The Hard Case of Alzheimers Tonight at MMK

Saturday, December 22, 2018

I was fortunate to see Ms. Sylvia Sanchez over the weekend and got to talk to her personally. She’s one of the country’s best dramatic actress and it is evident in her past projects, notable series which we have seen over the years. Of course, her caliber is unquestionable. I have watched her son and daughter’s MMK episode last week and I must say, it is in the genes. This evening, it will be her turn, an emotional episode discussing Alzheimers disease, of dimentia and the effects of it in the family.

Aside from the queen of realistic dramas, she will also be with high caliber actor Nonie Buencamino, and the legendary actress Ms. Boots Anson Roa. Nothing much was discussed in the trailer being shown these past few days, but I bet it will be very heavy. This has family conflict, after years of not being with her family, she goes back with an ailing mother who suddenly could not remember her, or anybody for that matter. How would she be able to make amends with the issues they had in the past? How would she be able to go and get back the lost years and fix the broken relationships? How would she be able to get her to understand her feelings, or communicate if they don’t see eye to eye? When you want to make a connection but lost her in the end, not knowing if you would still find her, how would things end?

Watch the show at 8:30PM today and see the story of the Panganiban family and their struggles to live with someone who has Alzheimers. Will they find her and bring her back home?

I hope so too. This is under the direction of Nuel Naval and written by Benson Logronio and Arah Badayos.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

AURORA Gives Fright on Cinemas MMFF 2018

Thursday, December 20, 2018

I arrived a bit late on the red carpet because of holiday traffic but I am watching the AURORA premiere as this is part of the MMFF. I wanted to watch all of them but let’s just see what we can. 
I got to catch a few stars because the movie was already starting, so I only got to photograph Viva’s Yassi Pressman, the Director Yam Laranas, stars Marco Gumabao and Anne Curtis.

The film is set on an island with clear skies, crystal waters. It is certainly provincial, albeit color graded coldly with hues of blues and gray, you could tell how rural the place is as it’s shot in Batanes. The underwater scenes are give and take, some nice, some staged prolly for safety reasons, but it was convincing on some instances, some not especially on the drone cuts. The horror factor though, there are a lot of scenes for that. They took time to build up, but the injects of shock was effective. I bet this thing would get an award for musical score as they took time making that accompany the scenes, aside from the water it was a little claustrophobic. They detailed the accident that happened in this movie so you should listen to the story of Marco Gumabao’s brother in the film. They will also get you to feel how it is inside the ship, not to spoil things but the scary stuff probably is just the best part about this story.

Is it going to be worth your money? Yes, I think so. If you’re a fan of scary films this is probably what you should watch first this MMFF. Although there might be constraints in the budget for this film, it looks they spent good money on people for this film which made seeing the victims part legitimate, I also like the part where they were in a tight spot with waters rushing in on the ship. How did it end? It’s for you to find out on theaters this December 25.

This is produced by Viva Films and Aliud Entertainment. Go frighten yourself, your whole family if you want to.

Fresh Blogs Fast!

SHOPWISE Does Holiday Deliveries Through Honestbee

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

I know you’re all busy, events left and right, office work about to wrap up, reunions, meetings and family time must be the cause. Although I too am excited for this because this news is worthy to share. If you’ve been struggling to juggle your schedules, I have the best solution for you. It’s called HONESTBEE, an app you can download on Google Play and the App Store today.

I fondly remember all my trips to Shopwise because my Mom and Dad usually wait for me there while having their favorite Mongolian Bowls inside the store, it’s their favorite spot and I knew they were going to have a great time grocery shopping there because they’ve got a lot of exclusive brands, the necessities and more. It’s a little sad because we couldn’t go there anymore because we had to entertain relatives coming from overseas and the traffic is really bad. Honestbee came into my life a little over a month and a half ago. Honestly, was skeptic because I knew there was delivery and concierge chargers on top of what you buy from them, but come to think about it, I spend almost the same if not even higher for Grab or Parking Fees plus severe back pains when lifting heavy groceries. I always worry about that because I couldn’t let my Mom lift things and I’m the only strong one who could do that in my home these days, so imagine my surprise when they even waived off my delivery fees because I usually shop a lot in Shopwise.

According to Ms. Crystal Gonzalez the Managing Director of honestbee Philippines “We want to deliver to our promise of more choices for our customers when it comes to online grocery shopping. We know how important it is for people who are looking for more affordable options. This is why we now have Shopwise on our App.”

