GMA's Niño Cast Excited On TV Series

Sunday, May 04, 2014

We talked to the cast of Niño a couple of weeks ago and catched them again last week. Pretty and smart, Bianca Umali says she can't wait for the show to start this last week of May as the Carmela show of Ms. Marian Rivera got extended for a month. I think they were supposed to have been shown last April 28th but decisions to extend the latter was induced. They were all good vibes about it because they have more time to prepare for this big show that GMA trusted them with. GMA's Carmela has got high ratings and they are prepared to either match that or wish to even outdo it but they know they have a pretty tall order.

Bianca says their story is a little different and hope that the community of Catholics would give special attention to it. She will be portraying the role of Angelica Guevarra who's going to be Miguel Tanfelix's best friend on the series and she'll try her best to make his life easy since he's a special kid. More often than not, people would not understand his situation and Bianca's role would provide the necessary care and love that Miguel needs. She will also perhaps delve on a small love story in the series but it'll be more exciting as Renz Valerio will provide the anti climax and ruin some of their moments. You'll have to watch out for that.

Renz Valerio plays as Raphael Toledo, Niño's brother in the series. He's not that fond of Miguel Tanfelix's personality and gives much grudge and jealousy in the series that he'll probably be a little evil in some scenes. He doesn't understand the special needs his brother presents so it'll be a conflict between him and Niño that you'll have to watch out for. During the small chat, he's very endearing. He's got that quality that you won't tire of when you talk to him. He's like sunshine on a gloomy day. He is a bit nervous though to play someone anti hero because he's never done it before. He always played the goody two shoes kind of character but he thinks he can do it. He doesn't have some other actors to actually pattern this role from but when I asked that the last time he says he'll try to have one. Good chap turning bad, can he do it? I'm sure he'll do a good job.

Time really flies no? This guy right here was the kid I watched in Anna Karenina. He is Julian Marcus Trono. He's grown pretty smart and very articulate. Girls would find him very endearing. He's playing as an antagonist this time and will make Niño's life a little hard. He's not part of the family and as an outsider that would pretty much present a better view on how society will treat a person such as Niño but don't worry because there's always a little Niño that will also help him if he needs it. The little Niño played by David Remo will be like Miguel Tanfelix's own personal guardian angel, so you need to watch how Mat will make their lives a little harder.

Niño is played by Miguel Tanfelix. You've probably seen him in other shows from GMA in the past but he's not much of a kid anymore. Promising and has got leadingman material, he's bound to be another hunk/Dingdong Dantes in the making. He's very humble too which I think would make him go places. He's also blessed in the looks department which ladies pretty much dig. This role is very difficult but he was able to study it quite extensively and applied it on some workshops he's done in the Artist Center stable. They've got a big task ahead of them because as they are playing roles that is going to be affiliated with Sto. Niño and the faithful will probably scrutinize how the story goes. Believing in the goodness of people and their community, they strive to set an example and hope Filipinos will adore Niño as much as they are excited to see it.

Please watch Niño this last week of May as they take on the time slot of Carmela in GMA's Primetime slot.


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Official GMA Artist Center
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The Digital Filipino Psyche on Online Entertainment

Friday, May 02, 2014

There's so many things to tell you about the Filipino way of thinking and how we at most - try to paint a picture about how we inculcate in our lives - online entertainment. 

 We are a different breed. Due to the rousing obvious influences of Spanish, Japanese and American rule in our country, we are much of a melting pot of cultures. Today, we have somehow made the same advancements and made it a part of our young smartphone and tablet habits. Some are well involved colloquys and some are just plain opinions. Although we see something that strike us a little off delving into topics like these, young Filipinos from 16-24 choose to have apps like WeChat to entertain us as individuals. It's not just all serious talk now. Things can go relaxed and become our best friend when the need comes through. Like me and WeChat which I use to socialize virtually. What's yours?

If you don't know yet, you might fall into these categories:

1. The Political Brainwave

If you care too much about your hard earned taxes, the current Bangsamoro Agreement in Mindanao and the people who are suppose to be jailed but are still in hospitals receiving pampering; then you are part of this group. For the longest time, you've been talking about current government and political events and don't mind being the one voicing out your opinion about the next presidential elections on Facebook for everyone to see, then you are part of the populace that discuss this topic which comprises 55% of internet users and 57% of WeChat users in the Philippines. Imagine that!

2. The Superstar Reflex

We might as well admit it - that we love to gossip and talk about celebrities in different mediums. You might not be the one holding megaphones and announcing it all on the streets but of course you maybe the person inside your homes watching every KathNiel or The Legal Wife scene on TV and putting your reactions online. News, gossip or whatever you call it, you are part of a whole 54% of average internet users and 55% of WeChat users go online who discuss this with fervor! Something you can say you can't live without daily! You also go out of your way to post photos, videos and other media just to show your passion... now that's amazing!

