Alden Richards for The Gift

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

This will show on September 16, a few of you have it already tweeted I’m sure.

Alden says “This is the first time I am portraying a blind character. Jo Berry will play my Mom and the fear here is not doing other characters you could explore with. My grandparents are my inspiration especially in my life. This story affected me so much because the story is hopeful, regardless of circumstances.”

We saw the first few episodes, much like a long trailer. They took time establishing the characters back story, why he ended up with his Mom and the whole tragedy that happened with his life. Add to that the fun things he’ll do with his love life, oh yeah he’s going to have that happen a few days. Until something abrupt happens. It will change his life... and destiny.

The cast includes Jo Berry, Elizabeth Oropesa, Jean Garcia, TJ Trinidad, Mikee Quintos, Mikoy Morales, Martin Del Rosario, Christian Vasquez, Betong Sumaya, Rochelle Pangilinan, Tetay, Luz Valdez, Victor Anastacio, Isabelle Ortega, and Thia Thomalia.

Check out our coverage here from the September reveal last night!

Make sure you stay tuned on GMA this September 16, you wouldn’t want to miss Alden of course!


Beautiful Justice with Gabbi Garcia, Bea Binene and Yasmien Kurdi

You ain’t see action like these in GMA yet, so it is quite nice to see them do this. As PDEA Agents, they form a band together to finish people behind the deaths of their lovef ones. Bing Loyzaga will be a formidable foe, so will they succeed? Maybe.

Heated encounters, a mole in the agency will prove it very hard to solve cases. This September 9 will be a different evening as they showcase their training, real stuff which they had to undergo before shooting this. Yes, it’s called Beautiful Justice. This stars Gabbi Garcia, Bea Binene and Yasmien Kurdi. Gil Cuerva, Derrick Monasterio, Valeen Montenegro, Victor Neri, Gabby Eigenmann will reprise some of the roles in the first few weeks, what will happen to them? That’s what you’ll see on Monday.

Gabbi and Yasmien weren’t there but Bea says “There are different challenges here, on how you deliver. This is based on suggestions from PDEA agents themselves so while we try and find out or own Beautiful Justice, there will also be a bit of other cases on different days and not just our own case. This is also hard to do because we had to train for a month and continuously remain to do so til now because the project is just bold. We have had training previously but the fight sequences need us to train, all of us that is.” 

The show already started yesterday so if you wanna see more, stay on GMA!


Ken Chan and Rita Daniela for One of the Baes

This show will be about our very less recognized seafarers, Ken Chan and Rita Daniela will tell you more about their love story and how it intertwines with the lives of marinos in their hood. Their successful pairing in My Special Tatay will be there, so good news for RitKen fans, and they’ll be adored once again for a different type of friendship, and hopefully love story, when it happens. She’s called Jowalyn, he’s called Grant, one is an owner of a boarding house, the other the son of an owner of the school. They will be going around to show places and make people see how gorgeous dive spots here in the country.

It won’t be easy because they will have anti heroes with EA Guzman, Gelai, Buboy, Joyce Ching in the mix too. Jestoni Alarcon will also be there as Ken’s Dad. Rita says “I think what happened with My Special Tatay was the work of God, it just changed when Bobrey was formed. It’s hard to lead a show and I don’t know what will happen. I got challenged with how colorful her life is, I too am one of the boys and if you think about it you might see how she’ll still be as normal to fall in love. Grant believed in having fairytales, and he wished for his one true love. Roderick Paulate is a hard worker, he sets the mood and even introduced himself when we first met and he’s very excited, passes on his joy to us. You’ll see that on the show.” Ken adds “I hope whatever love they gave for My Special Tatay, it would be the same with One of the Baes. This is a first to tell the story of seamen, you’ll see real training, we got dark because of that. We are so blessed to have great actors in our midst, it made our set a fun one. When we shot our first scene, they saw Boyet and had to fix a lot of things, because he still shows sometimes. I had to ask for help by veteran actors and I am so thankful for them. My Mom made me believe in fairytales, to show the lives of vloggers. I’m also a bit of a nature freak who will choose love or destiny.”

Joyce says “I was telling EA about how he already has a show and the next day I got a call that we are together in this show.”

EA says “Joyce isn’t hard to work with, I saw her post on IG and didn’t know we were together again, in consequently our third show. We will give our best, even more than Dragonlady. I am not a soldier, I am a son of a businessman so it’s a rich guy. I will be here for Jowa and see if I could take her off Ken’s hands.”

James Teng says “We love the show and believe in it so all the training, the look, we kinda sacrificed a lot to do the show. It was so hot there. It wasn’t acting, you can see our skin discoloration and it’s real sweat you’re going to see on screen.

Jestoni adds “The Philippines is nice however there are some places which isn’t quite nice to show on the series, some are really dirty but perhaps this could be a call to clean up our shores a bit. We also have this as an advocacy in our show.”

Now go and watch out for their plug shoot, on 24 oras or Youtube. They’re going to show you a few scenes on their plug which they made quite nicely. This premieres on September 30 on GMA’s primetime slot.


The Clash Season 2 Starts on the 21st!

Starting on September 21, The Clash will be back on TV with new hosts, tons of singers from all around the country. During the screening, they had Golden Cañedo sing in front of the media. This is their second season, and Golden shares “A lot of things have happened and it was awesome to have been able to get a lot of things done like singing and acting. I have always wanted to work with Ms. Lani and hopefully we can do it in the US. For the contenders, I only thought of it as a way to achieve my dreams, so I could help my family. I thank God for giving me this gift!” and oh man has she got pipes!

Rayver says “When I transferred, I got to do singing as it is one of my passions. I have been doing a lot in the past years, I am very confident I guess, I want to learn other things other than dancing. It’s an opportunity that my Mom would be proud with. This is my first year but I got a lot of friends now because of GMA. My songs just got opportunities because of Studio 7 and there, we have a lot of production numbers, she teaches me a lot of things.”

Julie adds “When this was offered to me it was a few days after my concert, I was so happy and blessed because I wanted to be part of season 2. I also am excited to work with the artists and Golden who won Season 1. We all were in Studio 7 and this is something I looked forward to. I don’t think we will be performing in Clash but we might, perhaps in Studio7, it will be less of us and more spotlight with the contestants. I never really had a hard time working with Rayver because he’s a pro, recently, we had workshops so we could build rapport and work on it. Our goal is to make people understand stuff, he delivers quite good.”

Christian Bautista says “I wanna be moderate, in the first few rounds, but will be more strict in the later rounds. They know they have to learn everything they can, in moderation. In the auditions, it can be young and old, pro and not, but in live performances, it could turn out bad and it really depends on their vocal quality. There will be differences, we will be twists like our first episode but in different times. We all look for opportunities and GMA has given us all acting, dancing and singing opportunities.“

Lani Misalucha says “We don’t show our favorites because it changes when they think about it, they might not give their all if that happens. We see potential, but when they get matched with good ones you’ll have second thoughts, and the genre might be same, we might choose a cute one, joke!”

Rita adds “Julie anne and Rayver will be at the clash arena but Ken and I will be talking to the contestants. We will have to dive into their lives a little before and after the competition. You will hear more of us before they are introduced.”

Golden says “I have a lot of things happen to my career, my Studio7 stint, my guestings, I have my friends also getting their own singles out and I am so proud of what is happening. I wish to be able to sing also with the next Clash Season 2!”

The Clash Season 2 will air at 7PM right after Pepito Manaloto. You better watch it because it’s going to be exciting! All 4 You The Clash Concert is also happening October at the Arcadia Performing Arts Center in LA.