ELAN Awards 2013: Congratulations Christian Bautista!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fresh and hot off the press is the result of this year's McJIM ELAN Awards 2013. Out of a list of nominees, this popularity contest wants to name the perfect Filipino gentleman. The one that's defined to be sophisticated, manly and a class of his own. Other than that, the winning celebrity will receive P 100,000 in cold cash and a year's supply of Mc JIM products and also contribute to their chosen charity another P 100,000 cold cash.

We even saw the artist who made the first ever ELAN award trophy who got inspiration from world class art pieces. It follows that if you are ELAN, you simply must get the best to represent the ultimate class, the Filipino man.

Then he arrived... all dapper in his suit to accept the award. The first ever ELAN awardee is Mr. Christian Bautista!

Yes it's Christian Bautista! I wouldn't really know who else would actually qualify for that position at this time and age. He's got class, sophistication and the perfect embodiment of the Filipino gentleman. He will be rewarded the prizes I mentioned above, so I was excited for him too. I wonder who he chose as his charity.

He was awarded the check for P 100,000 by executives of McJIM. He was also given a couple of their products. They were all smiles as you can see. Christian Bautista had to thank his fan base which comprises most of the people in the Asian region. He's got fans in Indonesia and Malaysia too.

He also accepted the first ever award for McJIM ELAN. The sculpture represented the modern Filipino gentleman, and that's exactly what he is. =)

Then they also awarded the other P 100,000 to his chosen charity. Christian Bautista is an endorser and advocate of World Vision Philippines. It gives scholarship grants to the less fortunate. Christian Bautista is actually already paying for 9 children in this organization and it's good that this amount will go to the same organization he's helping these past few years. It will also support more students so they can go to school even if they are poor. It will help them and their families to achieve more things in life. A noble gesture indeed!

Christian Bautista continued to thank McJIM and everyone behind the 2013 ELAN Awards and told how much he appreciated that this cause has been able to help his charity. He also thanked them for recognizing him as the first ever ELAN awardee and hope the company continues to help more people in the coming years. He also thanked his fans and everyone else who voted for him as he appreciates their effort in letting him win this for his foundation. Congratulations Christian! I can't wait to see who's going to win the awards next year!

Thank you also to Mc JIM for doing this, helping their foundation is just surreal! It's good that you want to not only recognize the man, but also want to help their chosen charities. For that, kudos to you!

For more information about McJIM and the ELAN Awards

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Perfect For Rainy Days: MISOTEN Robinsons Magnolia!

Ramen is ramen is ramen is ramen. I have never seen an opportune time to actually have a bowl and more than this perfect weather, whether it be raining like cats and dogs outside this is the perfect thing to have when the time calls for it. Heck I can even have this everyday. Ladies and gentlemen, this is MISOTEN in Robinsons Magnolia, found in Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City.

Warm up your senses first with this complimentary Barley tea that they're going to serve you at the start of your meal. You'll get to relax, have this and appreciate what's going to be served next. I wanted my Ramen fix but this one's a great start! Ready that ever for more!

For an appetizer, why not try their Tori Karaage. Soft inside, hot and super crispy outside. It's not salty, its got just the right amount of spice and it's perfect with the piping hot rice. I wanted more!

I always loved Miso based soups and this one hits the spot. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.. it gives you warmth and I like it more now because it's raining. I always order this with my Japanese meal because Miso has that earthy taste I look for in a broth. Good thing MISOTEN only does Miso based soups.

I LOVE their Ebi Tempura! I love their vegetable tempura too! It's served only right when you order it. You'll get it hot and so good as you dip them in Tempura sauce that's light and gingery. Definitely something to get and order when in MISOTEN. It's so good!

Fresh as fresh can be this bowl of Kani salad is just right for me. If you are watching your diet, this refreshing bowl of crab strips, mango, lettuce, cucumber and Japanese mayo is just divine! You get to see that this was carefully prepared by the chef. It was cold as it was supposed to be and not room temperature. A plus in my books.

To make it even better, this meal can also come with pot stickers/Gyoza. It's those wrapped poached then fried dumplings which I absolutely love! No need for sauces but you can always do that too. 

This one's the Seafood Tendon which comprises of an Ebi Tempura, Fish, Kani and everything else dipped in batter and Panko breading on top of hot steaming white rice. This is officially my Mom's favorite and I love it too because of its portions. It's tops because it doesn't need anything fancy. It's simple and totally worth it!

They obviously use real deal Japanese rice because as you can see these are very small grains. It was so good I had to have several servings of Gohan. Imagine how it felt when I saw this rice viand that had seasoning and spring onions with it. It was awesome! Then it was time for my favorite! This is the main dish! They call this the MISOTEN SPICY!

Miso based soup, Misoten noodles with slivers of soft "melts in your mouth" kind of pork belly meat, sesame seeds, spring onions, chili (but of course I added MORE!). Enough said! This is the deal breaker and I'm so looking forward having this again in the next few days! I'm telling you, if you love spicy broths THIS IS IT! No other ramen can beat this! If you are near Quezon City, Manila or San Juan... check out MISOTEN in Robinsons Magnolia. It's cozy, and has got some of the best Ramen bowls this side of town!

This is called "Excellent Set" and only costs P 450.00. There are other set meals available so don't hesitate to check out their menu. I suggest you go and visit the restaurant today. It's perfect for the rain, perfect for everyday too!

For more information about MISOTEN

Please check out their Facebook Page

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Zest Air Press Statement on CAAP Suspension Order

I don't know all this fuzz about Zest Air and their suspension but I think there's something wrong about CAAP suspending them abruptly when they have air worthy planes. I've been to an international flight without hitches in them so this is kind of confusing. True enough, Zest Air reputes all these accusations from CAAP and issued a statement. Here's the rest of it below:


I just hope they get to fix things and get a clear picture of what happened. Which ones were actually inspected, and failed to pass their standards. If ever they find out CAAP is wrongly doing this, maybe someone should pay the consequences. I know lives are at stake here, it's a good move that Zest Air took initiatives to better serve us and their riding public. Hope they take the skies soon!

For updates on this matter please Like them on Facebook

Zest Air


WWE’s “SummerSlam” now on Sky Cable Pay Per View!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

 It looks like the rain won't even stop this from happening! It's WWF Summerslam happening this morning 7AM LIVE with NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS on Sky Cable HD. Just subscribe in Standard or High Definition for only P350.00 and you can get to experience things like these and special shows on pay per view options on top of your regular bill. What's amazing is that you can get your friends and family along for the ride in your own homes. Sports bars are passe, and in this weather why not do it on your own TV screen more so if you already have HD in your living rooms.

Aside from that, this will have replays so if you miss the first showing the succeeding ones can be your best popcorn or beer partner. Watch he pays another shot on the championship contract through the "Money in the Bank" event  courtesy of  the one and only Paul Heyman. 

CM Punk will try and seek revenge from his former manager to prove that he is still the best in the world. He will be leaving inside the ring as he battles the beast Brock Lesnar in this match. Punk on the other hand will get his hands on former UFC and WWE champion Lesnar while Heyman laughs at him ringside.

Daniel Bryan on the other hand will be there to defend his WWE Championship with guest referee Triple H on this side. He was personally picked by former champ John Cena to face him so he could prove the world that he can beat him. I'm sure it won’t be easy because my favorite John Cena just by stats alone has beaten him already. Will he be a worthy opponent? Or will this be a one sided game?

Who knows! I better get one of these Sky Cable Pay per View shows so I could watch this all day, and all night! Call 3810000 for more details! CALL NOW!

For more details visit the Sky Cable Facebook Page

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