Social Democracy: Meet Presidential Aspirant Norberto B. Gonzales

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Meet Norberto B. Gonzales. He's a National Security Adviser and general director of the National Security Council - and former Secretary of National Defense. He's a presidential aspirant this 2022 elections under the Philippine Democratic Socialist Party (PDSP). He's also bringing in 20 years of experience in political/peace negotiations, very well a part of what has been done in three different presidential terms and always, have been trusted in these matters.

Mr. Gonzales says "Since PDSP's inception, the youth has been instrumental in change and reform. The organizations sprouted during that time including non religious ones, and we advocated then something that would challenge the dictatorship without resorting to violence and communism."

He adds "The pandemic has been a very serious problem, it has continuously been a part of our lives for a while. It's important to re-organize our medical community, an integral part of what we need to solve this, to have a common position and address this immediately. It's time to invigorate our pharmaceutical industry, so we can make and create our own when things like these happens. The pandemic has made our lives change, but also showed us that nature can renew itself."  

"When I went around the country, I talked to people. When I was in the government, I knew we had the ingredients of a much better nation than what we are today. Our people are good, and we can fix our lives, especially the young ones who are already a part of local government units. When they become politicians, they lose their identity, the system breaks them... and I hope a new one would fix this. I've been working for a decade in the government and I see this would make a huge difference. It's sad to see someone who has been already proven in court is making a comeback, and trying to destroy the truth. I've experienced martial law, and I've suffered that time, we cannot allow those to change history, lives were lost during that time and it is unacceptable. The election is supposed to be a time to choose new directions, new system. The most important asset of a country is its people. The opportunities should be for all, capital should be for everyone. We should stop some politicians from giving away resources to only a few people in this country."

"You know, it's sad to see what's happening to us. When we had the People Power Revolution, I thought this has ended Marcos' reign and all that was stolen from us will be brought back to the Filipino people. This election is important, we need to explain and tell the truth, and tell them about the atrocities of the Marcoses. We need to tell them now, especially the activists that are still living. I promise to tell the youth about history, we should never let them spread lies. It's hard for me to tell the other candidates, so I will try my best to tell the people instead. I believe in my countrymen who can discern right from wrong, I will not put myself in contention with Marcos' campaign."

"My difference is what would make me win from others, I hope that I can be that better person that people can choose among the candidates."

With experience in the matters of the state, he is one qualified individual to run this country. Aside from that, he identifies the pandemic as something that is a huge threat in our national security and believes in the ideologies of social democracy. You now have options, make that vote count in May.


Personal Collection Does Recyclable to Biodegradable Shift

Doing good for themselves, the community and the environment has always been in the goals of Personal Collection Direct Selling, Inc. In a nutshell, they've made efforts to do packaging for their products from recycled to biodegradable, and done it real good. Good enough to have an award from DENR.

As Personal Collection President and CEO Jerome Tuguin says “We have dared to do the shift from recycling to a more sustainable solution by using biodegradable packaging. We proudly have pioneered this in hopes to impact every Filipino home. We'll be promoting more initiatives to increase our tribe, and have the #GreenLifeGreatLife a reality in communities across the country. Expect more coastal cleanups (like what they did last October 2021) and plant more mangrove trees in sites like Pampanga and Bataan."

PC has also partnered with Marine Conservation Philippines and did coastal cleanups in Siaton Negros Oriental, Siliman Beach in Dumaguete City, and Bayawan in the same province. It was participated by PC employees and volunteers from different PC branches. Here's hoping it'll grow more in the next few years. 

Congratulations Personal Collection!


Acer Outs Aspire Vero National Geographic Edition

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The good people from Acer just came out with a very special laptop, specifically the Aspire Vero National Geographic Edition (AV15-51R). True to its name, it's a special model that depicts Acer's commitment to more sustainable years which they have a capacity to do technology wise. This particular model will also benefit the National Geographic Society, a US based NGO which does so much work in exploration, research and education in the preservation of nature. The company already has done a lot of effort in bringing down its ecological footprint specifically with their Earthion platform, that produced their Vero line today. Acer hopes this inspires not just the public but their tech compatriots and do the same.

Talking the Talk, Walking the Walk

Acer Aspire Vero is made of 30% post-consumer recycled plastic. It still maintains a tough chasis, but doesn't sacrifice overall design. It follows the National Geographic template of a yellow border and a printed line “For Planet Earth” in its keyboard. The outside packaging can be also used for different things after using the laptop, with its nicely designed box, you can use it as a container or even a laptop stand when folded. This gets you 21% less in carbon emissions and lesser footprint, but have easy access when you need to upgrade its hardware later on.You may check for price and availability, but it's easily there in authorized retailers nationwide.


Protecting Our Families and Stopping the Spread of the Virus

t's potentially the worst way to spend the holidays... to be sick and isolated. Though there's been a very good run wherein cases were down during the Christmas season, the Omicron variant happens in the Philippines and it's even more contagious.

Today (January 11), the Department of health has logged 28,007 cases and that figure is definitely alarming. The Omicron variant has symptoms like Sore Muscles, Fever, Dry Cough/Sore Throat and Extreme Tiredness. I've known so many people in my own timeline who've gotten COVID-19 and much of them have started isolating at home. While the Chinese families have a good grasp of how traditional Chinese medicines can help, Filipinos are now starting to see the benefits of it. With a doctor's prescription, you may opt to get Lianhua Qingwen. Together with this, the government advises to prevent, detect isolate, treat, re-integrate and vaccinate so we'd get less transmission of it... this is in hopes that Filipinos follow protocols too so our health professionals can start to manage cases in the country.

You may get Lianhua Qingwen on Mercury Drug, Southstar Drug, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy and TGP stores nationwide. It's SRP is Php 288 per box of 28 capsules. If you want to know more about it, visit or call them via 83617491 to 98 and be connected to local 844. Make sure you get a doctor's prescription before getting one as it is needed.