Watch Out for Prison Dancer: An Interactive Musical Web Series

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When you watched the inmates of CEBU dance to the tunes of artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Lady Gaga and stare at awe how this great number of people do it like it was so easy; then you are in for a treat because it has now become a musical! Yes ladies and gentlemen, imagine these guys hitting those tunes and shaking their booties to songs reminiscent of Miss Saigon/Glee. I saw some awesome clips this evening and OMG it was definitely world class I'd probably mistake this for something within the ranks of broadway!

Hell this would probably give Glee/Hairspray a run for their money. I wanna see hardened criminals, people who violated their parole and a lot of other characters never before seen in international television/mediums like youtube/facebook. I wonder what they will do with the interactive part and how this would eventually land in public TV too. This is a first of its kind I think and from the production, to editing, to cinematography, the actors, it'll be big I tell you! Best of all, it's hilarious you'll wet yourself a couple of times!

Oh and did I mention Mikey Bustos is here too? Yeap! Watch out in a few days as I interview them only here at KUMAGCOW.COM... KAPOW!


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A Toast for 2012!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Christmas and New Year celebrations are not complete without the essentials. We whipped up a couple of regulars like ham, pasta, salad and of course the dessert! People in this side of the world usually gain 5-10 pounds because of the season and that is considered normal. What I mostly like about this time is the change to give and receive wine gift baskets. With family and friends around; you'll never have a dull moment for sure. We'll have lots of fun from here on!

The fact is, every celebration should end and start with a toast! With all the celebrities, famous people I've met this year and the hundreds of blog citizens I got to meet; it's so nice to rejoice and have that perfect MERLOT, SAUVIGNON BLANC or bubbly whilst clinking those glasses for the next year! With a sunny disposition, a clear mind and a great set of friends cheering me on I'm sure 2012 will be even better. There will be huge changes in the coming weeks so bear with me if you experience down times. While reading some of my entries this time last year, it looks like I took leaps and bounds in this craft. I hope I can continue to experience a lot of things this year so I can tell you the stories like you were there. That's my goal after all. It's that and something that would make the statement "I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN" a reality. Cheers for 2012 and let's all drink to that!


Thank you 2011!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Indeed 2011 was a year of ups and downs both locally and internationally. It's been a great year for me and my site and you guys know that right? I'd like to thank this bit to thank a couple of people who made my 2011 great.

Thanks to all my blog friends, I probably shouldn't mention you one by one because you are too many! But you know who you are... and to my hater na blogger din, magbago ka na dahil alam ko kung sino ka! hahahah :P

UBLOG Family, thanks for the Iloilo trip. Thank you also to the wonderful times together! (Namamaalam?! LOL!)

To the peeps over at Pinoy Bloggers, thanks for keeping it professional and letting me be sometimes headache free hahaha!

To my sponsors, great PR companies, brands who made it possible for me attend their events, thank you so much for everything! Without you I wouldn't be inspired to write, meet people and have a wonderful time outside my work.

To the supporters of ABS CBN and the celebrities I love... of course MELASON and their millions of friends; (I don't wanna call them fans coz they treat them like family) I wanna thank you so much for the overwhelming support I get when I write about them! Thank you for being so nice! (You know who you are!) and please let me do Philippine Fashion Week every year! :) Coz you made my article number 1!!!!

Enchong Dee and Erich Gonzales, for making me believe that there are real people behind those good looking faces. I really love you two. Thank you for being so nice to me and recognizing me even if you are so busy with other people in press conferences/shows. (Ambait sobra!)

Thank you also to Rocco Nacino and Kris Bernal, you know you are the only guys I support there in the other station. Even if I was offended by a show's production and the people over there, you made me understand that there are nice genuine ones like you. Thanks for being good friends.

Thanks to my Sensei in Fashion Photography Xander Angeles and Boss Niko Villegas of Edge of Light Studios and The Fashion Academy/Elite Manila. You made me see light in a different way.

And to you dear readers, and non readers that only get photos from my site (baka gusto nyo nang magbago LOL) thank you so much! You have made my 2011 worthwhile and I hope that things will get even better this 2012!

Thank you to everyone who made KUMAGCOW.COM what it is today. Thank you to everyone who loves me the way that I do you! =)

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Chicosci, Other MCA Artists Spearhead 90's Music Comes Alive Album!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 90's was my time. In the heydays of successful bands and their music, those were the years when they had the scene all to themselves. From successful ones who still play today, to one hit wonders that nobody knows now; you had your own pick who to listen to and you never really asked why. It was freedom in creativity personified and OPM was huge and fighting with international labels. The culture I grew up with was choice between hiphop or metal. We seldom stay in between but since we listened to what the world could offer, it broke those barriers locally too. It was like the rebirth of both the band scene and popular music... we had it all to ourselves and we enjoyed it. I never knew it would actually come back; thanks to MCA Music Inc. they truly understood what music meant for us... children of the 90's.