Ms. Anna Barrozo the Marketing Director of Shopwise says “We try to find solutions to provide our customers the most convenient ways to shop. Our partnership with honestbee allows us to give them access to affordable and quality goods.”

Shopwise also has imported products so you get a taste of brands such as Papa Alfredo, Sunharvest, SnapMax, Southdale Farm, French Cellar wines, Wine Makers Reserve and Red Peak of which some are exclusive only in Shopwise. 

Now I don’t have to run around like a headless chicken when scouring for ingredients of my holiday menu. I can order in advanced and schedule the delivery on the app without the need to spend for hundreds of pesos for transportation, or the effort to squeeze through the hell we call Manila traffic. 

Thanks Honestbee! I should have trusted you a long time ago!

Fresh Blogs Fast!

ANGKAS Spearheads Unity Ride in Manila

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Woke up to news that throngs of Angkas riders had a unity ride in Manila this morning so we headed to their press conference in White Plains in Quezon City. It’s a Sunday, pretty early, but I have noticed these guys who were speaking were all passionate, some angry, some are sad, definitely, they have some reasons to be like that now that there is a TRO pointed at their operations to cease and got all their riders, the riding public annoyed because among all the days they chose the busiest one in the year to do it.

Romeo Maglunsod the Chairman of Solid Manila Riders says “We earn and eat our daily meals through work provided for by this ride app and it is the government that is stopping or becoming a hindrance rather than help us. I hope it won’t be until the time where we have to explain to our kids that they will not eat today, I don’t know how to explain this to our kids and I hope you see how we both have benefited from this especially the professional riders.”

Jobert Bolano of MRO “We have been here since the rise of popularity of motorcycles. We have been in contact with riders that service far flung areas that this has been beneficial with, motor taxis are using technological advancements and safety is prioritized. To help mobilize people, motor taxis are screened, documentation, exams, skills assessments, even higher than usual international standards. On top of that, even seminars are being given and not just asking random strangers like what Habal habals do that are not regulated at all by government agencies. We have asked the government, we are not against the system but the system is against us. We have asked the congress already to act upon this model so we an answer to their call of moving people safer in our vehicles. Erring riders are rated and reported by the actual customers, higher level of progress but it always have been overlooked.”

Rod Cruz of Arangkada says “If you are an ordinary rider and you ride Habals who do not have formal training, who did you wrong, and is out of the app entirely, how can you be sure of your safety? How can you be sure of that person? Why does the government close their eyes on illegal habals and not allow safer ones out on the streets? Any form of ride can have accidents, we have been called criminals, yet we only wanted to help ease traffic in Manila.”

Ryan Rillera the President of Taguig Spartans says “What will we do with our customers who only want to get home early? What do we do with riders affected by this all? I have been working here for 2 years, to help people, especially those in a hurry, what will we do with them? We do not want illegal drivers out there to drive them home instead. We do not want them to met an accident and not be liable for anything, we are willing to be regulated, we are willing to undergo whatever the government asks us to do.”

George Royeca the Head of Regulatory and Public Affairs of Angkas days “This is the largest community ride in the country showing how safe, affordable, reliable riding a motorcycle is. We need education and we are not here to be a hindrance to anyone, we are just fighting for the rights of motorcycle riders. We will comply with the government, we will respect them, but I hope they would be sensitive to the call of these people, these families, to support an industry that has helped them, become their livelihood even if the government chooses not to. Yes there are laws that need to be passed, we are lucky to have several of them supporting our cause, we need Senators and Congressmen to have certain provisions or laws passed to the motor taxi would be back in operations and we will appeal to the Supreme Court and hope they will listen to our call. Right now we are continuously training motorcycle riders and we want to further train the whole country of riders even if they are not part of our system. That is our promise to the government and we hope together with agencies, we will have a solution to better help our riders, their families and the riding public. We hope people stop criminalizing motorcycle riding and help us support our riders.”

David Medrana Head of Operations for Angkas adds “Our current projects like the Angkas Buhay will still be implemented soon but we will prioritize what we need to do now since we have to help our riders for that cause. We are really proud of that project too.”

I guess there are still a lot of hurdles in order to make these all legal. Though I don’t ride Angkas because my head is too big for their helmets (big brain eh!), those who do benefit from this need their voices to be heard as well. We hope they become regulated, professionalized and be something of help to ease traffic in Manila, I hope you noticed it bas been hell already especially during the holidays and the brightest thing the government does is remove this transport alternative.

That bothers me. I am hopeful though they have a solution to that because if this is already helping a lot of people, they need to do their homework.

Fresh Blogs Fast!