Hot Afternoon With Kapuso Hunks Vince Velasco, Enzo Pineda and Juancho Trivino

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's summer and what better way to have fun in this season by having a short escape with these guys. Vince Velasco, Enzo Pineda and Juancho Trivino are on different stages in their careers and getting ready for what's next with their mother network GMA. We talked to Vince Velasco first and asked him about his current projects. He was very secretive about it and says it had a lot to do with the nature of it so he couldn't tell us right away. He'll tell you what he wants to happen with his career, his work ethic, how he started, his hopes and dreams! Here he is with the rest of the interview.  





I find Vince very appealing. I probably have seen him before because he's done stints in Philippine Fashion Week which I cover religiously in the previous years. His personality, although you might think he's a little aloof or doesn't want to talk to people, he goes out of his way and disprove that. When he gets comfortable, I bet he can talk for hours. He's a very good chap and I hope he'll be utilized well in the coming months. This Ateneo grad should go places, he's working very hard now in fact and GMA's trusting him. We hope it continues.



I consider Enzo a friend. Whenever we meet, then get into interviews, it's like we're just catching up. He's easy to talk to and even if there are some questions that might be a little uncomfortable to ask, he still goes and tells us what he feels about certain issues. He clearly has made his life a lot better than in the past and feels everything is falling into place. His plan is to reinvent himself, and we're seeing it all happen. Slowly but surely, he's gearing to get more matured roles; and perhaps get a larger range of acting and leave the teeny bopper roles he's been doing. He's also planning to achieve it in the next few years, I'm excited!

Here he is discussing his thoughts about showing off his hard work, on his own body. They're doing big summer numbers in Sunday All Stars. He's a tough cookie, he also talks about his new relationship and the career path that he wants to take.

Enzo is in the prime of his career but still, he's very driven. He wants to do a lot of things and he's in the right track it seems because his star is just shining brighter. Brands are still continuing to trust him because he's also giving back what they need from him. This serious actor is fighting to see his career into new heights and hopes his goals would happen real soon. He's not contended with just plain things, he wants to drive to be the best version of himself in sports, in his work and for his family. He also wishes to have more tangible things like properties, investments, business, in the near future. I'm sure he'll succeed because he can do it, because his driving force is within himself and he is winning.



He arrived a little later but brought his A game, Juancho Trivino is here. He's currently in several shows and is pretty busy with Bubble Gang. His deep set eyes, gorgeous physique (which he does work hard for) and height, make him one of the most bankable stars in GMA. He's also currently paired with Ashley Ortega of which we have previously interviewed during the Valetines day event. He's working with her on Instadad and has grown really fond of her. It'll premier on April 5 from 4:30-5:30PM. He's doing everything and we guess it comes with the territory. Versatility meant that he had to do comedy, drama, romance and other things if he's gunning to be this much of an actor.


I guess he doesn't want to be just another pretty face on TV and is showcasing what he can do at an early stage. He's still considered to be a new guy but isn't holding back, that is certainly appreciated by his fans. With this new pairing, he's up to make hearts melt even on very complicated circumstances on this new show. You see, the story would be a little difficult since they are going to be tested right from the start. How would their family handle these kind of conflicts? How would their lives be affected? What would three ladies and their Dad become once they know the truth behind Juancho and Ashley's predicament? That's exactly what you will find out once the show starts!


Juancho is a good guy and I hope a lot of people see that. His genuine charm, love for the craft and being highly adorable can make him succeed in this industry. He's super bait. I hope that he'd be rewarded, even just for that.  











Thank you so much for spending time with us guys! Thank you also to Enzo for doing something that afternoon, you're a good man!

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Official GMA Artist Center
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You're My Boss

You saw how funny their trailers are when they came out a few weeks ago. They haven't been in a movie before this happened and the pairing I heard was somewhat, cute. This year's most awaited romantic comedy might not come from the teens, but with a combination of the Ultimate Multimedia Star and the country's Prince of Independent Films. This is "You're My Boss", another great project from Star Cinema. This is also Toni's 12th project from the same film outfit and she's so excited to be in it!

