Philippine Fashion Week 2012 : PENSHOPPE Brings You INVASION With Mario Maurer

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Image courtesy of PENSHOPPE (Official) on Facebook!

As Penshoppe spreads its wings internationally, another feather to their hat has been added. How can you not love a brand that keeps coming up with the freshest faces, greatest clothes and an international campaign that would be the envy of anyone else in this blessed country of ours. That's what this particular season of Philippine Fashion Week 2012 was waiting for; and its promptly called INVASION!

Last year's show was unparalleled when they set the runways on fire with TRAILBLAZER. The designs were inspired with army suits, British royal guards, leather clad women and probably BDSM inspired. It was reminiscent of what Rihanna, Gisselle Bundchen or Naomi Campbell would wear that evening whilst all the men were carrying the soldier/rockstar vibe all throughout the show.

Now that this phase already literally made the brand blaze on its own trail, Philippine Fashion Week will now witness an INVASION... with PENSHOPPE's newest endorser Mario Maurer!

For those who would like to see a glimpse of the show here's a rundown on what happened inside the Hall 2 of SMX Convention Center. Are you ready for INVASION?

The stage itself was a delight to see. It was a three tiered metal platform that had LED monitors showing various images of the models while on the runway. Classy!

Their Spring/Summer collection didn't shy away from Earth tones. I saw dark blues, grays, browns, khakis, whites... it was reminiscent of Banana Republic but wayyyy better. This ain't no hunting clothes! :)

From nice airy gray tops to light breezy jackets, they've got them all.
Those pants look cool too, very form fitting!

See how these gorgeous women make Mustard current worn with shorts, shirts underneath and blouses that spell S-O-P-H-I-S-T-I-C-A-T-E-D =)

Happy I saw this hunky Fil-Jap supahmodel strutting with a bright color blocking shirt + blue cardigan and blue short pants. It's a must try this season!

You can still look HOT with bright sunny colors as you can see. For those who have a smaller built, the shirts and turquoise short pants would be a perfect ensemble for walking and maybe yachting... now that's what you call living it up!

They've got relaxed jackets and didn't hold back on color. Bright and breezy, I think this really will be a hit for consumers who want that summer feel.

They've got ensembles of full dresses, from yellows, blues or oranges it introduces that season you really love!

It's the coats! Anything that you put in on top like a simple colorful short and add acid washed jeans spells GREAT in my books. It looks like we are in the 80's if this is making a come back but this is a very modern take. It's none of those stone washed stuff + baston cuts we used to see with our older brothers/sisters. Definitely something to get in their new store!

The jeans incorporated now in the jacket would be a little tacky if the cuts are too big or quite close to those OFW type ones. The design aesthetic of Penshoppe is classy and you get the best interpretations without suffering with something that other shops try to sell. It's stylish right from the get go!

Bolder colors, things that you can mix and match with your existing wardrobe is just so good! I love the sleeved blue shirt too. Men tend to look a little younger carrying that. Can anybody get me one? =)

She's so hot in that number. It makes her shoes pop out. The jacket in the left didn't look too constraining because it gets better with the hoodie. You can probably wear this in semi formal functions or maybe just for going out in the evening. A short date or maybe going out with the boys, this is just perfect!

With colors you can definitely have a little strut going to clubs/bars with this. The red jacket with the hoodie looks just HOT! For those who have a great body, this form fitting knit wear would be nice for those who want a preppy demeanor every once in a while!

See how you can do the jacket with different shirt colors? That's what you call investment clothing. You can use it for different outfits and still stay perfect!

Wouldn't you want your boyfriend looking smart and dapper in this number? I love the sailor shirts too. You kinda keep that sailing vibe all throughout that sunny day!

See my point? =)

Now how about getting yourself some ANTM music while she does what she knows best on the runway. That's Claire Unabia, the first Filipino American to ever join America's Next Top Model, it was so regal... it was great and so high fashion. It's a dose of that ANTM spunk we usually see on TV... funny some didn't know who she was. I was actually mesmerized when she walked out. She's a class on her own and I'm glad PENSHOPPE got her on the show!

