Taylor Lautner for BENCH/

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's time! Don't worry about the rain because your afternoon will become a little HOT because this is the time I'll be releasing Taylor Lautner's photos from the press conference. I know most of you have been requesting this for the longest time and some even emailed me directly. I'd rather not have this on your individual Facebook pages, you might have to pay me for that. But if you are viewing this on my site it's always gonna be free. So without further ado, this is Taylor Lautner for BENCH... here we go!

This happened in one of the ballrooms of Makati Shangrila. There were only a few selected people from the press and the online industry that were invited to this special conference. Thanks to BENCH for hooking us up! Shown above is Ms. Sam Oh, she's interviewed a lot of celebrities before including Oppa Lee Min Ho and some other stars here and there. Then he walked in.

Some of the girls were in shock. I'm not surprised they didn't get to scream in the start but after that, it was like a concert in the room. One of the hottest guys in the planet was there, adored by millions of his fans.

There he was, Taylor Lautner. After introductions, they immediately started to ask him questions.

They asked Taylor about Manila and he was ecstatic. He was also happy to see the ones who went to the airport that early. He didn't expect that there would be so many fans waiting for him at that time.

He was asked about what his style was and he said "if it's not comfortable then it's not for me". He was so glad that the clothes from Bench was easy. He could still move around with it and everything fits perfectly. He only wears jeans and a tshirt most of the time so BENCH was just something that was like serendipity. Click the link below for more photos!

An Announcement From Zest Air Management

Here's another travel advisory from Zest Air which I'm sure a LOT of travelers are waiting for.


So now I would really like to advise you guys to get in touch with Zest Air and find out what happened with your flight schedules. That's if they haven't called or texted you yet. If you have cancelled flights, I'm sure they are going to arrange one to replace yours. If not, you can probably ask them to put you in another one that would fit your schedule. Thank the ones above Zest Air and CAAP got this fixed, a lot of passengers probably have gotten off of their tour and hotel reservations. 

Start filling up THIS FORM so you can get in touch with them and the AIR ASIA team which owns Zest Air. 

Please visit their website for more details



Time To Help: SM Supermalls Issues Statement

 This is a public service announcement to everyone who needs shelter during this time of need. SM Supermalls isn't just a plain mall, they are here to help and I've seen this notice posted on various sites and deem that you must know this too.

 If you feel that you are in danger don't be afraid to go to your nearby SM Supermall because they have a skeletal force to help you. There will be available people also to accept your donations. If you have extra food products, canned goods, warm blankets, clothes, rice, please don't hesitate to send them now because your own people are in dire need of help. Everything will be coordinated with Caritas Manila.



The DOLE-licious Day!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It was an awesome DOLEICIOUS day last weekend when Dole put up another event at the posh Eastwood City neighborhood. Together with their endorsers, they brought fun and exciting contests to the enjoyment of the crowd. Imagine Phil Younghusband, Jon Avila, Bianca Valerio and Chef Jeremy Favia interacting and having fun with kids and adults during the "This is my DOLE" event.

I have never seen Phil this enthusiastic and so very GAME playing with his fans. It was awesome that they get to see him in a different light. He was so nice and made his portion very light. It was also the same with the other celebrities.

We were also treated to a very nice dance number by 38 degrees. They got energy like the energizer bunny. They jived to modern tunes that the crowd also enjoyed!

Then Dole announced the winners for their video contest. All the winners had their videos included in the official "This is my DOLE" commercial. Now, they're going to become celebrities too because it will be shown in public TV soon! We watched it that evening and it was so nice to see real people included in it!

Some of the winners also volunteered to perform their version of the "This is my DOLE" jingle. It was nice and they carried tunes well. The crowd even sang with them on some parts. LSS bigtime!

Phil Younghusband, Jon Avila, Bianca Valerio and Chef Jeremy Favia made sure they got their point across. They encouraged Moms, Dads, Teens, children of all ages to make it a habit to have one or more DOLE products in their diet to have the daily allowances of Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber. It's not only healthy, but it's so good too!

Congratulations to DOLE for making this day worthwhile. Thank you for their awesome existence. With them in the Philippine market, we get to enjoy life's best fruit and juices in personal servings that's always available in nearby stores nationwide! I'm so looking forward to the next events with DOLE!

Addendum: We also go to meet the endorsers back stage, they were all so nice! :)

For more information about DOLE and their latest campaign

Like them on Facebook!

Dole PH
