The L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert Hydra Energetic Skincare Range

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Philippine Fashion Week 2012 was quite a busy time for me; but along with that experience is "one thing" that I was doing "behind the scenes". If you know me I've been a vain person and what perfect way to test out some products for men than now. When you are pressured and acting a little stressed, there's no way you are going to keep that fresh feeling you have right after a shower. When you're done fixing yourself you want to retain the moisture on your skin but when you go through traffic and a humongous crowd on these events, you kinda fall into that category called extreme haggardness... and you feel like you've aged 10 more years after that.

Good thing I had some L'Oréal Men Expert products in my stash and got results after using them for a few weeks. I wanted something that would make my skin look fresh and clean throughout the day; so let me tell you about what products we got and how they fared.

L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert


First of all, you and I probably know that there are only a few brands available in the market that's got a line dedicated for men. You are not alone, I went through a phase where I had to actually use women's products just to get my skin taken cared of. I went through that same experience where my face became whiter when I only needed to have it moisturized and nick free. It's not manly to say the least and the effect actually became a little humiliating when my face became so white that it left my neck and other extremities darker. People noticed so I stopped that. Today brands like L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert responds to the need for it; I tried out the HYDRA ENERGETIC Skin Awakening ICY CLEANSING GEL first.

Right after growing a beard for 3 weeks I decided to carry a cleaner look by shaving it off on the first day. I usually stay away from harsh soap products because it leaves my face dry later on. I used an almost neutral water based soap and after patting my face dry with a towel I applied the L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert HYDRA ENERGETIC Skin Awakening ICY CLEANSING GEL. I didn't use quite much, maybe a squirt of two pea sizes. I got it on my palm and made a lather. I used a thin layer of it first on my T zone. That's where you usually get the oiliness and dirt on your skin. If you are fond of getting your photos taken, this is usually the one that shines on your face. The gel itself isn't too thick and doesn't feel sticky. I left it on my face for a few minutes. No stingy feeling, it just feels a little refreshing. I rinsed it off with water lightly, pat it dry then I just let the wind dry my face. As observed it didn't leave anything uncomfortable, you feel so clean.

That's a definite plus on my books because the last thing you would want before you go out is something like that... just imagine the smoke and dirt in Metro Manila. If you get that on your skin before you even get to the office or event, that's just humiliating! I wouldn't want to get caught with that. The part I shaved off that day too had been handled quite nicely with this gel. Since it felt cool, my pores and skin kinda felt a little tighter. It had my skin moisturized as well. I guess that's what they wanted to actually do in the first place... and for me they just achieved that. I still felt quite clean after a couple of hours at work. Imagine that!

L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert
Skin Reviving Moisturizing Gel

with Vitamin C + Caffeine

To tell you honestly, I'm a skeptic about the health benefits of coffee and vitamin C, more so if it's applied externally. This time though they are using it in the L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert HYDRA ENERGETIC Skin Reviving Moisturizing Gel. There have been several studies in the US that the benefits are real and there are 3 remarkable things that it can do when applied externally according to this. First, it reduces inflammation. Second, it gets rid of those circles under the eyes and third... it eliminates formation of cellulite's. Doesn't it sound like a dream cure for ladies? Well Men definitely have a lot of things like that too. If you work at night like I do those eye bags are but a normal thing. You kind of age a little, you'll look tired and pretty soon you will feel the stress. It's no joke to have your skin go through that; til it becomes unrepairable. So it is better to take care of it now and there is no doubt about that!

Vitamin C as applied externally can be absorbed by the skin. Though you may need quite an amount for it to have an effect, ascorbic acid is necessary for the production of collagen. If you basically lack this particular ingredient on your diet or daily regimens; you'll have scurvy, bleed and have your joints weak. This isn't the ideal condition any man would want to maintain that physique they've always wanted. How can a guy get to ooze with machismo with his body bleeding and weak like that?! That's exactly the point why these two are now in the L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert HYDRA ENERGETIC Skin Reviving Moisturizing Gel. You get to love your skin just the way you like it!

When I got to finish washing my face the second day, I then proceeded to open this Skin Reviving Moisturizing Gel with Vitamin C + Caffeine. Before I went to shoot in the BENCH Show for Philippine Fashion Week I applied a tiny amount of this on my face. It was sunny and scorching outside, not a great time to perspire or dry up like a prune because of the heat. Since I applied this on my face I still felt a little cooler than usual on the face whilst other parts of my body were almost dripping in sweat. The consistency of the gel is like lotion but it was NEVER greasy. It was not too cold like the latter but basically had the moisturizing job done. I felt it was absorbed quite quickly by the skin because a few massages on the face with it that almost turquoise gel vanished. The smell was very nice too because it could probably be compared to some of the best aftershave/eu de toilette brands out in the market though I felt this wasn't alcohol based either. It's a good thing Men would smell like men with this product. Women practically would be turned off if you smell like a girl LOL! I applied it again that evening and when I woke up; I still felt fresher than ever! This promises to eliminate the possibilities of me having skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. I'm quite optimistic that this product will deliver on the sun and age damages too!