Girls shrieked at the sight of him too. VJ UTT is still HOT!

Mario Maurer for PENSHOPPE

When he walked out, or just even the video prelude that happened... it was pandemonium I tell you! A couple of decibels more and our ears would have imploded! Why not? He's the boy everybody was there for... and of course he's PENSHOPPE's new endorser Mario Maurer!

It's those small simple gestures that make him what he is that evening. Women would scream when he looks at them. He's the boy... he definitely is.

He took two passes on the runway to the delight of the audience. He's Mario Maurer and I can't wait for his video to be shown on TV soon. I guess they got some shots for PENSHOPPE's holiday ad. Ms. Pilar Tuason shot the stills for them... she's an excellent photographer who captures moments. I'm sure you'll love the photos soon!

He stood a couple of feet away from me. He was angelic. I get the point why people adore him. He was like too good looking and so GORGEOUS in person.

Now that's what they were screaming about. That little smile. Priceless.

Now how can anyone get over him.
It looks like he had a lot of fun too in the show!

I saw some people almost faint when he waved like this.
You have PENSHOPPE and ABC Inc. to thank by bringing him into Philippine shores.


VJ UTT was there too. Sad that floods happened to their country.
But glad that they are here for PENSHOPPE!

He obliged everyone by looking at everyone who called his name.
He's such a nice man! I actually was a foot away from him after the show... and that was a moment I'll probably never tell anyone... oh wait I told you the whole show already LOL!

I'd like to take this bit and thank PENSHOPPE for everything. For what it's worth I hope you guys enjoy this article as much as I did writing about it. Mario Maurer fans, you should be proud that he's doing a good job of being the endorser of this world class brand!

Hunky model from New York flew straight to the Philippines and did this bit at the end of the show. He was good I tell you! Congratulations PENSHOPPE!

Mario Maurer will also be doing a movie with Erich Gonzales come early 2012. You'll also see new photos this Christmas! Watch out for that!

For those who didn't get to see the show, I hope this article made you feel like you were there. Thank you PENSHOPPE!

Until the next show!



For more information about Mario Maurer and PENSHOPPE

Like them on Facebook!

Penshoppe (OFFICIAL)

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Of Phones and Vacations!

Hi guys! I just came back from a fabulous vacation in the south and enjoyed every bit of it. I didn't like getting disconnected from the world so I did carry with me my Blackberry. It definitely fits my lifestyle and gets me saved from the stress of having to carry around a huge laptop just to check my mail. I was a little worried though because we had to go to a lot of places and the wear and tear from doing that is quite a lot for my phone. I was looking for a cell phone case that can do the job and glad that I have seen several that fit my taste. I didn't have to look around that much because everything was organized. I love how much variety they have and got myself a couple so I could switch around from plain ones to Playboy inspired cases. It's really nice to see people complement my phone and be envied just by having it. It's quite a culture in my part of the world to match things like these with friends and family so I'd probably have to get them the same soon. I wonder if they have money now so I'd buy them something just like mine soon.

My phone is my companion to some of the greatest travels I have ever been. I am able to share anything that I want in my social networks and my friends get to see what I am seeing. That's the reason why I take care of it. This is why I wanted to have a cell phone case for Blackberry early so I would be able to prevent scratches and bumps from everyday activities. It's the best thing I could do for something that saved me from a lot of trouble these past few months. I'm glad it goes beyond than just being a phone. It's a different lifestyle I'm trying to follow and I'm happy I have this with me.

Do you take care of your phone too? Let me know!


My House Husband: Ikaw Na! An Intimate Luncheon with Director Jose Javier Reyes

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Director Jose Javier Reyes was so animated in telling us anecdotes about how this movie was made. He also told us about his views on a lot of things about the Philippine Movie Industry, life and love.

