QC Food Crawl: Kamuning Bakery

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I grew up in this neighborhood. It's pretty important to me to still have the memories of my childhood in tact, not just because of the fact that I'm still living here - but more because I want generations to still be able to get why artisan bakeshops like these exist. Kamuning Bakery is legendary. I say that with gusto because I grew up knowing how they started. My grandma used to tell me there were only a few houses in this place when we started living here. This town is the first project of Quezon City and when there were only a few residents that we know, and can count with our hands that got residential houses built in this hilly part of the community. That goes the same with commercial establishments. Kamuning Bakery was put up in 1939. You and I must not have been even thought about yet, neither your folks might have been born too. They make pretty bad ass bread and pastries and I grew up having the exact thing they were making since their bakery started. The long lines, the hot crusty bread, the sweet treats I get from this bakery when I was a kid, I was there whenever we had to walk from the Sacred Heart Church to our home.

QC Food Crawl

When we made an unplanned food crawl in Quezon City a few days ago, I remembered Mr. Wilson Lee Flores inviting me to Kamuning Bakery a few months back. I texted him and he agreed to accommodate us that same day, because he'd like us to experience Kamuning Bakery now as he's done some improvements to it. I remember the owners used to personally make and sell their products in the bakery still a few years back. It got a little dilapidated and only a few people went there because they opted for cheaper ones in other bakeries. Now that Mr. Wilson Lee Flores and the new management is at the helm, I think they are making head way in making things a little bit better. They're still trying to recreate 300 plus breads and pastries like they used to, and they're still selling some of it and adding on new ones in the bakery. Other than that, Kamuning Bakery is having a facelift.

QC Food Crawl

They're putting up a full blown cafe in the property and calling it Kamuning Bakery Cafe. Their plan is to keep the old world charm of the place together with the memorabilia found in the same bakery. Countless famous people, celebrities, politicians and historical figures have been to Kamuning Bakery and that's exactly what they want you to know when they open this up come late February or early March. The Kamuning Bakery Cafe will also be serving the best of what Kamuning Bakery has plus all day breakfast meals, Pasta, native coffee choices too which we had the pleasure of tasting during our small visit.

QC Food Crawl
Kamuning Bakery's Pan De Suelo
QC Food Crawl
Canned Pork and Beans
QC Food Crawl
Sagada Coffee and Condensed Milk

QC Food Crawl

Pan De Suelo is  Kamuning Bakery's pride and glory. Suelo basically means floor because when they started baking this, they used to do it on the floor of the oven. Only in the quality control over the colonial American period did they make this on trays and more sanitary. Everybody loved it back then - and they're making it the way they used to still. The crunchy exterior, the full, non airy bread interior makes this the best thing to have with coffee. It won't crumble on the cup and it'll be doubly great if you had dips like Pork and Beans or Condensed Milk beside it for a more rustic way of eating it. I guess this is what you can say as (somehow) a mix of east and west but if your kids haven't been able to do it, I guess the right time to make it is now. No wonder this thing is adjudged as one of the best in the Philippines by various polls, magazines, articles and media.

QC Food Crawl
They even have sweet treats like these! It's their Strawberry Fondant Cake! They also have Tikoy and other things in the counter. I love their Pineapple Pie too, it's super tangy, super sweet! Take a small bite of it!

When they open up the Kamuning Bakery Cafe in a few days, they would like to invite you to try out the Philippines best coffee. They're bringing in some of the regional beans, blends and have you experience it with their house Pan De Suelo. Other than that, they're going to have all day breakfast, original flavored pastas and pugon baked chicken I heard. There's more to see in Kamuning Quezon City, we're not just a City of Stars, warm smiles and great people, we've got some of the world's best bread too!

Kamuning Bakery and Kamuning Bakery Cafe is at the corner of Judge Jimenez and K-1st Street in Quezon City. Come over for breakfast, lunch, snack or even things in between. It's indeed old fashioned, but way good taste!


For more information about their products:
Kamuning Bakery 1939
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QC Food Crawl: Figaro

Social media does do wonders. As I was reading through my timeline, I found out my friend and co blogger Azrael Coladilla was in Quezon City. He was in the Tomas Morato are in fact. I live nearby so when he wanted to have an impromptu food crawl in this area, I went in and showed them around. Kamuning is such a small town but I've got small joints here that I know would be of some interest to writers and bloggers. There's not much content, so we went to Figaro Tomas Morato to meet first. 

