Kipling Launches New Store at SM Clark & Latest Spring 2014 Collection

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

One of the most well loved brands in the world since 1987, Kipling has definitely gone more than their iconic crinkled nylon fabric bags and its monkey figured zipper. Now, they have been able to build an outstanding presence and has brought to the Philippines their lovely bags and accessories. We went to SM Clark a few days ago to celebrate another milestone as they opened a new concept store in that side of town. People in the north rejoice!

We also got to see their latest Spring 2014 collection:

Saw the ladies loved that multicolored bag above and those medium sized ones who still have that crinkled material in purple. I think it retails for around 4K++ if I'm not mistaken. The material just looks so good on her. The red is so bright you'll need sunglasses while donning this with your outfit.

They've got everything! From animal prints to aztec like designs and solid bright colors, you can never go out of style with classic Kipling bags.

Century Tuna Superbods Anne Curtis and B.N.O. on Super Challenge 2014

Told you a couple of articles ago that they just launched the Superbods Super Challenge 2014. In another event, they reiterated the same plan and same workout routines but this time, they've made us see stars like no other. After dinner, the great guys from Boys Night Out appeared and I couldn't even recognize them anymore. For a few weeks, the people from Century Tuna, Coach Jim and Ms.Nadine Tengco worked with these gentlemen to get them do the 6 week plan just to prove if the Superbods Super Challenge worked. Just look at them now!

It's not easy Coach Jim says because it's a total lifestyle change plus discipline that would make this work. Slick Rick adds that even if he was the most non sporty person in the group, he felt confident that he could do it. He shared that the 5 meal per day regimen definitely worked for him and didn't give him the time to bloat since the food was designed to counter that. He lost a lot judging from the taped footage shown in the event, and he definitely felt so good and would want to continue even after the things they went through during the 6 weeks. 

Then there was a commotion in the back and I saw someone familiar.

It's Century Tuna celebrity endorser Ms. Anne Curtis Smith. She's here to answer some questions about her journey to being a superbod too.

She was bubbly and so ecstatic that people would be able to try the workout program and the dietician's recommended meals. She's worked hard to maintain her figure and was so thankful that she still gets to eat food that's got tons of protein and never sacrifices flavor. They also get full easily because aside from the rice included on some of the meals, they added tons of veggies in the mix. Century Tuna actually complements it and makes the meal bigger than usual with the right ingredients even if you compare it with the food pyramid.

When I asked about what particular part of her body she wants to workout (because she's already perfect right?) she shares that she wants to be more toned like her fit inspirations (which she already hangs in the wall). When I asked about if it is achievable (because I felt fat), she said I'm not that fat at all and if her boyfriend Erwan can do it, why would it be impossible for me. Makes sense right?

Try the program, it wouldn't hurt. I've got friends on it right now and have seen a little difference (since they're on the process). You should definitely try the plan which is all indicated on the channels below. Ciao!


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Century Tuna
Century Tuna
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UNO Magazine: Covergirls Bangs Garcia and Dawn Jimenez

Sometimes, you need to grab a copy of UNO Magazine to realize that they know you. Men just like when we were all cave dwellers always had something in mind... And that's women. Sexy, luscious and hot in their form, you just can't stop fantasizing about them even in your sleep. Explosive or sweet, take your pick at UNO MAGAZINE's latest offerings as they unveil their covergirls for January and February... This is two of UNO's most hottest vixens. Didn't I tell you they were hot?

On the cover for the month of January is Bombshell Bangs Garcia. She's got spreads implying how explosive she is on and off screen. She also discusses bits and pieces about herself that you might have not seen yet in other interviews plus a couple or more photos holding up her guns and a tell all of what she's been doing these past few months (as she's been on a slight hiatus fromTV). She adds that she's also going to be in Dyesebel as an antagonist to gorgeous Anne Curtis. You'll love her, or hate her MORE soon but still, she's has everything you want in a girl. Watch out for that!

February's sweetest treat is OTJ's Dawn Jimenez. She's the controversial lady who gave it all to Gerald Anderson's character in the film. You never knew how sizzling hot it was going to be in the beginning and got surprised how feisty that scene is. If you haven't watched it, it was one of the film's highlights. When I met her on this mag signing event, she was a little quiet, reserved and had that mysterious thing going on for her. She's really pretty even if she's not that heavily made up. I like that.

On the mag though, she played a lot with candies and chocolate that could tittilate you even without mentioning that it's an aphrodisiac. She's hot in all the right places, especially her eyes. I love that on her.

