James Reid and Nadine Lustre for Never Not Love You

Saturday, March 17, 2018

It looks like James Reid and Nadine Lustre is back. Fresh from their highly successful concert in Smart Araneta Coliseum called JADINE REVOLUTION, they are doing it on the big screen with NEVER NOT LOVE YOU. The screenplay and direction is done by blockbuster maker Antoinette Jadaone and is produced by their mother studio Viva Films and newbie San Joaquin Projects.

JaDine is also taking you overseas with this one as most of it is shot in London in the UK. You know they’ve done quite good during On The Wings Of Love and on this one, you’ll see JaDine portray the role of Gio, who’s a graphic designer, and Joanne a Management Trainee. They’ll be telling a story with ups and downs, how they eventually fell apart and perhaps start a new one. They already have successful films in the past like Diary ng Panget, but judging from the trailer alone on Viva Films channel, this talks of more hurt, more intense conflicts, hoping in the end that their love survives.

James says “Our relationship is more matured. For me love helps me grow, it depends on the person you’re with. Remember we started out as friends so we really began with a foundation. This film will be a little bit matured and might not be watched by young ones because of the language. It’s experimental, it’s what Antoinette Jadaone wants to happen, it depends on where the lines would go. Gio is a go with the flow kind of guy, I know our fans will watch this movie, I am 100 percent sure. We want them to see something different, this will be more real, raw, we know how things happen now, it’ll all be a little bit fearless. I don’t see myself as a millennial, more like an old soul. Direk is very young, she asks us through improv so we had to collaborate. Next project for me is Pedro Penduko. Like in the movie, they had to be apart in order to grow.”

Nadine Lustre says “Love can be romantic, for friends and family, love that I get from them is just beautiful, I became a better person because of it. In this relationship I learned a lot, and I am treasuring that. I actually got sick when we shot in London and we were a bit pressed in time. We had actors, we got permits to shoot there. We also hired professionals for bit players and even shot organic. To be real. I guess relationships are different in every couple, ours is very open minded. It’s not much of an issue for us. This is not a series, what we say and do here will be forever. The difference is how we did it, most are done on improv so it’s different from our past projects. I’ll be doing The Nurse which is a suspense horror type of a project, so we’re doing a lot with separate projects after this.”

This movie NEVER NOT LOVE YOU will be shown on theatres starting Black Saturday, March 31, 2018. I bet this will be good, I know how much the JaDine Universe miss these two!

I miss them too actually. :)

Fresh Blogs Fast!

TPB Supports Film Tourism with Cine Turismo

Thursday, March 15, 2018

We’ve got the best islands, the best people, the best tourist spots which can be found only in the Philippines. Now it’s hard to actually carry the mountains and put the beaches inside bottles to actually showcase them, so the best alternative is give them something that they can see.

This is Cine Turismo, a new campaign that would capture the interest of Filipinos and our foreign friends. The destinations, historical and cultural landmarks will all be included in these chosen films which will be promoted by the tourism promotions board under its COO Cesar Montano. They also gave recognition to those who have been showcased in 2016 and 2017. They are also pushing for the passing of the Film Tourism Bill SB 1330 to create more jobs in production, grow the economy and promote the culture.
Among those recognized were Sakaling Hindi Makarating, Lakbay2Love, Camp Sawi, Patay Na Si Hesus, Apocalypse Child, Siargao, Requited, Kiko Boksingero and international films Mango Tree by Lee Soo Song and Romantic Island by Cheol Woo Kang.
Cesar Montano says “There is a lot of potential in our movies and film tourism is growing in the country. People have great interest once they’ve been shown on film and it has boosted local and international tourism in tourist spots. I am confident we can do more this year!”

For more information about these films, visit their official website www.tpb.gov.ph.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

EX Battalion Signs With RRJ

You’ve heard their songs being played in every nook and cranny in the Philippines especially with the young ones who feel and relate to their lyrics, who am I talking about? It’s EX BATTALION. The rap group just signed with popular shirt and jeans brand RRJ and they have a lot of plans for the group now that they are now endorsing the brand.

Patrick of RRJ says “We are excited with EX BATALLION and you know how popular they are right now. We believe in their talent, we believe in them. Music Videos, billboards, possibly meet and greets. We will have ad campaigns for them.”

Ms Aiai says “Thank you RRJ for making them your endorsers, we are extremely happy for you to trust us. Hopefully in God’s grace this is just a start, seeing them on a billboard I feel like a stage Mom. They will have a tour in the US so they also have to have physical cd’s as the Filipinos in the US will have that. So expect that later this year.”