Unknown to many, Figaro is my office. I don't want to tell people about it that much because I'll lose the charm it has for me. The low foot traffic, the strong wifi and the available outlet on my favorite seat. I can charge stuff or stick my laptop if it runs out of battery. Other than that, the coffee choices are enormous and the food, you can choose rice meals, pastries or cakes and they all have it. You just have to make up your mind. Although I'm regretting you about this place in Tomas Morato, I guess if you're around the area you might as well pay a visit. After all, it's not like the other popular coffee chain on the other street that's so crowded and have pricey wifi. Let's start with the food shall we?

QC Food Crawl

We had refreshments first. Figaro's Iced Tea was first on the list. It's very tangy than the usual Iced Tea and pretty affordable. If you're not into coffees, then I suggest you have this. If you don't like iced teas and went here for coffee, take this other drink below.

QC Food Crawl

It's Figaro's Freshly Brewed Coffee. Of course it's one of their best sellers, they're a coffee shop for cryin out loud LOL. They serve this with the usual cream and sugar. We weren't there for this though, we had to have what they call the Favourite Meals.

QC Food Crawl

QC Food Crawl

This is Figaro's Beef Broccoli Stir Fry. It was good, although I would have loved to only have green broccoli with it. This one came with broccoli that's a little old so the flowerettes were a little yellow in the photo above. As for the taste, it was okay, the beef, the young corn and quail eggs on this dish had kept us happy because it was soft and perfect with the white rice. It's not too salty so if you're just in a hurry coming from your office and wanted to have lunch, Figaro can make you these dishes in a few minutes. Then there's another choice!

QC Food Crawl

This one is Figaro's Salisbury Steak Burger. It's a burger patty smothered with Mushroom sauce on top. It's served with corn, carrots and peas on the side plus a cup of garlic rice. If you want something filling, this would be your best bet. Although some may find the mushroom a little salty, make sure you don't individually eat it and only have it with rice. It was made for that purpose I guess. All of these meals will be served with a glass of iced tea so you can grab em and go. If you don't like lunch this way, they serve breakfast meals too!

QC Food Crawl

QC Food Crawl

My personal favorite is this, Figaro's Gourmet Tuyo in Olive Oil. If some may find this salty, Tuyo is in the first place salted fish. It's soft and briny, mix it with the runny egg yolk and a spoonful of garlic fried rice, you'll have a great meal right there. You don't have to have this on a date, but if you're looking for something homey, something that would be comforting, this Gourmet Tuyo would be your choice. Trust me on this one because even those of my friends who were complaining it was salty suddenly found themselves finishing all the plate! It is good.

For what it's worth, Figaro has some of the best sandwiches and pastas too. If you're looking for something new than the ordinary sandwiches and cakes the other more popular coffee shops offer, then make your next lunch or breakfast be at Figaro in Tomas Morato. If you're there to occupy my table in front of the counter, please do it some place else LOL, don't disturb me too while I'm working! Ha!


For more information about their products:
Figaro Coffee Company
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Aicelle Santos In Her "Class A" Birthday Concert

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Aicelle Santos isn't really new to the singing and performing. We've all loved her during her stints in the group La Diva. You might have missed her performing every week in Sunday All Stars or any program on GMA, but when she decided to turn a leaf and make her own path, she didn't know opportunities like these would open up for her. Aside from her great performances and awards in the critically acclaimed runs of "Rak of Aegis", she's now braving to have her own concert entitled "Class A" at the PETA theater on the 25th of February. She's also releasing a couple of tracks, hopefully an album too in the next few months. The concert too will be sort of her celebration, it's her birthday as well.  It's the opportune time to do it, yes I believe it's her time!

Aicelle Santos

Aicelle says "After the second run of Rak of Aegis, I thought of having a concert and do it in February so it coincides with my birthday. I suggested it to GMA Artist Center and they agreed, Stages came (production of Carlo Orosa) and it was conceptualized then. The guests, we started calling them one by one and they all agreed to take part in this. I am so happy because I will be with my Nanay Regine Velasquez Alcasid, with my Ate Kyla with my friend Gian Magdangal and with my idol and icon Ms. Celeste Legazpi. It's definitely is a concert where I'll be singing songs that would be really close to me, some even more musical in nature, but all the production numbers will have a bit of dancing.

Aicelle Santos

It's a Wednesday and People Power day so I hope everyone would come. The songs really, would be a surprise. The guests. all really play an important part of my life. It's my personal favorites, everything was penned by me, the list of songs will be a story. It's the story of Aicelle, my journey, we'll go there. I consider the two musicals as my biggest break, I've known my self as a singer but with musical theater, it's a new thing, it's a wonderful thing to come back to. Rak of Aegis was a blessing because I won an award for it. I see friends per group, but usually on my birthday I just spend it with my family.