L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert

with Vitamin C + Caffeine

Just like the last one this bottle of "POWERED WATER" was used a little later on in the day. I didn't want to carry around the first two bottles and had this while I was busy shooting the runway. In between shows I hurriedly went to the Men's room and took this out. After washing my face with water, I poured a substantial amount of this on my palm and was a little surprised about it's consistency. It definitely looked like water. It was quite different from the previous ones and probably good for maintaining that freshness I carried around early in the day. The scent was quite similar with the gels and it did feel that effect with it though lighter. Maybe this is our version of a "retouch". It's quite a quick, no nonsense, no frills or thrills way of maintaining the freshness you had when you just got out of the shower. Plus, it smells good too!

The time of the day when you need something to perk you up. When you feel haggard and stressed, this is your quick fix. You don't have to have thick goo on your face just to look good. You just need a splash of this L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert HYDRA ENERGETIC POWERED WATER with Vitamin C + Caffeine.

L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert

Do you ever feel like people are looking at you weirdly because you look like your girlfriend's Dad? Uncle? or worse Grandpa?!! Okay guys, I know this is the least of your worries. But let's face it, who in this world wants to look old?

You always say that the eyes are the window to one's soul... so what would you do if your eyes look drowsy and haggard? Think about it. Maybe it's not too late to take care of this! I'm sure when you get to see yourself in the mirror you'll try and tell little old you that there's still hope. What are you going to do about it?!

This particular part of your face right beneath the eyes is a problem area for men and even photographers like us. Why? It doesn't lie.

This part underneath your eyes spell the things you are going through. If it's too dark, then you are sleep deprived. If its too puffy, then you sleep too much. If it has lines, you are too old. It's as simple as that. If you retouch a photo, this is where you usually do it. If you remove some of the lines here via Photoshop, the model will instantly look younger and fresher. Now how are you going to take care of this? That's where L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert HYDRA ENERGETIC EYE comes in.

This small pen like contraption packs a punch because it promises 2 things.

1. Anti Eye Bags - Since it has some of those Vitamin C and Caffeine ingredients which we discussed early on, the same effect will go to the main areas you need this to be. Rolling this cold metal contraption on the line itself underneath the eyes; both the massage and cold effect will hasten to tighten skin leaving the fine lines to contract and later on make your eye bags flattened.

2. Anti Dark Circles - You definitely don't want to look like an Owl on your first date, or that special event in your life. Continued use of this pen aka Icy Roll On Eye would actually eliminate those dark circles that you have. It's active ingredient called Peptido-Complex helps eradicate those areas that made you look like you have a black eye. It's already an eye sore to have eye bags but more if you've got dark circles underneath it. It's not flattering at all.

I used this one for a couple of days and it feels tighter underneath the eyes. I have been blessed not to have those dark circles and I'm glad I got something that would simply help for me not to have that at all.

Comparing this particular line with the ones I used previously it's way better! Looking good takes effort, more so if you are NOT (like me! LOL). It takes special care and if you are still using your Mom's creams and cleaners I suggest that the next time you go to the store and purchase it think about something that was made for you. You are a man after all, go and get yourself some L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert Hydra Energetic skincare range because you deserve to be taken cared of too! Because Filipino men are worth it!!

And as for me... I'm ready for my next shot!



For more information on the L'Oréal ® Paris - Men Expert Hydra Energetic Skincare Range

Like them on Facebook!


Visit their website!


Charice Pempengco's Father Stabbed to Death in Laguna

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

This just in. We just got news through ANC that Charice Pempengco's Father was stabbed to death in Laguna.

Born Charmaine Clarice Relucio Pempengco, this young girl was dubbed by Oprah as the most talented girl in the world. Some feud over the use of her surname early on her International career prompted her to just use CHARICE as a screen name (as her Dad and her biological Dad's family refuse to use it for their last name). In video biographies, her Dad was portrayed "violent" early on and this started the rift between them and her father. Not to be stopped she still pursued a career in the US; received high acclaim too. The Father on the other hand stayed to be never seen for a long time. The last time was when she was 3 years old. Now that this news has come up, what would her reaction be?

As of now, the cause of death is still under investigation. But it has been confirmed that he is dead. My condolences to Charice and her family. No matter how good or bad he was, he's still Charice's father.

For more information, please follow @ANCALERTS on Twitter!


Marie Digby: Your Love

Monday, October 31, 2011

When you love someone you kinda have to think about how to woo him/her to love you too. When you love someone a simple hi or hello becomes extra special because it comes from someone you really like. With or without purpose, you always want to see him/her just to plainly get a glimpse of who you want to spend the rest of your life with. It's cute and it's so beautiful... that is Marie Digby. She's got a new album out in the market and we got first dibs on what it'll sound like because we went to her album launch a few days ago. Star Records was so nice enough to get us in the groove of what to expect with this beautiful young American lass that has endeared Filipino music lovers the world over!

