Power Mac Center and ADAM elements at the 21st Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I was invited to go to a trip up north for the 21st Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta with some of my blogger friends to try out one of Power Mac Center's best selling products, a brand called ADAM elements. I'm an iPhone user since they discontinued the Blackberry, so it's quite a long time already since I've had my iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. As a blogger, I've taken thousands of photos, tons of videos too because of my coverages and you know I would suffer in storage because of that. I've been surviving using 2 16GB phones because I have fast LTE connection courtesy of Smart Communications (which I am super thankful for) where I upload my media real time so my phone won't get full. Sometimes, I couldn't still delete some of the files on my phone because I blog on it too and need the photos to be posted on my @kumagcow instagram account fast. 

This is the 32GB iKlips DUO+ which I used during the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, it was easy to transfer files and take photos because you don't have to worry about storage.
This is the iKlips DUO which I won in the raffle, and now it's part of my life.

I've been looking for  a solution for my storage problems but I couldn't really find the one that would be easy to carry around and connect to my laptop when I need to. ADAM elements took us to take photos of the Hot Air event and had us compete with our co-bloggers to see who could whip up an excellent shot without worrying about storage using iKlips (the app), iKlips Duo (first generation hot swappable storage) and iKlips Duo+ (which I had that afternoon). I actually had the capability of putting all my old files on it and making an experiential video about the trip, so here you go and enjoy!

I actually had 4 entries in mind and wanted an element of humans in it. This one was for the German Balloon, pulled by men who worked so early in the morning before the lift off around 7ish.

An element of love, there were tons of brides and grooms who did their prenup in the venue.

This was the ceremonial first fire, done by the Captain himself

My photo entry called TRINITY. It won me an iPAD2 from POWER MAC CENTER!
I would like to take this bit and thank POWER MAC CENTER for bringing us to Clark Pampanga, thank you also to ADAM elements who gave us an experience using the iKlips DUO and DUO+ storage (one of which I won in the raffle! Thank you!). Also, thank you to the fine people of 21st Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta aka Ms. Millet who gave us Media Passes for the event. Thank you for changing my life ADAM elements!


For more information about their products:
ADAM Elements
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website


Meant To Be at Enchanted Kingdom

Having been able to meet them in their past projects was good enough, but seeing them together in one place was even awesome. We spend the afternoon exchanging graces, them telling the stories of their individual characters and just about their daily life being part of the show. 

Meant to Be is one of the most highly rated show on GMA and they did this small event so they could thank their most loyal fans and take them to Enchanted Kingdom. The meet and greet ended with a great show where stars Barbie Forteza, Ken Chan, Ivan Dorschner, Jak Roberto, Addy Raj and the whole cast (less Ms. Manilyn Reynes) took some time off their busy schedules and sang, serenaded and even performed dance numbers for the fans and the EK riding public so they could give back for all the love they gave MTB.

Here's our interview with the main cast, enjoy!

Here they are giving you reasons why you should watch the show!


For more information about their artists:
Official GMA Artist Center
Official GMA Artist Center
Like them on Facebook

Visit their official website


#NoFilter selfie with Vivo V5 Plus

Saturday, February 11, 2017

There are tons of people who always use the hashtag #NoFilter on their social media posts but look like plastic already because of the tons of filters they use just to look good. It's cringeworthy, but forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. Now it's actually possible, Vivo introduced the V5 Plus. Dubbed as the Perfect Selfie Phone, it boasts of a 20 MP front camera making it the most capable phone to take vividly sharp photos of this magnitude, a first in the world!

They got tips to make it even better and I'm sure you'll all get to relate. 

Natural Light - If you want more natural looking photos, make sure you have ample amount of NATURAL light. It's the best light source, from warm to cold, it's not too harsh and you could take lovely shots so easy it'll be like clockwork. Oh yes, they can also do it at night without that much noise on the output.

