Matteo Guidicelli Saving For the Big Day: Endorses the Sun Life Prosperity Card

Friday, August 19, 2016

"A future with endless possibilities, I want every Filipino to have that! This is why I want people to learn more about Sun Life Assent Management. Sun Life is someone I believe in, a chance to make Filipinos invest, make it grow starting from a card and have a financial advisor guide you how to do it. I believe in the products that I endorse. I enjoyed doing different roles, to be in Dolce Amore I was happy with what the role brought me. Their feedback is okay, when I died they felt sad for me, even the bashers. I want to have substance and meaning to every role. I had two weeks of training for Iron Man, I hope I can break that next year. We can blame Sarah a little haha! I'm also going to have a concert in Cebu, entitled Matteo Made in Cebu on November 18, hope you watch it! Sun Life has been increasing accounts here an they are putting in funds regularly. You can enroll BDO accounts and automatically invest in our peso funds, like auto deduction. It's a good way of starting your investments. This year has been a life changing one, I opened my new restaurant in Cebu and my sister is managing that. I also have Bigbang Productions, I don't want to be fast, but everything is in preparation for that big, special, day! I think I found the one, it will just take a few more years, I'm lucky I have a Dad that is strict and warns me if I over spend. I have anothe professional helping me invest, being with Ms. Charo, Piolo, Juday with me, I was honored! I was surprised, I know I'm gonna be honest with what I do." -Matteo Guidicelli

Sunlife Asset Management Company Incorporated (SLAMCI) believes that for any Filipino to become a smart investor and financial freedome, they need to grow their money through financial education and mutual funds. Filipinos need to become protected, and they've got 11 different funds to choose from depending on your investment behavior. It can be done with as little as 5 thousand pesos. It can be returned with 23 percent, growing more than regular time deposits as it is the better and good way to do investing. This is where they introduce the SUN LIFE Prosperity Card.

Ms Mylene Lopa of Sun Life says they've got a new "Money 4 Life" Campaign to encourage Filipinos to have a financial plan as 9/10 Filipinos really lack this. Sun Life has been here for 120 years and they don't want to see that. They've got products for every need, a single person, those with kids, or just retired, we all have phases in life that needs plans to serve us. We need everything to be designed with plans with Sun Life has for us. They want to break the financial 

Matteo Guidiccelli adds that he represents the millenials, one that have different priorities. 8/10 of them seem to want to experience life rather than earn money. The credit card empowers them but seem not to know that it is credit. They don't have a grasp of how this disconnects with the reality that it is not property, putting them into debt quite early. They have to allocate their spending plan to emergency funds, start growing their money early and get them to invest while they're young. They need financial security, the earlier they prepare, the better. 

Yna Fuentes of Sun Life says "The Prosperity Card has been here this year. People have already made spending a habit to more tangible items, they need to revolutionize mutual funds and have that reacheable. This is the first mutual fund investment card in the country. It is a prepaid investment card and is available at 5,000 pesos. We want this card to be used open an account in the Peso denominated funds, whether you are conservative or aggressive, you can give this to your loved ones. Instead of giving them toys or dresses, you can start them young in investing. You are giving them the gift of prosperity, you can get it at or 8 of out financial stores. You can buy them from 3,000 financial advisors and you just need to sign up investment forms and an ID. can analyze your financial behavior just by answering a few questions, you can use this to open an account there or use it as a cheque if you've got an existing one. We encourage you to fill this up or juts ask an advisor. You can start your journey now, to help each other to make every Filipino feel that financial freedom"

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Quezon Is Home

This August marks another year to celebrate "Buwan ng Wika", celebrating the country's national language. Did you know that this was put into law during the time of Manuel Quezon? We actually owe a lot to this man and obviously for the great things he's done for the country including our independence from the US. 

Just this morning, I was among the few people invited to the unveiling of this gorgeous Fernando Amorsolo painting of Manuel Quezon at the Manuel L. Quezon University Campus in Quezon City. That might be a mouthful, but it's an honor bestowed a great man and rightfully so or we all wouldn't be where we are today without him. 

The event was graced by MLQU Executives, Directors, officials, and former Speaker of the House Sonny Belmonte. He's my congressman too and I've been a QC boy all my life. It just is different when you see the actual painting, it's like taking something that is rightfully supposed to be here. 

