Xian Lim and Louise Delos Reyes for HANGGANG KAILAN

Thursday, January 17, 2019

I am a KimXi fan but I’m glad both Xian Lim and Kim Chiu are doing projects separately; and being good at it. Viva Films, Saga Prefecture Film Commission, BLUART Productions and XL8 are cooperating and releasing this new film called HANGGANG KAILAN? (Until When?) directed by Bona Fajardo. The premise is, how two people would say goodbye before they call it quits in their relationship? (In one last trip) How does one really say goodbye? Interesting? I bet.

This is the story of Donnie and Kath played by Xian Lim and Louise Delos Reyes, two people who have been together for two years, but agreed to spend their last days as a couple. For 4 days and 3 nights, they are forced to stay in Saga, Japan. With picturesque landscapes and interesting cultures, they happen to know they need to be apart after the trip. If it will it happen or not, that is what you’ll see in this movie.

Bona Fajardo says “We call this as is because of the situation of the relationship. It wasn’t an accident, but they were just caught in a different place when they decided. It wasn’t planned at all. Most of the talk is made by them to explain the scene, this film had to make them do next level things.”

Xian says “We will tackle questions to ourselves, to ask if we are doing a good thing. Louise didn’t talk much, she’s very reserved at first but very game later on. Making this film wasn’t instructional, we had free hand most of the time. I did produce this as well and I have wished to do this for a long time. When I did production in the past, it wasn’t like this. I loved the story so I explored and became part of the process. It is so good to spend time in Viva and Blueart. The scenes were planned ahead, we talked for hours about it. We felt comfortable, it was collaborative when we had to do that matured scene. I hope people don’t concentrate on that though because it is just one of the needed things. You ask yourself if what you are doing is right, until when will you do it. My character stands on what could be 4 last days of our relationship. He got caught, Donny had choices. Expect very heavy dialogue heavy scenes. This is more of a drama.”

Louise adds “Xian is refreshing to work with, it was suddenly offered to me so we didn’t have time to get along or know each other. He is much of a gentleman, an artist, he also has inputs in this film. We only had a week because of the event we need to do in the movie. We had to do love scenes, it was my first time there and I had realizations when I was working with them. I hope you get to see all the scenes we did there. We shot in Saga Japan and had to see the Balloon Festival. Kath is a free spirited person, I admire her struggles and how she wanted to give up even if he loves the person so much. We both have conflicts, it’s not about the feelings alone, it’s the journey.”

Hanggang Kailan will show on theaters nationwide starting February 6. The two sends their wishes for you to watch their film, now will you?


Fresh Blogs Fast!

Enchong Dee and Janine Gutierrez for Regal Films’ ELISE

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Enchong Dee and Janine Gutierrez pairs up this 2019 as Regal Films makes them their official valentine offering this year. Knowing they are from different networks, we all sit and wonder how this pair up would work, but a good story based on real life events as they give life to the characters of Bert and Elise. This is directed by Joel Ferrer.

This is a dramedy of childhood sweethearts, who met when they were slightly older and figured to fall in love with each other. Here, they started to feel LOVE is no childs play, there are tons of struggles in life, problems with the people around them who do not approve of it. Elise is not all about love and romance, it also talks of beating all odds how to be together, of friendships, on moving on, finding your dreams and is the perfect material for these two. Janine says “It’s nice to actually wish for two people, first loves, if they will end up together. It's a fresh kind of romcom, it is about getting to know yourself and it is different from the usual. Direk asked us to watch a Chinese movie  which this has a lot of similarity in treatment so I can follow, but concept and content  is different.” Enchong adds “I hope people see how this happened in real life, it is a biopic so if they do realize it does happen to other people, maybe they can relate to that. We gave Victor a lot of the exposure, he will be stripping down a lot and you'll see most of it in the movie.”

The film also stars Miko Raval, Victor Anastacio, Miel Espinosa and Laura Lehman. This will show on February 6 so follow Regal Films on their social media channels if it’s not much to ask. 

Fresh Blogs Fast!

Last Chance for Promo Seats with AirAsia

If you haven’t gotten one yet, there are just a few days left before they wrap up their biggest sale to open up 2019. If you haven’t gotten your family and friends local or out of the country trips yet, then this is the opportune time to do it. Be a BIG member and catch these awesome deals from AIR ASIA Philippines.

For BIG members, there are still flights to Manila, Clark, Cebu and Cagayan De Oro for only 519 pesos. If you plan to Tacloban or Bangkok (which I’ll be doing soon), or Shenzen you’ll save a lot on flight fees if you get it from them. I have compared it myself on Skyscanner and Air Asia always leads the pack.

Think about it, this is the best time to fly!

Fresh Blogs Fast!

BORN BEAUTIFUL: Martin Del Rosario on His Kissing Scenes

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Good looks and puppy dog eyes won’t get you roles if you don’t really have the talent. This has been proven by Kapuso star Martin Del Rosario as he reprises the role of Barbs in the sequel Born Beautiful. 

Martin says “I really felt pressured but very honored to have been chosen by Direk Perci Intalan and Direk Jun Lana. Of course people are expecting a lot with the success of Die Beautiful, add to that I had to become the new Barbs in the film. I believe we have done our best to make this as good as the previous one. I had to trim down a lot and diet because I had to fit in female clothes. I also avoided working so I would look more feminine without the muscles. I also had to groom myself and undergo waxing, to get into character because Barbs is complicated so I had to study how she moves.”

He adds “I watched the first Die Beautiful movie and I was glad to accept the sequel, it is a challenge but I have worked with them in other projects before so I knew this was going to be good. Die Beautiful was simple, but this one is more matured in understanding Trans people, finding happiness, having an identity crisis after Trishia died. I will met Trishia’s ex, my ex and go on a journey finding that happiness I am looking for. It was offered to me after they had complexities with Barbs, but definitely I will have a different take on her. I don’t really get affected about what they say online, I read it but I don’t reply. Paulo gave me beauty tips, fixing nails, stuff, he was there in the first day and he made me comfortable. It won’t be so far if you compare the cut and uncut versions, just a few bleeps and scenes shortened but you will still understand the story. The uncut scenes will be on the Friday when you come and watch it on our premiere. My discoveries? It’s difficult to be trans, the physical and mental changes, the acceptance, the love, it’s different but at the end of the day we all have the capacity to love and be loved. Aki was more nervous than me, I already had a scene with Kiko before hand but Aki had to be the one to approach me since I have to be more feminine, Kiko was wild and had s3xual tension. For me, kissing guys and girls are the same. Maybe it just depends on how the kiss is executed.”

“I only had problems on the first day, I was perspiring, on the chair for two hours and was clean shaven everywhere. It did also hurt, I only got used to it on the few days after. When I got to be trans, I was surprised because I looked beautiful. I felt in character and do female things, but the reality of being taped and wax was a sacrifice. This has more drama elements I think, it’s a more matured way of telling a trans story. Christian and I haven’t met each other but we did talk on Twitter about it. More than the ones you see on trailer, you’ll see even more on Cignal.”

Born Beautiful will be premiering on January 23 in Cinemas nationwide! 

Fresh Blogs Fast!