Halloween Fun at Ayala Ferndale Homes

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I had a lot of fun a few days ago at Ayala Ferndale Homes in Quezon City. For those who don't know, this is an exclusive subdivision for the more affluent people in the metro so when we got an invitation I packed my bags and headed over to their community at the edge of Don Mariano - Tandang Sora district in the same city.

UAAP stars and UP mainstays Juan and Javi Gomez De Liano started to learn the ropes in this village, in the community court

Honestly, there were a few more villages in the area that I've never even heard of and security is very tight. I felt it was nice to see how they celebrated Halloween and the theme this year was obviously COCO, the animated movie that talked about the day of the dead. In the past, they all did the scariest stuff and this year, they told us this is a breath of fresh air especially for the kids who they didn't want to traumatize when this occasion comes. Them doing this NaCOCOtakot theme, was just amazing!

Here's our video blog, enjoy!

Thank you so much to Ms. Sally Jo, the people who organized the event and to Homeowners Association President Atty. Felipe Cruz and his whole family (even the one who cooked the lovely lasagna!) who accommodated us into their home and community. We had a wonderful time! Thanks to Alfonso Felipe (in touching photo above) who also took time talking to us before we went home. The community surely is tight nit, the kids had so much fun and it was just a day to celebrate all that! Again, thank you for letting us experience it all in one fine day!

Thank you!


Fresh Blogs Fast!

Myrtle Sarroza Represents PH in PUBG Tourney

Blessings are pouring in for young lass Myrtle Sarroza as she begins her journey as the representative of the Philippines for Player Unknown Battle Grounds, an MMO First Person Shooting game to be hosted by OMEN by HP who previously did Overwatch World Cup tournaments with teams from around the world. The same thing is going to happen this month as teams from other countries converge in Bangkok, Thailand with 3 people that qualified also in the Philippines that would complete the 4 person team.

She has been playing for quite sometime but adore the mobile version, though she admits starting with the one on PC. There have been some adjustments because they are just not the same but she's been practicing quite a lot these days and hold up deafeating a lot of other gamers because she needs to get attuned with the PC version now that she's playing seriously too.

Myrtle already knows where her money is going too (if she wins) as she plans to spend it to treat her team out for lunch and dinner or perhaps a new gaming chair which she deems a good investment. She also is honored to represent the country in the international stage because this is the first time for any celebrity (in the country) to do so. The in game competition already got these guys filtered among thousands who joined the competition, she'll be seeing them tomorrow so they could get their startegy figured out, so for the meantime she's playing til the wee hours of the morning to play just for this. She hopes to bring honor and pride as she feels this privilege is something that isn't given to anyone.

Here's our interview with Myrtle this afternoon. Check out her gaming strategy and how she also tells us about her Halloween experience.

Now make sure you support Myrtle all the way to the finals! They stand to win 9,400 US dollars so this is something they should really be serious about. Good luck also to her team mates the Aether Dogz who will help Myrtle win this for the country. They will have to make sure they beat 20 other teams (about 100 people) and hope they don’t get in the way of these guys and gal, hope they get the crown!

Let’s play!

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Through Night and Day

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A new movie starring Paulo Contis and Alessandra de Rossi is going to be shown in theaters this November 14, 2018. This is produced by Viva Films and Octoarts Films and talks about couple Ben and Jen who went on to a journey in Iceland. This is a real change in venue, real change in scenery, so just imagine how that would look like on screen. It’s called Through Night and Day.

Their director Ronnie Velaso says “It is difficult to shoot these kind of things because of the weather, the cold was just negative levels so you can just imagine. I appreciate her inputs because as an actor it was character driven. They have really long scenes because their come backs are real and insulting, it’s like cariƱo brutal and the producers didn’t know how good it looked like on screen. I hope you help is promote this because it is good. We had so much scenes in things that you would love to see, it is expensive, each water bottle is Php150, grocery a few pieces would cost Php3,500, it is difficult getting food and traveling around. We thank you for being here, this movie is worth watching and I hope a lot of people would get to watch it.”