Fix Your Brows and Hair - You would look sad and messy if you don't. It's easy takes only a few minutes and remember, it's the details that count.

Pick A Nice Background - You want to be the center of attention, so don't shoot on places that look like a war stricken country if you can. Make sure it's not too busy, it'll distract people and you wouldn't want that to happen right?

Choose The Right Angle - Look fat in front and a a little thinner by turning to the side and choosing the right angle. By rule, it's on your 30-45' angle and it does wonders for those who are on the little plump side. It goes the same for the face too so make sure you make it a habit to play around in your room's mirror. Oh and if all else fails, wear black! It fools people.

Smile - It changes the mood of the shot, be it with teeth, or closed for a more mysterious smile. Or if you wanna do it angry, it'll take pounds off your face. Trust me on that. LOL

If you wanna know more about the VIVO V5 Plus Phone just go to VivoGlobal.PH or their page Facebook.com/VivoPhil. Follow them too @vivophil on IG and on Twitter.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Enrique Gil and Liza Soberano for My Ex and Whys

We're at the My Ex and Whys blogcon today with the cast, the director and the young writers of the film. Talking to the writer Jancy Nicolas first, he says the story was made for this generation and social media, even blogging is included in this fresh approach by Direk Cathy. They even made www.myexandwhys.ph as a microsite for everything about the film and got official book published as "The Book of Bakits". The infamous line by Liza Soberano was explained and he said "It was hard to imagine for Liza to say those lines for obvious reasons and perhaps the rawness could get away with it because we all go throught that, asking those questions are quite normal after a breakup."

P.S. Enrique and Liza will be at SM Manila and Fairview Terraces this weekend and they know how busy they will be!

Direk Cathy quirps "Liza was different back then, she was nervous, she was a black canvass and needed direction. Now she's matured, different, she's learned a lot in 2 years. Quen was already an actor prior to me directing him. I was in ASAP a few years ago, Enrique was there but he had his tounge twisted, but he was already good back then. Now they have a lot of experience, and their willingness to learn, the willingness to take emotion and new characters, it was just right to have them in this film. I like LizQuen because they are open, they are giving, and they don't tell off anyone even the artists."

Enrique (even if he's under the weather) says "Direk Cathy is very deep, I felt we had fun in this project because she's inspired while we were doing this. We could feel how we could work with her easy because now it's more personal. You take in consideration how long we have worked as a team and I use it now, it hurts more, and time is spent well in this film. When something new happens in life, it gets better. I like Korea because of the lights, like Myeongdong, so I vould wear tons of clothes, layered and eat a lot. I think I also relate more with my character because he accepts his mistakes, he mans up, even if he gets tired you move on and be more selfless if you are going to love someone.

Liza added "Working with Direk Cathy now feels like she's glowing, she's like very happy now. She lets us explore the scenes. Working with Quen, I was nervous in Forevermore, but doing this we helped each other in scenes and it's nice to see how we've grown over the years. She did a blog to reach people who got hurt like her, they're very deep and vulnerable. I would like to blog about travel, and if I was Cali it's more personal and her relationships. Shooting in Korea, I enjoyed Nami Island. I discovered that it's like so sad, you feel like you are in a movie, so gloomy and everything. I relate with Cali because of her love for her family, I'm not like her but she's interesting. I don't think anybody should be afraid when you fall in love. I try to also prove myself to a lot of people, being beautiful I appreciate that but sometimes when peope tell me I don't dance well but I'm okay because I look pretty, I try to dispell that by doing my best in everything that I do. To be honest, looks are the premier thing but you can't love someone who's ill mannered or not brainy. It's more than that, you have to get to know them personally."

Make sure you watch My Ex and Whys this coming week because they might be visiting theaters for block screenings come February 15, 2017 so don't miss it! Thanks to Dominos Pizza for the pizza (it's Liza's sponsor) and Grips too for the hair products (Enrique's sponsor). 

This is from Star Cinema!

Fresh Blogs Fast!