Your Love is pretty special for her because it was made from her real personal experience. That was the inspiration to write this song (a former love). I guess it was quite special that she had to write about it now too. In this song, she pairs up with ex boyfriend Sam Milby. As a treat to my wonderful readers, here's a live acoustic video of that performance. This was supposed to be sung in ASAP but Sam got sick so this is the first time they are going to do this live!

As you can see, not only were they having fun doing this, but everyone else was actually in a KILIG moment too. If you want more, here's Marie Digby doing one of the popular songs on her CD too that evening.

A revival and of course done tastefully! I love these acoustic versions!

By the way she'll also be having a mall tour this November. November 4 Robinsons Lipa, November 5 Robinsons Metro East, November 12 Robinsons Sta. Rosa, November 13 Robinsons Galleria, November 19 Robinsons Starmills Pampanga and Robinsons Place Imus on November 20. Make sure you get a copy of her album! I'm telling you it's worth it!

Here are some snapshots that evening!

Don't forget to get YOUR LOVE on your favorite record bars nationwide! Make sure you tune in to MYX and continue to vote for the video with Sam Milby. There is also a duet with Jericho Rosales that you have to watch out for!



ASWANG: Up Close and Personal with Paulo Avelino

Saturday, October 29, 2011

We're used to big personalities but this one was off putting. He's the apple of the eye of thousands of men and women who watch Philippine TV or movies. I wanted to make it a little personal this time. I found someone so good when I got to talk to Paulo Avelino; and found the reasons why people like him.

Paulo Avelino has transcended genres and those teenage teeny bopper years since his days with Starstruck. Born to his Filipina Mom Jennylyn Lingbanan Avelino and a half Spanish father Roberto Puigcerver Avelino; Paulo has inherited quite a handful of the good traits of his race. He is also the third out of four siblings. This mestizo, good looking stunner from Calbayog, Samar has a body that most men would envy and women absolutely adore or drool over plus quite an impressive personality to boot. He's soft spoken and very intelligent and I'm afraid I have to say that I'm a fan now.

Paulo actually knows he is very famous. That realization doesn't actually make him think about putting it on his head or anything like that. When I was with him, I felt he was GENIUINELY nice. I felt no air whatsoever that could make a rift out of the interview. As nervous as I was, I kinda felt at ease when he spoke. It's like getting to know a friend and a very smart one at that. He's like the perfect husband any girl would want to have and meet their parents (right LJ?! =) ).

He's actually now a KAPAMILYA and he has seen admirable improvement about the breaks he's having. He's actually got a couple of projects with the network and some more films with Regal soon. ABSCBN will be showing some of them this Christmas season, you should watch out for that... plus a huge series also next year with legendary stars on the list. He's excited for that!

I'd like to take this bit to thank Paulo for taking time to sit down and have a small chat. Hope to see you someday soon. A shoot perhaps? LOL. He did it for you guys! My beloved readers :)

I was also there to interview him for his latest film called ASWANG together with his co stars, it was a delight to see them all in a different light. It was in a mall show right in the smack of Robinsons Pioneer. I didn't understand why stars usually do this. I thought it was just for publicity... but really it made sense to me when I went to this one yesterday.

Lovi Poe =) I love her too!

I understood something why they actually do this Re: mall shows. Aside from the fact that they are being hounded by throngs of people, they are in a way paying back. Their fame after all had something to do with these folks who show support and adore them. They are the reason they make films.

Here are more shots from the event!

Spotted! Ms. Precious Lara San Agustin Quigaman, she was so beautiful in person. =)

This film will be shown on cinemas come November 2; but they've got a premier night in October 30 SM Megamall so make sure you watch that!

The awesomely cute and cool Alan Benedict "Albie" Lee Casiño. He was very handsome if I may say so. You should take a peek at his formspring account which I actually do :)

Lovi Poe was so nice... she took time to engage the fans that evening.

The statuesque Ms. Nina Jose.
You'll fear her shooting people randomly in the film!

Gorgeous Lovi Poe

Paulo Avelino doing the games with fans =)

Joem Bascon was VERY game!

Albie had fun too!

My first time to meet Marc Abaya, I adore your songs too!

The guys inviting fans to come and watch the film.

Fans lining up to get a glimpse of the stars and get autographs too!

Paulo Avelino and Lovi Poe really love their fans, they took the time to spend a couple of minutes with them after the event. As I said, he is genuinely so nice!

Watch ASWANG showing on theaters November 2!

This film is by renowned film Director Jerrold Tarog under Regal Films. I had the chance to watch the movie through the advanced screening, you should head to theaters and watch this one soon. The story had some similarities to the original ASWANG movie by Ms. Alma Moreno but a very modern twist to it. It' have you on the edge of your seats at times. Joem Bascon in particular had a remarkable performance in this movie. So does Marc Abaya, they should really be nominated for their roles on this movie. I wanted to get you educated about what the monsters were called in this horror flick but I'd rather have you watch it instead. Capisce? So make sure you growl and slash into theaters come November 2. This was supposed to be 3D so imagine how good it'll be!

Congratulations to everyone in the cast! If you don't watch ASWANG... they will come to your house personally and BITE YOU! =) You won't look at the ground or see birds the same way again after seeing this movie! Remember that I said that! =)
