other celebrity guests!

The winner of the HIPSTAMATIC contest was also announced. They launched this on their Facebook page so make sure you like them and expect a lot of other prizes soon!

VJ Janeena Tan and PHILMUG Chair Elbert Cuenca hosted the event. General Manager for Sales, Marketing and Services of Beyond the Box Gerald Senolos was there to welcome everyone. We were all ecstatic about the things they offered in the store like installation and training to help home and business users alike.

So when you are thinking of buying that next Macbook Pro, iMAC, Macbook Air, Mac mini, MAC Pro, iPAD, iPAD2, iPod, iPhone and its accessories go ahead and indulge yourself with what Beyond the Box has to offer in their store! There will be more of these stores soon at posh malls nationwide!

Congratulations Ms. Ana and Sir Charlie on your new store!



For more information please Like them on Facebook!



It's Better! It's Straight Talk!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

PhoneGetting a post paid subscription plan is really expensive these days that we barely think about the impact that it has with our finances. If you call a friend or send text messages you wouldn't really be monitoring your spending consciously; but worry later on when you see the huge bill. That's going to cost us a lot considering times are really tough here and around the world. That amount would have been spent wisely on food and supplies for the whole family. That'll last for a few days. Imagine how much you could save if you knew the right phones and plans to get in the US. Good thing there are better ways of communicating that's got everything you need in it like Straight Talk which is available at all WALMART stores nationwide. It wouldn't sacrifice quality or service either. The coverage is phenomenal and you don't even have to sign up for contracts to get it. 


If you prefer monthly plans that would get you a thousand minutes + a thousand messages and 30 MB worth of data they have that too! You can opt to have unlimited service for $45.00 a month or $499.00 per year without worrying about reactivation or termination fees. That's the best offer since sliced bread! If I were you I'd throw away other phone services and use something that's got everything you need!


<iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n_ecrdY2MLA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Doesn't that just sound so nice?! A few hundred dollars sounds mighty good in our books and you can get a lot of other things like another handset for a loved one or a family member. People would really think you're rich when they see you swinging those phones at work or play. My Mom agrees with me and she'll probably get the other phone that I'd buy with the saved money when the time comes. After all, my mom knows best!

Visit Sponsor's Site

You Can Help!

I have to tell you something. This is something I really believe in. People in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world should not experience hunger. It's inexcusable to see someone ask for food when others even have an eight course meal in one sitting. We can all do what we can but we only can do so much. I am not a hero by any shape or form but I want to help. I think that alone can make a difference. It's what the World Food Program has been doing these past few years. Have you heard of them?!

If not, I would like to enjoin you to visit http://www.wfp.org/countries/philippines and check out the ways to get involved. You might think that you can't do anything to save kids and give them a hot meal with what little contribution you can make. A simple sacrifice of a coffee cup, splurge on food or shopping can literally equate to a lot of kids getting that needed nourishment here and elsewhere in the globe. Africa has been one of the hardest hit but Asia and the Philippines is not too far from it either. We have people who need it specially in Mindanao where armed conflicts are displacing hundreds of families. Some of them lose their livelihood, access to education and cannot start a new life after war. The situation is terrible but you still see a good sense of hope in their eyes, please help in whatever way you can. You can start by getting involved!

All these are available on the web site I mentioned above. You can click the images and go to the site and see for yourself how to do it. Nothing is impossible so make sure you tell your friends and family how. It takes a few informed people to let a million be educated about it so start with the people you know.

Bloggers can help too. I'm part of the Bloggers Against Hunger Movement. We can help spread the word to everyone and harness the power of Social Media. We have access to people and if you start letting them know how to help that'll be a lot already. We have a lot of avenues we just need to let them see that no matter how small or big they can contribute it can help feed kids and families from Somalia, Mogadishu, a lot of other places and our own country the Philippines. Start by going here! CLICK THIS

You can definitely help! Let's do our share and fight hunger!


For more information please visit their website!



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