It's such a wonderful feeling to talk to someone who makes sense. That's actually one of the perks of doing this. I was excited to say the least when I attended a luncheon a while ago let alone meet one of the country's esteemed Film Directors Jose Javier Reyes. He's got a new film that will also be vying for the top spot in the Metro Manila Film Festival. As you know this year's entries have all been wonderful and the creme dela creme of Philippine movies will only be shown in theaters nationwide. He's optimistic that "My House Husband" will do good in the box office. Why not? When you've got Judy Ann Santos and real life husband Ryan Agoncillo heading the cast it'll surely be a big thing to watch out for. This is not a sequel to the famous Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo and the Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo series by the same stars as said by Director Joey but a completely different script from a very good writer. This time he tackles something most machismo driven Filipino husbands resist to be. Imagine being the head of the family but being over shadowed by your own wife; as she becomes more successful than the husband; turning the provider role in total opposites. Ego crushed, people talk about you, you kinda have the picture right?

What irked him was the amount of government support the people in the industry is getting and how it compares to other countries.

It's not really those "Under the Saya" movies; but it's quite close to that... but tweaked a little. That's where you'll find a totally different take on this subject. Director Joey was fun to talk to as he gave us a couple of his witty answers on RE: The Philippine Movie industry and Social Issues. He made us think about our own views even if there was already a story for the movie. There were quite interesting rebuttals but that's gonna be off the record for now. =) He deems the movie industry itself is actually back on its feet. When they said that it was a dying industry then these other new producers weren't around but now they choose to invest in good stories that relatively can be marketed to a wider audience. As much as he wants to just concentrate on the artsy side of things, they have to listen to the ordinary movie goer. People want to forget their problems, people want to be entertained and at the end of the day you need to return the investment too. I love how he was so enthusiastic telling us what he wanted to do in the future; he wanted to work for other directors as well as other writers but finds it difficult to see someone eager to work with him for a project. Octoarts Films Producer Orly Ilacad was there also in the luncheon, he sternly supported Ryan Agoncillo's career and of course did this particular film with Director Jose Javier Reyes. Later on, we even tackled political and social matters. How the government seems to only be doing lip service than do concrete things for the industry. We also talked about Director Joey's life and saw a different light from the serious looking person we seem to have connected his personality with. He's so candid and seriously a VERY GOOD guy.

Judy Ann and Ryan Agoncillo really had some moments when they really relate to the characters of this movie. They had fun working with the Director also had tons of laughter because the fabulous Eugene Domingo will appear as their next door neighbor. Will she make life more interesting for the two? Find out by watching this film!

I find him very candid and very nice. He did a lot to think about you while making this movie, pay him back by watching it okay?! =)
Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo, Director Jose Javier Reyes and Ryan Agoncillo
for My Househusband, Ikaw na!
(Last Photo from OctoArts Films and their owners. Thanks!

So guys, if you want something REAL this Christmas season make sure you put "My House Husband" on top of your list to watch this Metro Manila Film Festival. You know how to relate to this because its about a family... and yes, it could happen to you or me. This is OctoArts Film's Official Entry to the Metro Manila Film Festival. Capisce?!


For more information

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I'm on Vacation!

Today is a very important day. I'll be taking a needed break from the hustle and bustle in the city to take refuge in the slow, relaxed ambiance of a province in the south. To tell you the truth, I haven't had a vacation leave in 9 years so this is particularly a special thing for me. I'm also going to do this with people in the same field as I am and we will try our best to experience these not so explored parts of the islands. I'll try and get my hand on a couple of activities that people often do in beaches. I'll try to get out of my comfort zone and see if I could learn how to dive a try; after all, I wanted to see what's out there. I'll try and get my own wetsuit also so I can make this a regular thing. There are great diving spots in our part of the world just like in California. I'll think about getting some surfing lessons too if time permits.

No matter where we are a vacation would not be complete if we don't experience something new, something exciting! I love the things I'll get to see out in the sea. I'll try and check some sea creatures, a fish or two just to make this an unforgettable vacation. I want to make this extra special by getting to know the people in the same industry. I want to get to know the province I learned to love since I was a kid. I want a life free from the pressures of work and city living. This is my chance and I'm going to take it! I'll see you guys soon!

I'm officially on vacation for a few days, bye for now!
