Move On Because Scars Are Gone With Contractubex

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Admitting I am not flawless probably won't surprise you. Yes, just like some people you know I do have my scars. Scars are marks, they can disappear... and some stay quite permanently. We didn't have science help that much years ago and everything was mumbo jumbo. We had one solution later on but surgery costs thousands of dollars. Then we met Contractubex, I didn't know some scars could have been healed faster and completely disappear by using this.

Meet Ms. Cheska Garcia - Kramer and her daughter Claire Kendra Kramer. They are both gorgeous and Mom Cheska always made it a point to take care of her kids skin. With the kids active life, she can't always look after them when they are out at play or when she's at work. They told us a story when Kendra scratched her knee during play and got it healed first. After that, they applied Contractubex on the area and it's almost invisible now. So did Cheska when she got scars from having Cesarian operations giving birth to her cute kids. The little man was there too, he was too cute I tell you!

 Cheska says they've been using the brand even before they got the endorsement. It was quite nice to see that fate probably has something to do with this event. Their family is so tight, they always wanted the best for their kids and taking care of them with the best way possible is how they want it to be. A little research shows that Contractubex is effective for abrasions, cuts, lacerations, operations, burns/scalds, laser treatments and even those affected by tattoo removal. It is mostly recommended for scars that are mostly on top of the dermis and not concave looking ones according to the rep from Contractubex.

Now, it's time to move on with your life and LIVE IT! The scars can only tell a story, now there's a solution to even rid of it and make your skin back to flawless state. Who wouldn't want that right? Your loved ones deserve to have the best. Living it without haste, without being too shy about your skin is something everyone want and need. It's easy getting this tube and putting it on your scar, but the happiness that you'll get is insurmountable. If you have scars now, you know what to do.

Grab a tube, it's worth it. I'm already applying it to two scars and I'm seeing and feeling its effects. You don't have to suffer, check the channels below and see how it will make your life different. Definitely better!


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Bench/ lifestyle + clothing
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Crumpler End Of Season Sale!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Looks like CRUMPLER is making your day even better as they EXTEND this mad END OF SEASON SALE until February 15th, 2014! This is essential for photographers like me who want to keep their cameras safe from bumps and bruises. It's been years since I bought mine and its probably asking for an additional bag for my other things. 

What's pretty cool is that they've got some items at 80% off and it will only be available until the date I mentioned earlier. If I were you I'd rush to their stores and get great deals for the bags you'll love since it'll last a long time! :) 

My Crumpler's awesome, you should have one too! :) 

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Crumpler Philippines
Crumpler Philippines
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Converse: Deserving Indie Bands Get Loud!

Who are we to stop creativity? Are we making sure that the artistically forward are recognized in this country? Are we even giving them a voice when its due them? Well it's time we do. That's exactly why CONVERSE encourages us to Get Loud! The need to get noticed, without putting off listeners and get that coveted career on a roll. Converse is here to get these Indie bands some needed push and that's going to happen now.

This is Paranoid City. Their strength lies in using synthesizers for most of their masterpieces. With songs like "Hello Strange", "We Are/HereWe Go" they will let you feel that there's space for Pop Funk and Electro Dance. You'll figure out why their music, coupled with an Ivy League fashion template can bring them to the front of their genres and make a mark in this industry. It's something they wish for, it's something they want to happen soon. Armed with Jack Purcell pieces on their wardrobe, they won't have problems getting noticed.

This one's Stereodeal. Having quirky, intelligent and poetic music isn't just something the band is known for. They are bringing to the table their brand of Alternative Music. A very creative thought process comes into every song they make and influences in everyday situations, even love make up most of their originals. That real vibe and melancholic songs such as "Hypertime" and fast ones like "Relentless" makes them a force to be reckoned with. Together with their tasteful choices in music and a look mostly based on the CONS line, they will surely get to impress even the most discriminating audiences wherever, whenever that may be. 

 With a promising career in sight, awesome clothes, shoes and love for what is innately theirs... Their brand of music and Converse's support, nothing is impossible... They will Get Loud!


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Converse Philippines
Converse Philippines
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The Manfrotto 190 Series and BeFree Philippine Launch

We've been shooting a lot of things and I know what I need for my camera gear. With long exposures or just plain selfies, a photographer just needs a sturdy, light weight and non complicated tripod. I've seen a ton of these and I guess I've chosen the right ones for me. Though I have always wanted to own one of these Manfrotto's. They've always been the go to brand of the masters and I've seen a lot of them last for years. Say hello to the Manfrotto 190 Series and the Befree Compact Lightweight Tripods.

Vitec Group CEO Marco Pezzana and executives from Italy went all the way to the Philippines to witness and experience this launch. Manfrotto is one of the brands that is made by this conglomerate and some other well identified branded accessories as well. They always want the consumer to experience how it is to have quality, performance and reliability of the equipment they use. Then when we thought the event was over, we suddenly heard screeching sounds at the back and that sharp motor revolutions coming from this!

VROOM VROOM VROOM they proceeded on front with the smell of burnt rubber and carbon monoxide. No people were harmed on this photo LOL!

 Gorgeous ladies clad in their little red dress came and got the packages from these motor monstrosities. Lo and behold the Tripods we were waiting for arrived in style. Those bikes were HOT!

Each awesome Tripod comes with a foreign model (joke!) buy really, if these gals can carry it around without complaining, it's probably too light that these gorgeous ladies can carry this with ease... makes sense right?

Just like Manfrotto, they are dedicated to you and to everything that involves your passion and the way you express them through images. Even a Cebu based expert landscape photographer endorsed it.

When we thought that the evening was not grand enough, they came out with two Maserati's. Yes, you are seeing them in the flesh. 

Then they demo'd the Manfrotto 190 Series and BeFree Tripods. It was light, and the photographer can manipulate it with minimal effort. The tripod even can handle a 360 degree view with it's ball head. A feat not seen in other brands.

Incredibly easy to use and very sturdy, simple tasks for an accessory that photographers look for in a tripod. Both are expertly designed so you get your money's worth. These tripods, though a bit pricey can last you for years... maybe even decades as I've seen in other Manfrotto's. SRP stands at PHP 11,590 for the Manfrotto Befree whilst Manfrotto 190 is at PHP 24,290. This might get even lower prices in some stores who apply discounts.

Columbia Digital by the way is the exclusive distributor of Nikon, Manfrotto, Kata Bags, National Geographic Bags, Gitzo and KIS Photo-Me in the Philippines. Please check their channels below for more information about the tripods and other accessories.


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Manfrotto Philippines
Manfrotto Philippines
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