DMARK Beauty Corporation Launches Skin Active Tri-Therapy Lifting Serum

Monday, September 30, 2019

I take good care of my skin and honestly, I fool a lot of people about my age especially in the blogging industry where every nook and cranny of what you put out there (including your life) is scrutinized. Every year, it becomes a struggle how to keep it smooth, with no visible lines and appear pore less, it’s almost an impossible feat. 

Skin trumps a lot of things when it comes to appearance. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, everyone needs to look pleasing in the eyes of others. It also connotes hygiene, and self respect. It's also priceless to feel good about yourself, that's a fact.

DMARK Beauty Corporation has been in the industry for 20 years. They have been working hard to put the aesthetic and beauty needs of Filipinos in the forefront, taking lead in ways of anti aging, skin rejuvenation, placing their products in different premiere beauty centres, skin clinics and e-commerce sites which has been of their CEO Ms. Nikki Tang.

We sat down with her after an event and she says "We believe in longterm efforts, celebrities can be there, but if you recommend things that are not apt for your skin. It should be preventive and not reactive. We have to constantly create relationships and not just rely on frontline. We also select people we deal with. Currently, we have neostrata’s hotline and our Facebook page who carry it. We have normal, oily or ageing skin which we can take care of." which to me sounds so reassuring.

One of DMARK Beauty Corp's best sellers is the line from NeoStrata. It has been able to take lead in the anti aging skin care innovations. It literally means new layers and they've been doing it for 40 years, part of which implore their philosophy of renewed skin, effective techniques using patented formulations and get results fast. This is why DMARK Beauty Corporation has continued to be NeoStrata's official distributor all these years, and continue to do so in the future.

Aside from the current products they have on shelves of their partner establishments, they also launched the Skin Active Tri-Therapy Lifting Serum which I have been using for a few days now. Although not totally gone, I have seen visible improvements in the fine lines in the few days that I have been trying it. Perhaps in the event that I've already finished the whole bottle, it would be more visible. It just takes a few drops before I sleep, you also have to lay flat on the bed (and make it a habit) because gravity pulls and makes those creases in your face if you are doing it on a fetal pose. (A personal preference).

There is certainly a very bright future for DMARK Beauty Corporation and NeoStrata in the country, you should start trying them out especially the anti aging line because the last thing you would want to happen is be sorry if it's too late!

Take good care of your skin!


Toby’s Sports Win Big in Franchise Excellence Awards

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Whenever I need to suit up to something sporty, or engage in my different hobbies, one store that I frequent to is Toby’s Sports. I have had the pleasure of purchasing weights from their store years ago and it still is being utilized by me if and when I need it. The shoes I got from them are still in boxes because I prepare crazy for some special event. Took a look at news today and apparently, Toby’s Sports has just won the Outstanding Filipino Franchise Award for Retail (Large Scale Category). Coming from the Philippine Franchise Association, they just affirmed the brands leadership among sports retailers in the country.

That’s no easy feat, as the Franchise Excellence Awards only chooses from some of the country’s best franchise companies. It also needs to meet stringent quality standards in order to qualify for the FEA. It’s an award given with the cooperation of PFA, DTI, Philippine Retailers Association and PCCI. Dr. Alan Escalona the PFA Chairman says “This award is given to franchisees that have become a benchmarks in the national market. They must met excellence in operations, and Toby’s Sports has exemplified these qualities. We hope this inspires them to continue pursuing excellence. They are after all, the largest Sports retailer in the country.”

Head of Store Operations William Llaguno adds “Our franchise business plays an important role in maintaining our number 1 status in the industry. We continue to advocate for promoting different sports and active lifestyle for more Filipinos nationwide!” Cheers to the men and women who have made his brand as successful as it is today, I am sure they’ll continue to improve their business and benefit millions of athletes and sports enthusiasts in the Philippines.

May your tribe increase!


Topps Sarap Toppstar Kids Season 2

Friday, September 27, 2019

Kids will be kids, but they can be better.

Showing their talent and knack for dance, singing and acting since the first season are these cute kids who’s now gonna be on their second one for TOPPS sarap! Toppstar TV Season 2.

It’s commercial success is not to be taken lightly as they all have individual careers, get to be on the show and become the shining stars they wanted to be. A lot of artists start their careers as kid stars and on set, they have always regarded it as a SUPER FUN experience working with the people behind the camera and their co-stars on the show. They have been able to discover more from the ground show they held last year and this year, the plan is to have 11 more today. It may be a challenge to do that but it is something they welcome as they want to discover more talented kids as future kapuso stars.

Cast includes Roshan, Sofia, Ken, Lexter, Chichi, Khail, Elaine, Lovely, Carren, Xylia, Patrick, Porscha, Shane, Jazmine, Viana, Stanley, Jazmine, Alliah, Angelo, Ghelo, Suejin and Saijin, and a whole lot more! Get to know them as they make your mornings a little fun than usual every 9:15am every Saturday. They will be playing games, interacting with other kids and perform for you. What’s not to like?!

And of course, get some snacks for the kids and yourself. Topps Sarap is actually good stuff.

Ms Lulu of Toppstar “Education is the key to your future and I hope you don’t forget that it is important. Make sure kids that you also make them a part of your Saturday mornings in Toppstar TV Season 2!”

I am sure the parents of these kids are super proud of them and perhaps, the new batch will add flavor, more fun to the show because just like in parties, the more people there are, the merrier! Make sure you watch the show every weekend (Saturdays) especially the kids so they too can be inspired with these talented kids who are all triple threats, ready for awesome and playful fun every week!


Kobe, Andre and Benjie Paras for Sun Soft

Direct Selling giant MSE (Marikina Shoe Exchange) got us up and early in Capitol Commons for the launch of their new products under Sun Soft Home Products (their detergent line), and boy did we like what we saw!

The Paras Family Benjie, Andre and Kobe serves as the face of Sunsoft and together, they had us take a glimpse of what they offer. They call it the “Idol Sa Linis”, and these guys attest how easy it is to clean their dishes, their clothes and make it smell better with the All New Improved Sun Soft Concentrated Laundry Detergent, Sun Soft Heavenly Fabric Conditioner (for the fragrance all day) and All New Improved Sun Soft Zesty Lemon Dishwashing Liquid, which of course they all use at home.

Benjie says “I have always made it a point to teach my kids how to wash clothes, wash dishes, simple things before they became independent. I may have taught them things, but one thing I learned from them as their father is to listen intently. I have never dictated who or what they wanted to be when they grow up, I didn’t force them to play basketball, they learned on their own with friends in the place we lived in. I only got emails when someone sought for a player in the US, made arrangements and allowed him to play there. He decided to come back here and played for UP, that’s my parenting style. I made sure they are just equipped with skills that would assure them they’d do good with whatever they want to do. I support them whenever I can.”

Kobe says “I went to the states and was able to do chores on my own, I also worked on a budget. I had a washing machine which I regularly use, before I went to the states I already knew how to do that here.”

Andre adds “Yes you get your fair share of nasty comments from people, they say and treat you like you’re less than who you are. You learn to overcome these from knowing the truth with people you trust, your family. For those who don’t know I have been able to live independently, separately and so I do my own clothes and wash the dishes. We learned it all before we got out of our home.”

You can purchase Sun Soft and get a Buy 1 Take 1 deal with MSE Distributors nationwide. Make sure you do get them from direct sellers, or maybe be a member on your own at or their official Facebook page because it’s easy as 1-2-3.