What's There To Like About iPhone X?

Saturday, December 09, 2017

The iPhone X has been available to consumers for a little while now, and sales are going well. Despite a great deal of concern over the fact that the phone comes with a $1,000 price tag, Apple customers appear to be willing to pay. The iPhone X is selling well already and is expected to break sales records over the course of the next year, according to some accounts. So it seems that once again, Apple has proven that it sets the bar in mobile technology. While a $1,000 iPhone X is certainly not an every man’s phone, it still seems to be the new gold standard in smartphones.

But why are consumers taking to such an expensive phone so quickly and enthusiastic? What is there to like about the iPhone X that its competitors (including even Apple’s own iPhone 8 and 8-Plus) don’t have? These appear to be some of the biggest draws.

It’s Apple’s Best

This might be enough for people to trust (and buy) this phone. As much as other companies like Samsung and Google like to advertise that they’re actually leading the way in mobile technology, and as big as the consumer base is for Samsung in particular, it’s still true that Apple is the company most of us look to for innovation in this space. Apple brought us the original iPhone and has since become the biggest tech company in the world – so, naturally, the best Apple phone at any given point is going to be a big deal. From a specifications perspective, the iPhone X is that phone. It’s faster, clearer, and more powerful than any other device Apple has ever put out, and arguably than any other phone on the market. So while this isn’t a specific feature, it may be the most important point.

Face ID Is Impressive

In case you haven’t looked into iPhone X details yet, it’s important to know that Apple has abandoned its home button with this device. That means Touch ID (the fingerprint unlocking system) is out the door as well. In its place, the iPhone X has “Face ID,” which is a system by which its front-facing camera can recognize the owner’s face, such that the phone unlocks simply when you look at it. There are some concerns that this is actually a less secure system, as it was famously tricked by masks just days after the phone was released. For the average user, however, it’s an awesome and convenient feature (and it’s not as if many people around you have iPhone-tricking masks handy). As many have remarked, there’s something almost futuristic about seeing a phone recognize you and open itself up.

It’s Built For New Games

The iPhone X’s potential in augmented reality is perhaps its most overlooked feature. This is simply because other phones, including the iPhone 8, can also work with AR. But none have a display to match that of the iPhone X, nor the screen-to-phone ratio that makes something like AR animation look all the more impressive. Now consider where this new technology is probably going. An article looking at how virtual reality will change gaming may have had the best statement on the matter, suggesting that a single good idea could spark a trend, leading to a magnificent bloom in creativity. We’re already seeing this play out in AR. What was merely a concept months ago has become a whole portion of the app store, and it’s still in its infancy. AR is undoubtedly the future of mobile game, and the iPhone X does it best. For many people, the appeal may be that simple.

Animojis Are Fun (Seriously)

Animojis are ordinary, animated emojis that happen to be able to move, talk, sing, and even imitate the facial expressions of a phone’s owner. People are having a ton of fun with them already, to the point that Apple has started using them in advertisements. In particular, it’s “animoji karaoke” that seems to be taking off, such that some are calling it the best thing about iPhone X. That might seem ridiculous when we’re talking about such an expensive and sophisticated device, but it’s worth remembering that people like to have fun with their smartphones. This is a messaging trend that only the iPhone X is capable of, and that’s going to drive sales.


Join JBL Live with Stephen Curry

Friday, December 08, 2017

The holidays seem to be not over yet at the most popular wireless brand and manufacturer of superior speakers give you another reason to buy with the JBL Live with Stephen Curry promo. The Golden State Warriors superstar and NBA phenom will be playing at the Oracle Arena on February 10, 2018. 

The only thing you have to do is purchase speakers from November 13 to January 7, 2018 in all participating JBL, Harman Kardon and AKG stores and get their participating products in single receipt purchases. You'll get 1 raffle coupon if you purchase 5K below, get 2 if you purchase 5K to 10K, get 3 raffle coupons if you get 10K-15K, 4 if you get 20-30K, and 5 if you go over that. That means the more you purchase products in their stores, the closer to that US trip you're going to be. You'll also get reserved seating at the Oracle Arena, a round trip airfare, and hotel accomodations. Isn't that a good thing to win?

Winners will be drawn on January 15, 2018 at the JBL office in Quezon City and will be announced in their channels. Make sure you follow their FB page JBL Philippines and their IG and Twitter accounts @jblph because it's all going to be posted there too! 

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Holiday Cheers from My POPE Philippines

I saw these two issues of My POPE Philippines on the table and I have a few people in mind already who would appreciate this as gifts for Christmas. You see, this magazine has been launched in the Philippines just recently by Indochine Media Philippines and will be releasing it monthly. The content as you may probably feel is meant to be a source of inspiration for readers of all walks of life and feature our current Pope Francis. This media conglomerate is based in Singapore but finding out how passionate the Filipinos were during the Pope's visit in the Philippines, they were just astounded with how we had been able to receive him during that time and yes it's not entirely about the Pope per se but more on stories of positivity, of great hope, stories, small miracles that may have changed countless lives here and around the world. The December issue is a bundle and will be issued with My POPE Kids, I won't be surprised if this ends up in your friend's Christmas list as it's available in National Bookstore, Fully Booked stores, Powerbooks, 7-Eleven and bookstands, supermarkets, newstands across the country for only Php 85. This mag was also inspired and adapted from the Italian magazine Il Mio Papa, which has been highly successful in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria, so they've planned to put up an office in the Philippines two years ago, now it's a reality.