From the Director of "English Only Please" and "That Thing Called Tadhana",  this Antoinette Jadaone film will make you believe in love in unexpected ways. Toni will play the role of Georgina who was tasked to take care of corporate matters while the boss was away. The client went in and was a bit unhappy because he was expecting him to be there, as Toni's Assistant, Coco Martin had to pretend he was the boss so they wouldn't jeopardize the whole deal. The things in between, made them go through the hardships of putting up with a lie and perhaps blossom into something really romantic!

This film will be shown on April 4, 2015 and is expected to rake in big box office success because the two lead stars have already done it in different films in the past. 

We covered the OPM Fresh Fans Day in Fairview Terraces and the blogcon of You're My Boss too. The crowd was super fun and meeting the stars in the flesh was too much for them, they screamed their lungs out when Toni and Coco appeared!

Jacob Benedicto, Mario Mortel and other artists were there too to promote their album. They're probably going places aside from this one, so make sure you follow Star Cinema and Star Music's social media accounts for updates!

Coco and Toni were so cute especially during the interview. They kept on teasing each other, we almost believed they were a pair! Now if only Toni was single and not engaged, they would really look sweet, but I'm sure she's getting that sweetness too during quality time with Direk Paul. Anyway, make sure you watch them in theaters on April 4! It's a summer you won't forget!


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The Good and Bad Things About Fillers: Radiesse

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rushed to Makati so I could catch an event by Merz Aesthetics, a branch of the brand Merz who's one of the leaders in aesthetics and consumer health. They talked about aging, a fact that nobody accepts in this day and age but eventually have to face because of stress, exposure to the sun, lack of sleep and negative outlook in life. It all contributes to the word OLD and the other 3 letter word called AGE, we have to face it eventually so in this occurrence you'll have soft tissue quality, facial bone loss, muscle and ligament loss of control because of gravity. At this time, people get deep wrinkles, thick skin, laxity, impaired healing, sagging eyelids, need I say more?

What would be the treatment? It starts from taking care of your skin, a change of lifestyle, hydration and a healthy diet. The key here is prevention, says Dr. Ferraris from UERMMC. She adds the process also of looking good makes one feel good. It has to come from inside, it's our nature to actually do it. From applying make up, getting things done through surgery and aesthetics. Invasive or non invasive, it all boils down to your own value of symmetry and not get far with your self esteem issues. Having exercise, aesthetic medicine, are all part of it and must have improvements in order to cure depression and have self esteem. In the Philippines it's only in it's infancy and not a lot of people undergo procedures. Though they should be screened properly before having it so it won't be an addiction. Treating patients psychologically before procedures is a must so their standards and acceptance would be in tune and not get dimorphism.

Merz has a product called Radiesse that has got long term collagen stimulation. It's the filler, a gel like component in this product that naturally blends with the collagen of the face to add volume. It looks natural, and its effects are long term. Once a doctor administers this to you, you won't be seeing much of the wrinkles and lines, have that immediate lift and have it for the years to come. Radiesse has been used for a long time and has defied age for thousands of women around the world. They have made clinical tests, studies and proven safe by a lot of publications around the world! 

The better lift and contour would make you feel better, even look better and be better inside. These fillers are injected for volume enhancement to change the face shape and we even saw some celebrities from Taiwan use it, almost no complications and very minimal recovery time. They also look quite natural and people couldn't tell actually. It's that big of a change but not these are not dangerous. Unlike some medical practitioners who use silicon oil that can cause cancer in a lot of cases. So make sure you study and judge what you can only use safely okay? If some people offer you for a very small fee, call it collagen and use silicone oils, don't do it! People have died from that already. Make sure you only get medical grade ones and trusted by the public. It's your face anyway!

Be safe, remember that!


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Caballete Artist's Gallery in Quezon City

Friday, March 27, 2015

I've been a fan of Filipino painters since I could remember. The passion that is put to work in every piece has been evident every time I see them do it in water color, oil, charcoal or mixed media. We've even got history to prove it. In a small country as ours, we're so rich in this department and I have never been able to put my finger what sets us apart, or do we even have to do that.

