The Best News Programs From ANC

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Yesterday was a great day for news, and news makers alike. ANC (The ABSCBN News Channel) has revamped and launched new shows for its offering this latter part of the year. We had the pleasure of meeting these esteemed broadcast journalists yesterday and boy I was star struck a plenty seeing those who I admire on TV and Radio. I'm a frustrated news anchor. It was a treat seeing them all in the flesh!

Mr. Boyet J. Sison ANC's host for Hardball and veteran Sportscaster introduced them all to media.

Mornings @ ANC

Ron Cruz, Ginger Conejero, Paolo Abrera and the newest addition to Mornings@ANC Ms. Pinky Webb!

For those who are religiously watching ANC, mornings just wouldn't be complete without Mornings@ANC. With the likes of the great Ron Cruz, the recently announced 8th Cutest Newsman Paolo Abrera, Star Newscaster Ginger Conejero with the latest addition of everybody's sweetheart Ms. Pinky Webb this program will prove to be more in depth in local and international news, sports, health, the latest trends and entertainment. She'll have more lee way in bringing the news this time and she's excited also about the banter portion where they could talk about anything under the sun! It's going to be one great show and more! They promise to keep you informed from 9'o clock onwards!

Dateline Philippines

Gigi Grande and TJ Manotoc brings you the news before it comes to primetime.

Chugging up your afternoon with breaking news stories this side of the world is Dateline Philippines. Ms. Gigi Grande and TJ Manotoc will bring you the best news without waiting for the evening newscast right in the comforts if your home. Ms. Grande covered the Australian - NZ region for a couple of years and have gone through the hardest beat of them all. She said the network journalists here are pampered and she had to do editing, covering, shooting the news herself. If that isn't preparation enough for this one, I don't know what will. TJ Manotoc on the other hand will bring you the best Sports and Technology coverages which he recognizes as his strengths. He assures everyone that they would be able to deliver first even before it reaches primetime news later in the evening. They will also have guests on the show live, straight from the horses mouth. They would be able to ask the personalities behind the story and get those facts straight. They'll be handling social media to bring interaction with Make sure you stay tuned to ANC afternoons and enjoy their bit!

Primetime on ANC

Primetime News would never be the same again with funny man slash veteran news anchor Tony Velasquez and blooming mother to be Ms. Karmina Constantino

I had tons of laugh when Mr. Tony Velasquez stepped in. His humor that afternoon was quite contagious. It was like political satire meets serious news. Though this one is surely going to be a VERY serious program in prime time ANC. Ms. Karmina Constantino fresh from covering news in North America will be trying steadfastly not to laugh and bring you the news straight and fresh from the news room of ABS CBN. Aside from the day's top stories they will also touch with headlines from international news agencies. They will also tackle the best news that the ABSCBN bureaus gathered from Europe, ANZ, North America and elsewhere around the world. Think about the combined experience of Tony and Karmina and you'll surely be mesmerized about what they both can bring to the table. From successful advocacy reports, to magazine style programs... they would only be getting you a mix of what interests you and me; the Filipino viewer. Watch them on prime time come next week.


Ms. Ces Drilon proud to be back making stories for real PIPOL

The one and only Ces Drilon top bills this legendary show. If you didn't know PIPOL, you must have been living under a rock in the late 90's and early 2000's. It's that show that talks about 3 or more individuals and their life stories. It has been the benchmark for most stand uppers even then. Today. they will be featuring one person a week and talk about his journey in 30 minutes. Asking hard hitting questions and taking out the best out of these subjects which Ms. Ces Drilon has been known for. In the span of years she has been with the industry, this comeback will surely be the talk of the town. This will make each week a must see show as they go through the lives of the great people. It could be you or me. PIPOL will always be making you think about the subjects in a different light. It's interesting; surely this will be a learning experience too. Don't miss every episode on ANC Mondays at 9:30PM. She was so nice in person, it was a pleasure meeting her!


One name... Teodoro "Teddyboy" Locsin Jr. He's that guy you wish you'd become when writing or sarcasm comes to mind. He is a master, I am but a Jedi... and so are other veteran journalists today. I couldn't fathom how smart he is, nor could I contain how great he is in a nutshell. He's evil but one good man too; and I hope you get that. He'll be doing Teditorial which is just a two minute commentary segment on different ANC news programs. He'll give you his views on the greatest news stories and leave you in a "thinking" coma later on. He's one of the greatest this country has ever seen. I'm not joking.

