You've never seen McJim this way. The popular Filipino leather goods brand has been imposing itself in the lifestyle accessories market utilizing local crafted products while looking world class, I can't say I'm surprised.
I have personally used leather bags, wallets, belts in the past and true enough, they have lasted years for me. The secret I think is the classic design, things that do not age or go out of style even if it's not in season. It's things that still match your wardrobe even if you wear something funky, something crazy, sexy, cool or classy. It's the ability to look good regardless of your mood swings, because it can stand on it's own.
McJim leather belts on the other hand comes with brown, modern black and reversible buckles, so you don't even have to make an effort to wear similar clothing, no matchy matchy themes because it can adapt to your style no matter how much you change tops or bottoms throughout the day.
I recently also changed wallets and even if I paid a little less than branded ones, I know my black McJim wallet would last a long time. In the looks department, I know I'm not shortchanged at all becaus I've always known that the Filipino brand McJim has always been world class.
Didn't you feel that when you had one? I'm sure you do!
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