A man that has been honored here and around the world, his body lies in the Quezon Memorial Shrine, but his legacy continues. Bringing home this paintig of the great man to the MLQU Graduate School was just the rightful thing to do. MLQU just transferred this from Manila Campus, to it's new home in Quezon City. I think they are transferring everything here in a few years time. It's an offshoot of MLQU's success and they have the student population has doubled this year. Improvements are also being felt in professional schools, graduate school this semester. This is a mark of their cooperation with various institutions and industries.

Bloomberg has also been offering business courses, local and international business programs, all competency based and will in the end have Bloomberg certificates upon finishing the course. They have been active in doing these for professionals, a lot of companies do this with Bloomberg terminals and they have signed an agreement with MLQU the Bloomberg laboratories open to all that wishes to enhance their qualifications now that people are competing with other countries.

They see the need to compete with that. They will have equivalency programs too. MLQU will offer these programs with international qualifications, getting all these degrees in 4-5 years. They are planning to do this with the thought of being the Harvard of Asia. So for those looking for further studies, they're just here at MLQU beside the MRT Station in Kamuning QC. This is in cooperation with East West Educational Specialists. This is good news. They also have real estate management certifications soon as they partnered with CREBA. MLQU will be tapping Engineering, Academe and everything else soon and not just concentrating in Law which is their primary course. The drive to get their students quality and relevant education. 

They are just starting. 

Fresh Blogs Fast

New Nivea Men Products for Sensitive Skin

Hi there! I'm John. No, you're not looking at a Gorilla, you're not looking at a Chimpanzee either. That's me growing 2 days worth of facial hair. It's genes, and I grew up having this since I was in college. At first it was actually cool, you learn to live with it. How did that happen? I don't know. To tell you honestly, it calls for a regimen that you need to follow almost every other day... otherwise people will start to suddenly give you bananas randomly out on the streets, wherever you are.

Funny I know, but it's a struggle. You won't look presentable when you need to. It's so fast sometimes that you can't keep up. You need products that would be able to take care of your skin too because underneath all that fur LOL, still is your skin!

These days, you can't just use soap and water when you're shaving. You'll easily get those nicks, cuts and bumps when you don't take this seriously. For sensitive skin, Nivea Men has come out with a line that's got 0% alcohol so you won't get that stinging feeling when you do shave. That's good news for those who hate that burning feeling. We don't need to suffer! The Nivea Men Cooling Shaving Gel has just got the right amount of coldness on the skin, like a winter breeze, soft not harsh.

One rule to keep your skin the way it is right now, is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. If you don't follow this, you're bound to get your skin damaged, be rough, and you'll look old. You're still young but you'll look like a raisin, we wouldn't want that to happen do we? Nivea Men's Cooling Moisturizer is just going to make you feel refreshed, not sticky, a thing that should have been happening since Day 1. This is new, developed for men, so why not use it instead of ones that are primarily designed for women in general. Makes sense? I thought so.

Before going to bed, never use anything harsh on your skin but remember to always clean it up with newly formulated Nivea Men Face Wash. This isn't soap, so you don't complicate the chemical components of your skin, nor does it dry out. You still have to have natural oils there but not the dirty kind. Don't even think of sleeping with cosmetics on, even powder, it'll just clog your pores and make things worse. Imagine a zit living under your beard or mustache, that will be one painful shave pretty soon.

Now you have something to look forward to when you go shopping at Watsons or retail stores nationwide. Men should have Nivea Men products, sensitive ones included. You deserve to shave and look good right?!

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Smart Bro Invites You to UFC 202 Viewing Party!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

I was in Skinny Mikes a few months ago to watch UFC 200 live  with fellow fight fans and the Smart Brokada! It was so good to be in a testosterone laden room as we watched the matches live, streamed on large screens, as everyone cheered on their favorite athletes. 

Cool thing is, they also gave away perks to the first 20 people who got to watch there, plus free first few bottles of beer too. This time, they're planning to give UFC FIGHT NIGHT MANILA Tickets or an iPad Mini 2 for Smart Bro subscribers. Smart Bro Subscribers of course get in for FREE, if that doesn't make you happy I dunno what will. This will happen this Sunday at August 21, 2016, Sunday at 8am. The place gets packed quite fast so  if I were you I'd definitely go in early.

I am rooting for Mc Gregor, how about you? :)

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