Ex Batallion says “Now that we have people who believe in us, we are very happy that they choose to sponsor us, they came at the right time. We feel we made it, we felt we have the potential and very thankful that my brothers in EX BATALLION will be suited up by RRJ.”

“Our swag, color coordination, that’s all going to be seen in our fashion collaboration with RRJ. We will have limited edition items which we will be working with them soon. We want to make our name right, we talk about it, we don’t want to fight. We started in an amateur rap contest, knew each other, we were in different groups but happen to know each other so we formed as Ex members of previous groups. I was skeptic that when Aiai found us on social media, she called us and it was legit. We sang and got 1 Million views, then we got booked left and right after seeking help with Ms Aiai. That’s when it all started. Way back then we didn’t know who will appreciate our songs, we previously had explicit lyrics and it was a challenge for us to make more wholesome songs.

Their members uttered “We have haters, we know, but they are the reason why we are doing our best. Now that we are here, we even have more, but it’s okay we’re getting the fruits of our labor. We also didn’t have help with our videos back then, but now with everyone’s help we have people who watch our videos. They now see us as artists and it’s a good thing with the situation of the Philippine rap scene. It’s hard to make music without a video because it makes everything interesting. Now we are thankful that people are offering their help, especially Ms Aiai. We just asked for help and everything fell into place. It was nothing about money for her, we wanted to stay independently produced. But she did it out of her heart to help us and we just felt she was the right fit to be our manager. We think we will prioritize digital first.”

Stay tuned with what they will be doing in the next few months as Ms Aiai Delas Alas and RRJ has a lot in store for them. They will be very visible in shows, locally and internationally.

You can really dream no?

Fresh Blogs Fast!

TOFARM Announces Festival Director, New Category

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

TOFARM Film Festival 2018 has just announced their new festival director that will not replace former Maryo J Delos Reyes but rather continue his legacy in this one of a kind film festival that aims to uplift the plight of farmers. They have already proven the caliber of their work as it has won festivals left and right, both local and international just this past year. They have harvested a lot as TOFARM and people behind their films create Filipino film masterpieces and showcase these to stakeholders, everyone who would take interest in their plight and how they would tell the stories in these medium. Their theme this year is Tribute to Life: Parating Na which connotes a better life and expecting a great return for the hardships they’ve been through specifically for the agriculture and farming industry. They will also introduce a new category for short films so they can get up and coming, non professional film makers to take up the challenge and create stories with the theme “Slice of Life”.

Philanthropist and EVP of Universal Harvester Inc. Dr. Milagros How says “It’s so nice to see you and share with you what TOFARM Film Festival has this 2018. In the untimely passing of Maryo J, many of you were asking what would happen to this festival, well we will continue with our new advisers and consultants. We have Bibeth Orteza, our consultant Laurice Guillen who unfortunately couldn’t be here right now and Direk Joey Romero, so TOFARM is definitely alive. We can only expect the best. The TOFARM Film Festival Director, Direk Bibeth Orteza, our Managing Director Joey Romero. Cheers to farmers all over the Philippines and cheers to the Filipino Film industry!”

Bibeth says “I am here because I am a grand daughter of a farmer, the films of my childhood, titles that have been familiar for me. I saw Direk Maryo last Christmas and he told me I should be here. This opportunity and privilege to serve the farmers is just a good thing. The roi will be 50/50 between TOFARM and the filmmaker. The shortfilm competition will be for entries 1-10minutes long.”
Sir Joey Romero says “Our achievement dinner was a few weeks before Maryo J passed away. We talked about how Ms How was so passionate about this film festival - and now I am part of it.”

Ms Bibeth also adds “The deadline will be April 20, 2018 and will be sent to the TOFARM Secretariat. 7 finalists will be announced on May 23, 2018. Each will be given Php 1,500,000 which will be given in three tranches (Php 500,000) then the director can solicit funds to augment costs for the film. It must be about a Farmer, livestock raiser, fisher folk, or anything related to agriculture. We are also going to have a TOFARM Short Film Competition.”

Joey Romero also explained the short film category and says “The short film competition, will have 7 finalists. It will be shot entirely on a cellphone, the period of submission will be the same, professionals cannot join. It will be announced on September 12-18. They can have a maximum of 2 entries but only one will be a finalist. You can win Php 50,000 and a high end mobile phone as grant if you get chosen.”

For all interested parties, please visit their website www.tofarm.org and download the competition forms, fill it up and follow the instructions. My friends and I are going to try our luck in the short film category, because WHY NOT? We could get the chance to win too. They also plan to distribute and showcase their films to schools and special screenings nationwide, so stay tuned!

Fresh Blogs Fast!