Basketball Stars Support Gilas Coach Yeng Guiao

Monday, April 01, 2019

Coach Yeng Guiao is the current Team Pilipinas (Gilas) and NLEX Road Warriors coach. Unbeknownst to most of his sports fans, he’s running for office at the 1st District of Pampanga. He sat down happy to see some of the NLEX Road Warrior players show support in his bid for the said office. Took note of his statements this afternoon.

“I have been a coach for 2 and a half years, in different teams, 7 championships in the PBA and also made the world cup with Gilas Pilipinas. We are preparing for the World Cup in China, where the best of the best will meet. These are good teams but we hope to pull some upsets. There are 4 teams in a group and if we win two games, we are going high in the rankings. Angola is the African champ, Italy and Serbia is world ranked. This time I have a different challenge, to represent the 1st District of Pampanga. I have ran for 3 terms as a Vice Governor of Pampanga, so I have both basketball and politics all my life. This is a challenge, in any way or form, I have an advocacy to have continuous improvement of the Clark Airport which is in my district. We now have more tourists, bills and resolutions have been passed. We now have a new terminal, there are other items like the North Rail too, hopefully work it out so we can run from Tutuban to there and be finished in two years. Clark is also the sports capital of the country, in hosting the SEA Games, this will be true. We have been pushing for this ever since. Hopefully this will benefit much of my constituents, together with the usual things they need for education, health, and life. Clark is progressing because all the places around it us benefiting from it now. We are also doing a lot in improving the educational system, and the health advocacy. The new law applied for universal health care is one example, we support that fully and hopefully we find ways to improve that.”

He adds “Since I am in Basketball I am focused on it but I am a sports fan and enthusiast, to improve the other sports in general is part of that. We need to make every sport especially the ones we excel at be done and officiated better. We want to promote sports with weight categories because we have a lot of talent. I am one of the main authors of giving bigger rewards for sports winners. It is what is being used today. Funding is of course a problem, other countries are spending more but my take is that to concretely make this better, we filed to do an existing law to get 5% of gross to go to sports. Right now, 2.5% is sent to law, while the other half goes to the office of the President and nobody challenged it but I did. I am still waiting for the decision, that is 13-15 Billion pesos and it would be a big help in the yearly income of sports for that. In order to answer to solve it, we need to have that reinstated.”

“Clark has 120,000 employees, improvement of educational system and making them a part of that plus run for more investments in the district will make it a whole lot better. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is the best thing to have rather than us waiting to get sick. I will support legislations to improve the environment. If I win the district, I will still be coaching, I don’t believe we have to stop as long as we can do both. Being disciplined in the management of your time, in basketball and legislation, I have already done that in the last few years and we didn’t have a problem in commitments because I have done both. Politics and Sports have similarities, you cannot go to a game or office unprepared. There are also intrigues, but you have to be emotionally stable, you will see bashers, the pressure is great and you can lose your job. You are only as good as your last term or game, it is part of our job and we have to accept that. It is a competition, you are joining the PBA for results, same with your district, coaching for 30 years, I have seen how it happens and I can focus on service for constituents. It is both stressful, one is for 48 minutes, the other for 3 years. I constituents asking for help 24/7 and you get used to it, to handle it. I am under a local party.”

National Team regular Asi Taulava says “In international competitions, our team, it’s a different game. Our coach as a congressman can boost that. We are all rooting for him.”

Kieffer Ravena says “The short time I have been with them, he is very genuine. He says it when you need to improve on, every opportunity he gets to help in the youth of Pampanga. In my scenario, it would have been easy to let me go but they supported me, it helps to have leaders who gives you confidence to do your own thing. A lot of players know and want to play for him, to become the best person possible, he does it a lot. He makes students be in their best position, I am open to help in his campaign. I believe in what he is fighting for, not because he is my coach, but his sincerity, if he gets elected Pampanga will be benefiting from it.”