Now put yourself into the mood again as these great local artists from MCA Music Inc. do their renditions of your favorite songs from that era. Oooh I just want to close my eyes now and just take a moment... and get a load of these!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that's the classic song entitled Unbelievable by my favorite Epsom Mad Funkers (EMF) shown here sung by awesome local Rock Band Chicosci in the attempt to actually have an album with songs all from that era interpreted by MCA's best bands and artists.

Track List:

Unbelievable - Chicosci
This Used To Be My Playground - Urbandub
Fake Plastic Trees - Franco
I Don't Wanna Wait - December Avenue
Linger - Miguel Escueta
Twisted - Typecast
Creep - Tanya Markova
Power of Two - Nyoy Volante
Change the World - Krissy and Ericka
Stay - Toto Sorioso
No Rain - Sabrina
Someday - The Lamars
Torn - Solenn Heussaff
Mambo No. 5 - Richard Poon


I got the chance to actually talk to one of Chicosci's members, hot guy/Bass Guitarist Carlos Calderon. Honestly, I only listened to most of their tracks a few days ago and I wouldn't want to tell you that I'm an expert on their music. But it was so enlightening to see they took their music influences to heart and got this hit from the 90's and did it with so much gusto that you'd almost believe it was their original.

Though they stayed with Rock as their genre their style definitely is a lot different compared to other bands from the local scene. The vocals are not on top of the track; and I saw that this was quite evident for most of their hits from past albums. I don't know if this was intentional either but it serves a purpose. I guess they wanted the whole song to be the star of the show than just plainly having the vocals send its message. I asked about what he felt about not seeing NU107 and MTV Philippines anymore and he said he felt sorry for the next generation that there were no more huge avenues for bands like them to show their music. If it weren't for those guys who they also got awards from, doors wouldn't have opened for them. He hopes someday there would be another entity that would take on the same role for more bands in the future!

Initially when they made this album with other artists, they wanted to do Unbelievable since it was part of their repertoire. They were so glad to be given the chance to do this because as some of you might not know, they listen to a huge array of music... he mentioned they can also be as flexible as Katy Perry, Beastie Boys or Smashing Pumpkins. I love their comparisons; and I like the variety of music they were influenced from. The part choosing Unbelievable was actually a no brainer for them because they adore British Pop Rock. Calde as everybody calls him said they wanted to stay as close as possible to the original song, even the DJ parts were done and recorded. They didn't have that much problem about the low tone voice requirement and the band could easily fill that up.

In the next huge collaborations like this MCA compilation, they want to do something from the 80's like Black or White by Michael Jackson. Next year, they plan to release their own full length album with all original songs and somewhat achieve a more experimental sound. MCA gave them a lot of freedom creating their music. Calde said that he appreciates that MCA does this because they can pretty much do whatever they want for their music, they can adjust to whatever condition they want the lyrics to be in like for example; they didn't have any swearing in the last two albums. That's going to get them more listeners if they don't have explicit lyrics on them. It's a pretty good step in getting a wider audience. I also asked him about the members who left the band; he immediately said that those guys went out of the band for their families, so now they are in Ireland, Italy and Canada mostly for work. He's very proud to have worked with Ely Buendia, Raymund Marasigan and Buddy Zabala; they are looking forward to have some of their songs collabed or reworked by these talented people. If they get their nod who the hell am I to not appreciate that? After all, if you just mention their names and I'd say WE ARE NOT WORTHY! LOL!


They are open to have more collaborations with artists of different genres. If you saw their recent videos, some hiphop artists and fliptop celebrities are on them too. In Poison, Fuego was the skateboardist. Miggy (Chicosci's vocalist) mostly make all the lyrics; that's after the band creates the music. That's their current process and it works for them. They pretty much stayed this way. They do this so the vocalist knows and feels what it meant. Makes sense. They also tried to play acoustic songs but quite more comfortable with full sets. Right now, they are working with Eric Perlas of Tower of Doom records so watch out for their greatest album yet next year!

They want to release an International album. They have already toured around Southeast Asia and some other countries; they feel quite lucky they have opened for a few big bands and shows outside the Philippines. They are all glad that their Girlfriends are very understanding, they are after all rock stars. Some fans even have befriended them so Carlos said they are not worried about getting hounded in public. Their current vice is food and they enjoy Army Navy Sandwiches if you guys know the store. These days, they had a break this Christmas season but can't wait to get back to work in January. They are looking forward to the GMA countdown which they hopefully will be part of. They have been doing this for a few years now so watch out if they will appear this year too!


In a nutshell, I'd like you guys and take a look at 90's Music Comes Alive and get it at your leading record bars. This is also presented by Samsung Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 which I would gladly test out if I get one LOL! (hint, hint!) You can also download em to your mobile phones by texting NINETIES to 3456 on all networks. This in cooperation with Megaworld Lifestyle Malls, the same company that brought you iconic Eastwood City, McKinley Hill and Newport City. The grand launch will happen on January 13 in Eastwood, and Mckinley hill on the 14th. Check out what shaped my generation and the band scenes today!

Need I say more?! =)


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Thanks to the good people at MCA Music Inc., Jeman of OrangemagazineTV for hooking us up! I envy your office! LOL!