3. The Nerves of Speed

If you are fans of car shows, auto exhibits and love all that has 4 wheels and a great body, then you are part of a number of people who talk about the third most interesting topic across social networking services. Measured in general and in WeChat chatter, that's a great feat in itself. Seeing an agricultural country as ours crave for something like automobiles means there's relentless progress right there. Purchasing power? Perhaps... there's just a lot of people interested in these things. It's a welcome change and something that you know could measure economic activity if they begin splurging and get interested in cars. Just ask the tons of Philippine jeepneys and foreign race cars I've seen in local shows and you know we're almost drowning in them. Good thing really.

4. The Adventure Hormones

Labor Day became Laboracay and those remote islands just became populated. We can never have much of vacations and holidays just so we can get a feel of how it is to have adventure, sports and wildlife in the mix. If we're working too hard or getting stressed all the time in the four walls of your cube in the office, the only way to NOT be stressed is by going out and exploring the other 7,107 islands we haven't been too in the Philippines. Studies reveal that around 51% of average internet users or 55% of WeChat users talk about these adrenaline inducing activities we might be missing out on. Those jump and solo shots on your Instagram are a dead giveaway.

5. The Beauty Bone

You might think this is just because of your friends who are addicted looking at themselves in the mirror, but it's not just that. Take account the various make up tutorials and lovely fashion advices plus the star of the show... your pets! It's similar to humans but if you get into the gritty details of it, almost 57% are talking about pet grooming and care in WeChat. Now that can't be ignored, hence the volume of people loving or wishing to be perfect.

We are nice people and understanding us a bit and how we go about our lives in the Philippines may well reflect our culture. It's a good thing we have things that motivate us to be better than what we were yesterday. Technology complements our race and it connects us to friends, loved ones in more ways than one. Same with Video, Hold to Talk and Chat that not only makes it easy for us to stay in touch. We might hold the title of the heaviest video chat usage already and we're not going to be surprised. Our culture holds a ton of importance with family. Same as some our other neighboring Asian countries perhaps, but ours maybe a bit warmer and a tad better!


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Winners of Tokyo Tokyo Gift Certificates!

It looks like some people are lucky that even a simple survey can get them to win prizes like these! We have a winner and it's the Shrimp Tonkatsu Donburi that won the most votes. Tokyo Tokyo chose names from those who got the right answer and now you've just won for yourself gift certificates to their restaurant and use it on any TokyoTokyo branch near you. 

You'll also receive it from 1-2 weeks from now and they'll send it on the address you provided on the form. Ah, some guys and gals are just lucky!! Congratulations to you and stay tuned on KUMAGCOW.COM for more giveaways like these from the best Japanese fast food chain in the Philippines, TokyoTokyo! Make sure you order the Shrimp Tonkatsu Donburi while you're at it! :)


For more information about their stores:
tokyotokyo philippines
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OpenSnap: A Great New Way To Share Your Food Adventures!

Asia's premier dining guide just expanded their portfolio by whipping up a new app which is now available for FREE in the App Store and Google Play Store which is aptly called OpenSnap. It's something new that concentrates on mostly food and food establishments so if you want to go out and dine with some of your friends and family, you won't have any problems choosing which place to go and what things to order because it's all there!

I love my timeline already. I initially had restaurants from around the world on it but as I progressed to add some of my friends and family, I'm already seeing some of my neighborhood restaurants which is so good! It'll be easier to see if they have something new on the menu and places to hang out.

Obviously, I'm seeing those that are near the Tomas Morato area too because I live within the vicinity. There are also a couple of coffee shops that I frequent in and I'm so excited to push some of my photos in the system. Remember, installing OpenSnap will get you connected to the OpenRice database which will get you hooked up to over a million restaurants in the Philippines.

OpenSnap even got my photos organized automatically by the app and set it by location. Whatever restaurant I indicate, it automatically goes there. isn't it convenient?! :) There might be some bugs to work on says the Brand Manager Ms. Heidie Agbayani Tan but rest assured they are all using the feedback to better resolve these issues. Just like any app, some are found while on transit but they've got a pretty good form that you can fill up via the app or web.

The app also gets you to share your food stories to top social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter and China's Weibo. You can also log in and allow your usual credentials to log in on the app so it'll be easy to register your profile. If you wish, you can register a separate one just for the app. Isn't that great?! :) Oh and before I forget please follow me on the app by searching for the name indicated above. I'm sure he's good looking haha! Like my photos too so you'll have great fortune as you go along this thing we call life!

Install it on your phones now, because pretty soon this will be a hit and you'll thank me for it!


For more information about their application:
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