Paulo says “While you are young, you’re both good but you grow and change priorities. Iceland was just a place where I propose and both know each other even more. 20 years being friends and 13 years being together but you have funny, more natural things to discover with each other and hopefully it is something you’ll learn to love. We went to Iceland, to Baguio, we had different films in Octoarts, there are no new things to say because we have no limits when we are paired up and hopefully this translates to the screen. I bought something day 1 and still ate it on day 8. Alex and I are okay at work and when we meet we go no holds barred. It’s just trust and we have issues against my big ears. I am thankful they got me in this movie. I hope you get to fall in love with Ben and Jen as we have too.”

Alessandra says “Jen fails the bar twice, but one who always wants to pursue her dreams to be a lawyer. Paulo and I are okay, we had 3 hours of sleep each day and didn’t get to tour around because of work and the weather. You can feel the wind move the vans literally that it almost toppled the van while we were shooting. It is not a film you can take scenes from because it is dangerous and we had limited time. Paulo and I have been classmates in school, he bullied me a lot in the past but we made movies already, he realized I was perfect. I wrote the story and conceptualized it in my mind, Paulo added a lot and green jokes because he’s good at it. When we got there it was just so cold to write about it, so I stressed Laureen so she could write about it and my story suddenly felt boring versus what she came up with. I have my everything here, I have never been so excited about something and this it.”

Again, make sure you watch this romcom on theaters come November 14, 2018 as both of the stars promise it will be worth your while.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Senate Hopeful De Alban Pushes for Improvement of Showbiz Work Conditions

Senate Hopeful Angelo De Alban

Senatorial hopeful Angelo De Alban met with us this morning for a short meet and greet. He was apologizing because he was late as he was attending to matters about a disqualification case that was filed against him at Comelec/courts.

He says “I am a lawyer and teacher by profession, I have a lot of enemies but I have helped a lot of teachers and ordinary working class people. I was also a journalism major in the past so I have a close affinity to the media. The thing is, politics should not be partisan, I am young, about 37, only millennial who is running for office as an independent. I hope people would see me as person with the same mind, same way, as a new breed. I am not old, I have been doing law works for quite a while. I am an advocate of PWD’s and education for people with special needs. I got hurt by politicians whom we helped in the past but didn’t work on our plans for assistive needs. We hope there is active participation in government and also put a stop to TRAIN law. It wasn’t studied further to address current and immediate problems. We live day to day and do not have millions or billions of money, I am someone who wants to be independent so I could work with them both. I want bloggers and the media protected, to work with cyberbullying matters and we have to re evaluate it as it affects and regulates freedom of expression. We all age, we have to integrate also the plight of media workers. I was surprised to receive a petition indicating a very degrading remark against teachers and lawyers. They also indicate that I do not have the capacity to run a national campaign but in the age of internet you can already do all these things. We have sent our reply and I hope they read and understand the qualifications and dedication I put it to rest. I want to look for people who can relay the message, not to be fooled by looks alone and we are deliberating on who could do that and I want improvement and change. Change can be good or bad, for endorsers, we have three in mind but we are still in the process of choosing who can do what I have in mind because I have law experience and I have been doing that for years. We have a labor code but it is lacking, actors and actresses depend on the projects and can be bullied to work. If they are guaranteed not to be abused, that would be good. Government should also actively regulate it as more contracts even have long hours (ordinary working class) and talents are no different. I watch films since I was a kid and I do know a lot of them try to raise funds because they do not take care of their health early on. We have to make laws that are applicable, laws that work because it’s what the industry needs. We need actual government assistance for psychological help, it is limited and we need institutions that could handle syndromes like it.

He wants people to get to know him better. With the articles on the internet picturing him as a crazy guy who wants to run for office, meeting him practically made us see he’s a normal person like you and me. He’s just got law experience and he has work done in the pontifical university to back it up. He looks so passionate too about this, he says he has to be consistent with it and it enables him to look further to protect peoples lives because of his background.

Is it time to elect new breeds and good guys perhaps? How could they win you think? That should be something YOU as a voter should probably know, he advises we should be discerning as a people and know what’s fact and what’s not.

There you go.

Fresh Blogs Fast!