Ms. Tata Mapa the Editor in Chief says "People are actually surprised that this is a monthly magazine, but he's a rockstar and his appeal is really down to earth. He can go down to where you are and inspire people. We jump off from the Italian version and the material will have local features so it becomes relevant in the country. Not just to put him on a pedestal, we can be like him too. Regular people who live extraordinary lives. They approached me a couple months ago and two things I asked was was will I meet the Pope and why a magazine? I know the reality right now is that magazines are closing down, but this is such a unique magazine, you can really find something each day that you will be happy about and know that in print you just have the right title, the way we make these articles are very different and when you read it, you'll feel happy, very transformative. You find ways to uplift yourself and your spirit. When I asked Cardinal Tagle about it, he says not enough people talk about the Pope, talk about the good things, inspirational stories about everyday heroes to show people that normal ones can be heroes. Cardinal was just in a Barong, we got shocked but he's like a normal person that talks to you like a friend. This isn't just a Catholic magazine but it's him as a person. Interview people that got to interact with him. On why a lot of people like him, and find less stress, positivity to remind us, to guide us. Not only just for Catholics, but for everyone, for all walks of life. The aspects of faith and positivity, it is for everyone. We also have My Pope Kids which comes free with the magazine and put learnings about values made a pretty playful way. To focus more on spending time with your children, there are ways to instill things for children."

She adds "We want to have small things, stories that would help our readers day become a better day. When we're caught up in things, we can pull back and see things that there's always a solution. Learnings that would be woven into editorial and articles that we create. This is a lifestyle magazine, it is for anyone that loves Pope Francis, it's why we talk to people and talk to you so people would know it's different."

Associate Editor for MY POPE Ms. Stephanie Jecena says "The younger ones are going back yo paper, in a way that they want to hold something, seeing them in book launches that are young. I have high hopes of reviving the print industry, very unique in content. We want to capture what to say in that month to communicate what we are trying to say in a magazine. Not a niche but we know how to convey what we need to say to them. The thing is we also have readers that have the need to share their story, we have good vibes everyday because we also get inspired. I personally try to become a better person, to find things that you can be thankful for, to just pause and think about it, put yourself in a good place and change your mood."

Ms. Rina Lareza, the Distribution Director for My Pope Philippines says "We are planning to cover the supermarkets, all places nationwide and establish the logistics part and printinng about 50,000 to spread the good news. If you want to give it as a gift in free delivery in major cities, text or call 09177111818. If you want to also be a dealer, they can accomodate you, organizations and earn a little so just gwt in touch. We can also be emailed at subscription@mypope.com.ph. Each issue costs Php 85 only, cheaper if you do it in 3-6-12 months too."

It looks like a positive year is about to happen with the things My Pope Philippines is bringing you. Indochine Media Philippines is also gearing towards having other titles that are distributed in other countries and have them here. It's already in the pipeline but from the looks of it, this already looks good.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Golden Fiesta Heart Healthy Camp at BGC

Thursday, December 07, 2017

I don't normally go super early mornjng events but I felt a Sunday walk wouldn't be that bad with these guys and gals. Just recently, Golden FIesta held the Golden Fiesta Heart Health Camp at the 30th Park in Taguig so early dwellers from all around BGC and nearby places had the chance to work out with real deal fitness coaches and fitness driven celebrities. 

I saw Ana Roces, Anton Del Rosario, Jun Macasaet, Sam Ajdani paired up and were pitted against each other in activities in time trials to see who wins in the workout regimens that the coaches prepared for them that morning.

They were also joined by newly revived boyband 1:43 and whisked away by Solenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico as they went head to head complete with trash talk in a funny energetic mood that morning. I would vote Nico for president after that morning's activities.

Earlier, Golden Fiesta Canola Ool also had nutritionists, medical experts and their sales representatives took time to also join the program while Chefs showed hearty healthy meals and prepared it with Golden Fiesta Canola Oil which is a healthier alternative to your usual cooking oil. 

We've been Facebook friends forever since Philippine Fashion Week days but Sam Ajdani looks so good in person. He also is part of Nico Bolzico's team who eventually won the time trials. Congratulations guys!

The event was open to the public and aside from getting their eyes full with the stars and models, they also got a treat from Golden Fiesta Canola Oil because they also had FREE body BMI assesment right there at the venue. They also had nutritionists as consultants so they could prepare healthy meals and tell them good news about the lovely benefits of phytoresol that reduces the bad cholesterols in the body. :)

Now isn't that nice? Well they're also doing this in other places in the metro so if you want to catch it please go to the Nutriasia or Golden Fiesta Facebook page because it's all there!

Fresh Blogs Fast!