The ABSCBN News Channel has brought you the best... and now this will be a completely revamped lineup of shows for you and me to enjoy. Now is the time for you to see why they are the number one news channel in the Philippines. That ain't bad for 15 years eh?! :)

For breaking news and the latest stories, Like them on Facebook!


It's Simple! Get a Net 10 Phone!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Telecommunication companies are pushing for post paid subscription these days and tell you the convenience of having one. They do not necessarily give you the information though that there are a lot of hidden fees and taxes to pay later on. When the bill comes it's going to be the biggest surprise you won't love. They shy away from saying that just to give you an image that you are going to have a better life with it. We all know the truth and I just saw this Cute NET10 commercial that dispels these post paid company's claims. It's more economical and you know how much you are spending each time you make a call or send SMS messages. Here's what a Real NET10 customer can say with that!


Who would actually pay a $400++ bill when your company doesn't pay for your roaming charges? You will. Who would pay taxes on International calls when it reflects on your bill later on? You will. You need to pay for them because it is stipulated in the contract (and printed in very small letters). Who doesn't hate hidden charges anyway?

If you get the NET 10 you only have to spend $50.00 a month for data, airtime and text all in one. You won't have to suffer paying bills that have other charges which surprisingly appear every month. You don't even have to think about the brands because they've got the best ones like Nokia, LG, Motorola etc. that includes slide phones, full key board phones and touch screens with major applications for photos, videos and web access which everyone will surely love! Calling outside the country is a cinch and costs only 15 cents a minute (for calls made from the US). Isn't that reason enough to switch?

Here's What Rob has to say for those who still won't get Net 10!


You get how many minutes you have left, it tells you how many days the service runs, you get the widest network coverage and doesn't hassle you with bills and contracts or things you really don't need to pay for. It's that simple reason you need to get a Net 10 phone.

Need I say more?!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Hot "Kape Barako" Opens October 5!

Now how do you want your coffee again? Do you want it tall, hot and stimulating?! That's exactly what KAPE BARAKO is. It's a new film by Director Monti Parungao, Produced by the one and only Avel Bacudio.

The KAPE BARAKO hunks (L-R): Allan Stevens, Marcus Aboga, Miko Pasamonte, and Johnron Tanada, brewing the best for every customer that goes to their coffee shop for BARAKO and more!
(Photo credits go to as watermarked)

Take your pick and choose how tall you want your Barako to be. Think of any flavor, any look you prefer on very hot items inside the store. Make sure you also take a bite on what they offer come October 5 when it shows on theaters (that's Wednesday) in Robinson's Galleria, Isetann Recto, Remar Theater Cubao, Robinson's Manila, Metropolis Alabang, Gotesco Grand Central Caloocan and Eden Cinema Cebu. This Indie film will be brewing more than just coffee... it's going to give you the experience you will never forget. Want something more than that caffeine addiction you're in right now?! Make sure you watch Kape Barako this week and it'll be served hot... just the way you like it!



Electrolux Clothes and Hugs

Monday, October 03, 2011

As you already know, I've got a lot of causes to support and I feel that I'm barely scratching the surface. It's quite nice to see NGO's and private corporations helping out our less fortunate countrymen in times when they need it most. This time, it's Electrolux that wants to make a difference through their program called Clothes and Hugs.

Thousands of pre loved clothes already are being sent by people across the nation but if the entities that collect these receive it, they just give them to the affected families as is. Electrolux wants to get these items cleaned so they setup small kiosks and even got their huge trucks to travel across the country to wash em before they get to the beneficiaries. Electrolux being one of the largest manufacturers of washing machines and other home appliances in the country makes this as their contribution in helping the less fortunate before they receive the pre loved clothes. They take care of the logistics in washing them for beneficiaries of DZRH Operation Tulong this year together with other partner MBC radio stations.

Mr. Andy Vital accepting the ceremonial bundle of clothes in behalf of DZRH Operation Tulong and MBC.

They even got bloggers to join the cause making stories out of their shirts. This guy who won actually is going to get married the day after the event. He won a brand new Electrolux Washing Machine by just sharing a heartwarming story of his lucky shirt that got him his girlfriend and to a lot of contests he won. He felt it was time to actually have someone else to own it in the hopes of them getting the same luck he got from it too. It was a nice entry!

Congratulations for winning the My Tshirt Story and best wishes to your wedding!

It was all for a good cause. It was so nice for Electrolux to have thought about this to help those in need. It'll be a thing that most private corporations should do and emulate so they can contribute something to make this Philippines a lot better than when we found it. Congratulations on the huge success of your program and I wish for nothing but the success of it in the years to come!


For more information on Electrolux Products

Please visit their website!