“I don’t want to burden them, we have games, it is very important and we want to take ourselves far in this conference. I am concentrating on getting to the finals, when we get there I’ll seek their help in activities. For now we are doing that first.” the coach added.


The Amazing Aloha Yumburger is Back!

You’ve been daydreaming all day, packed your bags, went to the beach, had that cold drink at hand and something is missing. All you want to do is to taste and feel that summer, now how are you gonna do that without a good grub?don’t worry dear, because your favorite Amazing Aloha Yumburger is back!

Now you can taste that sweet and juicy pineapple ring, crispy strips of bacon, honey mustard dressing, fresh lettuce and a slice of cheddar cheese. All of these ingredients on top of a 100% pure beef patty that only Jollibee can do.

It’s available now in all Jollibee branches, I’m going there now and have one myself. You gotta have this today!


Go Vote Movement Launch

Do you still vote? I do, I deem it one of my rights as a citizen of the Philippines to choose who I see fit as a leader. I exercise that right every time there is an election, because I feel we wouldn’t have rights to complain from government services because we didn’t do it. That is the principle I live by hence I never miss one. It’s sad though that there are tons of Filipinos who do not go out and vote, they have their excuses, but this shouldn’t be the case. The government sets this as a non working holiday, you have the whole day to do it, if you choose not to, that’s not a good thing.

This morning I was at the launch of the GO VOTE MOVEMENT. It’s a non partisan, non governmental organization made up of volunteers who would encourage registered Filipino voters to go out and vote on May 13, 2019. They also are doing it through free voters education all throughout the country. The low turnout of voters always has been a very evident problem and this is the solution they’ve come up with on talks done by MLQU President Jerry Acuzar, former DOJ Undersecretary Erickso Balmes and GVM President and Convenor Atty. Erickson Balmes.

Atty. Irene Chiu says “One of our basic human rights is to partake in elections, we do this by voting. This is our way to tell others who we want to represent us. This is a non partisan, non governmental organization, we are all volunteers here. We invite you to join us in this advocacy, we encourage you to vote, this is not about us, this is about your right, your responsibility for your future.”

Attu. Erickson Balmes says “An educated voter can make a good decision. They will be more participatory in elections, we are lecturing now all over the country to various stakeholders. We advocating transparent elections, hopefully to break records of voter turnout this 2019. We now have been around the country to encourage people to do their duty as citizens, go vote on 2019!”

They have already started these seminars in MLQU last March 14, and continue to do so til now. With their efforts, they wish to see greater participation this year. If you would like to be part of this movement, call 0945 3483784 or email them via


LOVE and the ASUS ZenBook 13 Burgundy Red UX333FN

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cluttered space in the photo but so much to celebrate about the ASUS ZenBook 13 Burgundy Red. 
You see, last Valentine's Day, ASUS Philippines held a campaign called #FallInLoveWithZenBook for all their social media followers. It wasn't a small one prize wise because what was at stake was a brand new spanking laptop computer of the mentioned model above. The gist is if you were to give this midrange priced marvel to someone special, who would it be and why would you give it to that person? What particular moment made it special? 

Of course there were thousands who joined the campaign - but one that caught their eye was a guy who wanted this for his girlfriend. Pocholo met her in the workplace, it wasn't easy but he knew she was going to be worth it. He mustered enough courage to court her, became an item - and made her feel special. He did his best to make her do random things she didn't experience yet. He told her his story, that's why she too felt she had to make him feel special too. She was so surprised to receive this ASUS ZenBook 13 Burgundy Red unit. She always wished for her own laptop and when Pocholo saw the ad on Facebook he knew he needed to join. Jessielyn now plans to use this for her sidelines, to watch tons of movies, and even edit videos because she's always been doing that on her smartphone. Armed with a powerful but very elegant computer, their love story would definitely blossom.

Congratulations to you two! If you want to see the whole video, you may see it here at the ASUS Facebook Page.