Aicelle Santos

I actually was a little kilig when I saw that Mr. Gary Valenciano told such wonderful things, when he saw me perform too together with Ms. Cherie Gil and other great actors, you would want to do more, it gets you fired up and get you inspired. You want to explore a lot of roles now, with the recent discovery of this path, this process, I want to do other things. You don't stop learning, I though I only was here on earth to sing, when I got to GGSS I even did Jaya. It's at that point where I want to try new things, I want to swim, climb mountains, things like that. TV, I've done small roles in soap operas, well in times that I didn't do any soaps I was busy with recordings and Rak of Aegis.

She gave us a short sample of what to expect during her concert, it's a surprise she says but we can always give her a nudge to let us know how it'll look like live!

Aicelle Santos

Kapangyarihan ng Pagibig (Power of Love) is by Junjee Marcelo is so nice, it's got really good melody. It's out on itunes and other streaming sites, in a few months I hope it's going to be an EP, perhaps to be distributed by Ivory Records. I'm very hands on with this because this is self produced. It's a different sound and it's totally different with the La Diva vibe. I grew up with this vibe, with this sound. The EP will kinda sound like this and I hope people would go and download it off these sites. Valentines day I was with my family, about love, for now I'm very single but not really ready to mingle. I'm not dating. The track by the way is the power of love from the creator, from the one you love. It's a way of giving thanks, there are so many miracles in my family that I want to share that. I turned Christian two years ago and that made me realize a lot to be thankful for. I'm excited to hear what people would think. I don't think La Diva would be out for good, we're still friends. This doesn't mean we're not going to perform as a group soon, but we're all good, we're just taking time apart doing solo stuff which I think can be helpful to our careers.

Aicelle Santos

For a newbie to be nominated was an overwhelming thing, usually you get to only receive things in singing but getting that was not in the plans. I pray for things to happen but I don't know in particular what will happen and when it does, it just startles me. I'm very thankful. This sound that you'll hear from my concert is something very close to me, I chose these tracks all by myself and I'm thankful for the composers for working for me. The song Liwanag is my own work, I wrote and put in music so you'll hear a piece of me when the album comes out too. I got frustrated going out in events singing foreign songs and a single OPM track so I made my own song. Funny, it wasn't a prayer but the feeling was, I had like divine intervention. I finished it the next day so it was quick, it only took me about more or less 20 minutes. I have others, but it was all about young love. For now I'm happy with how my career is going and I would love to perform with La Diva again, I think we just had to, I feel it was just time to make our own tracks. We all have our own taste, I just pray they like my singles. I hope someone notice how nice it is because this is what I do, this is how my sound is like now. I'd like to have a duet with Mr. Gary V, it would be a dream to have one with him. Also, Ms. Lani and Sir Martin. With singing, I'm really thankful for it and I hope I could do more theater stuff. I would audition for any role that would have a big voice. I couldn't handle anything too sweet, but I would do it too as a challenge. If given a chance, why not."

Then when I posted her wish on Instagram (because Ms. Angeli Pangilinan follows me there and on Twitter!), this happened!

Aicelle Santos
Aicelle Santos

I guess dreams do come true! :)

For more information about their artists:
Official GMA Artist Center
Official GMA Artist Center
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J.CO Brings Forth Better J. Coffee

It's still the love month but there's no reason to be sad when there's so much to be thankful for. J.CO, the Philippines well loved donut brand (who consequently still has blockbuster lines in their stores as we speak) has brought in J.Coffee, for their line of coffee drinks that have existed in their stores for quite sole time now. This is sort of a relaunch and they're taking time to show us techniques on how to make the perfect cups of coffee and the added latte art. Their using hot milk and froth to make these wonderful designs and it was a treat to have their artistic coffee experts teach us on our tables how to make them from scratch.

They also have in house espresso cups and coffee mugs which you can buy off the shelf available in all J.CO stores nationwide. J. Coffee only serves Arabica beans from regions that can provide Grade A quality beans. We tasted some of it while we were there in the store. Some of which are special brews which we were privileged enough to get on the spot! 

Let's not forget the fact that J.CO also has the best, freshly cooked donuts that are not too sweet and perfect for the Filipino palate. I'm taking home boxes of Al Capone because it's my family's favorite too! Now think about your favorite donut flavor and pair it up with a J.Coffee avocado flavored coffee or anything else from their menu, I'm sure your best day will turn out even great when you try their best cup of joes in any of their stores. 

I'm loving J. Coffee... You should too! Come over to any of ther J. Co Branches in Metro Manila, have that donut and make that experience better than ever with J. Coffee as well.


For more information about their products:
JCO Philippines
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