Bangs Garcia felt like talking that evening. She told several stories about herself and what's happening soon. She felt the urge to probably update people since the last time we saw her was quite a long time ago. That same quality makes her attractive. I felt if she were your girlfriend you won't run out of stories. If you don't want anything boring, she could probably do that since she's very spontaneous. It's a trait I didn't know that would come from her. So that's probably why a lot of men adore her. 

Two women out on the conquest of making you regret not firing that pistol, having that grenade explode, swim around in rich thick chocolate or bite off that sweet concoction. They've got that on several sexy outfits, large photos and more inside the January and February issue of UNO MAGAZINE. Definitely a collectors item! It's available in all leading bookstores, magazine stands and selected counters nationwide! Boys, you know you gotta have this! :)


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The Gorgeous Men of GMA's ADARNA!

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The highest rating show in GMA and in it's time slot is ADARNA; an epic drama fantasy series based on a Filipino mythical bird told in stories that's passed from generation to generation. Although it's a little different because they bring an unusual take on the story. It runs through conflicts in family, love, relationships and race. It's definitely something that you can relate to in real life. A few days ago, we met with the hunky men of this show and asked them a bit about their roles. Currently, it is still the highest rating program in the Kapuso network. Let's see some shots of Mikael Daez and Benjamin Alves who plays winged lover boy Falco and equally hunky flying man Bog/Agalon during a small gathering in Centris last week.

 Mikael Daez aka Falco was a little bit reserved that afternoon. I've always adored this person because there are only a few celebrities that genuinely remember bloggers like me. For those who don't, my silver/blonde hair is a dead giveaway. Anyway, I've been shooting him from shows in the past, back when he used to endorse brands like Penshoppe et al as he's one of the most sought after models back then. He still is, but he's always on TV now since he's moved up quite a notch as he hosts "Midnight Snack" a segment he's doing for long running GMA news show Saksi. Playing Falco on the series is pretty hard but since he's well built for the character, it must have been a cinch for him to always stay up in a harness since he flies a little too much on the show. This is on top of the action sequences that he has to do because he's battling it out with humans and his kind on the show.


 His charm, wealthy demeanor and features that would make any damsel in distress fall off the tower when he comes might be already good for Ada played by Kylie Padilla of the lands Pugad Sanghaya; but will that really be enough in the shows' near end? Who knows?!! He might just get his surprise this Friday!

Ladies, please hold on to your panties because here's Benjamin Alves. This is my first time meeting the guy and rightfully so, he was very comfortable with conversations. He is after all a Summa Cum Laude with an English Literature major in Guam where he stayed most of his life. Whilst Mikael was a little reserved at that time (still my fave anyhow!), Benjamin was more open to talk about personal things with the other bloggers when I listened in. That was a consensus I got from the other bloggers. That right there is a deal breaker, if he smiles like that in a room he tends to radiate a bit more. It's something that makes him a bit pleasing to throw lines with, which is something I haven't got to know about him since this is new. 

Aside from that, he talks about his role as Bok/Agalon in the series which much like Mikael Daez's role tends to also get him in the same predicament as Falco. He also needs to be strapped and get thrown for flying and action sequences in Adarna. The series since it's almost ending, required him to give even more of what was asked of him. The stunts were definitely getting harder and the battle scenes were getting a little harder to execute since it occupies more time now that it's in the climax of the story. He had an amnesia in the bit he played and recently discovers that he's one of them too. He had to also adjust big time for that role and it's always in his mind to find ways so that his acting and job had no qualms or quality issues. He feels he's pretty much okay where he is but he wants to strive for more soon. He's so thankful that he landed a role on this series and was able to work with new ones and also veteran actors and actresses. The experience and hardship making this program was something that he was glad about and always looks forward to be there every time he's got a scene. GMA gave him a great break that he well deserves imho.

It was definitely a treat meeting two of the most gorgeous looking men of the current highest rating show on GMA. They've got different personalities but both really grows on you. You can't find anything wrong with them and just swear you either want to be like them in the near future. Crazy, but in it's truest sense I'm so glad I got to know them a little bit more in these small intimate chats we're having thanks to their management and GMA. My thanks to those who made this possible, at least I can say I got to see and talk to them in the flesh. 

Oh before I forget ADARNA will end on Friday so make sure you watch the show every day! It only lasts only 30-45 minutes of your time and remember to watch the great action sequences they planned for as it draws near. Ask your Mom and Dad to NOT change the channel and watch it with them. Adarna shows on the Telebabad Block of GMA and even world wide via GMA Pinoy TV. See you on it's last flight!


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