My neighborhood is also as colorful. Networks are a few minutes walk, old artisan outlets are still abound, the new ones even carry a pack. I visited one of them a few days ago in Kamias Road in Quezon City. It's called Caballete Artists Gallery.

This event is sort of a re-launch. We were welcomed by a very well versed man named Ramon Araullo, this is his very own. He's a stock broker by trade but is a fine collector of art. Some of the pieces here are part of his collection. He explained to us how he treats what he has right now, some of which are priceless and wouldn't even think of selling off soon. For him, most of his paintings are actually an investment. He's bought some of it a long time ago and saw some of it appreciate over the years. He even says it made him survive the most difficult times of his life. He sold some of it during the Asian financial crisis. The place has got Duldulao's, Tony and Joel Mahilum, Angel Cacnio, the works of Ang Kiukok, Manansala and a lot of other national artists. The dream - is to actually have a place to showcase art by Filipino artists in a venue which you can say is - neutral ground. Caballete is the Spanish term for easel which artists use to put their canvass in. Like it, he would want it to be a cradle for Filipino art, for artists - of different generations. 

One of my favorites during that launch is this very detailed ornate painting that looks like real crochet work in canvass. This is by Tess Duldulao, who did it using pastel, much like a colored version of charcoal pencils. Her husband did a lot of books too in Philippine art.

He attributes putting up the gallery on his passion to collect art pieces, his eye in spotting a good one, of which happened since the late 80's. He worked then in Makati, the art trade scene was booming in Greenhills' "Allegria", a gallery that houses art pieces that he got on a lay away basis. He took time to go there right after trading time because he loved them all so much. He also thought about what pieces he could have as investment. He got more, pretty much until he had no walls left to hang them. Some of them could later on sold as much as 10 times of its original price. He thought of retiring and do this on a regular basis. The location might feel off to some and prefer some place like a mall. People don't know though how much overhead cost it would have and pass it on to collectors later on. It'll be better to put the artists on the pedestal rather than the middle men. He doesn't believe there's justice in doing that and make the artist poor. They now are making art more accessible in some way because it'll be very easy to purchase pieces without getting overpriced.

Another thing is, they want to make it a place for people to grow interest in art by having workshops taught by the masters themselves later on too. Whatever medium, not a formal school, just to spend time here and drawing your own masterpieces by the best people who can do it. This is in the pipeline and probably be done during Fridays. They'll also invite musicians so people would get more inspired. Hopefully the community wouldn't be just known for spare parts and spa's later on. This is his hope.

This one was from Father and Son. The one above was done by Tony Mahilum (+) while his son did this one below. Joel almost had the same color palette, cleaner I think and you can see the workmanship in the details. I learned that the younger Mahilum only does Filipino good traits on his work, really impressive.

Ang Kiukok, he does really good black artsy pieces, almost on the gory side.
Loved the Manansala sketch on paper. This one probably would cost an arm, leg, a kidney and half a lung.

The gallery also houses some really good artwork from Filipinos based elsewhere, Australia, France, US, of which he finds really good ones too. There are real up and coming artists in the Philippines too that he is starting to invest on as well, if you're going to have something to save up on and thinking of art pieces to be your medium rather than buying stocks, it'll feel good because you can appreciate it rather than just looking at numbers.

Part of his goal is eventually also featuring shows in the future. If you want to learn about it and start your own collection, you can probably visit the place and start now. Be patient too and look it up, read, make your own judgement which you see would be a good thing to have in the future. Something that you might haven't seen, felt a connection with or heard before might be the next artistic genius. The time to get their work would be now, and perhaps you too would get to piece together your own puzzle. You need to build your own collection and see how it'll appreciate and go after a few years. Come visit them at 111-A Kamias Street Barangay Malaya 4 in Quezon City. They are just in front of a Shell Gasoline Station perpendicular to Kasingkasing across the street. Almost 5 blocks away from Edsa, Manila's main thoroughfare.

The place is open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Call them 02 945-2573 or 0927 2600470. You may also get in touch with them through if you have inquiries with any of the pieces there. Oh by the way, they have a restaurant just up stairs and we'll talk about that in just a bit!


For more information about their pieces:
Caballete Artists Gallery
Caballete Artists Gallery
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