Artist PLUME and SALA Band Join GMA's AltG Records

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Just got off the press conference with new artists Plume and SALA (the band) over zoom this afternoon. They're a pretty fun bunch to talk to and yes, you kinda feel like you're in the presence of very talented people.

Plume says "I usually write music when its nighttime because it's way quiet. I start with chord progression, then lyrics, if it fits I'll make the chorus and complete it. I listen to other artists, I find good things in it and put my own style. I try to make it comforting and relaxing as possible. Since my work is dedicated to music now, I focus on myself and my hobbies while studying. It's still music in the background so there's still input. I love music like that. It's unusual to do jazzy songs available to everyone, I usually follow that genre, it's what I do to stand out. I also utilize social media to make my work known. I think I'll be doing singles from AltG records. I want people to feel relaxed, hear pop, but learn the words and vibes are different. I feel Baguio's busking music scene is still starting. Manila has a lot of bar tours, I think it's more organized here but I hope Baguio will follow suit soon."

Plume adds "I often seen albums released then sometimes they lose track of it the whole year. I think releasing content in different times would fit me. I listen to a lot of genres, but I prefer metal, the beauty of it is when you removed the angst, the noisy lines, you'll see the nice lyrics on it. I also love classical music, they do inspire me!"

Beautiful is my Plume's first single, and still testing what people would go to after they listened to it. His inspiration is from a personal experience. Right now, he's still trying to feel what happened after signing with AltG Records. He didn't believe it til they started recording.

Sala's frontman says "We do it differently, I could write songs wherever I am, but I finish my songs in my Sala hence our name. I throw it to my peers and do the other parts of the songs afterwards. That's how we do it. Our songs are borrowed experiences and I think it stems from the things that are not often talked about."

"If we have new ideas, we put it in a group chat and contribute there. Since we have different work, different jams and gigs, we try to stay healthy by eating, exercising, if we wanted to do this for a long time we try to do that as much as possible. It is art, and we love it! For us, we're glad to have YT, Spotify, platforms that we can listen to. As a band, arrangements are still a group effort. If it evolves, I don't have to follow that because we have our own message, it's not a problem to do that but we already have 4 pov's in the band and I think that's enough. Things are changing, I think people are releasing songs when there's something consistent to give. People want new things, albums kind of put it in one basket but people have different tastes. This would give artists freedom to test what's good. We want to return to not just making love stories, it should be different topics, even taboo ones, songwriting for the sense of telling them not just invoke feeling, something that people could relate to."

SALA felt that signing with AltG was surreal. The opportunity came at a very shocking moment, and feels they can't think about collaborating with other artists yet as they're not established rock stars. Though they want to do that in the near future. Their single will be out mid March. Plume on the other hand already has his single out, plus a lyric video on YouTube. He also has plans to have a music video out soon, and he's so ready!

Good luck and I hope you all continue to record more! We would certainly love to listen to it with great gusto!


Triton Paints Get Lead-Free Certification

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Are you into building? DIY? Or just fixing things? Chances are, you're probably going to use paint in one or more of these projects and in the Philippines. The direction is to make sure that lead would not be used in manufacturing paint. Recently, a Philippine company just earned their certification for being Lead Safe Paint particularly the ones under Roosevelt Chemical Incorporated.

The dangers of lead in paint has been already studied, proven and should be eliminated. Human health is prime, which is why we should act now. Even with laws passed, the Philippines is just one of a couple of countries that still sell them, but it should be stopped.

Hon. Gilbert Gonzales says "This is my second time attending this kind of forum with paint manufacturers. I'd like to congratulate Triton Philippines for achieving this. This has a great effect for human health, lead safe paints and the quality of it must coincide with environmental safety. They are aware of the ill effects of lead paints, the civil society organizations and our partners are slowly moving towards safe products. In everything we do, we hope we gain more businesses that look at the environment friendly products and why it should be the norm in the country."

Richard Cruz from DILG says "Paints are now lead free, it will help not just the folks who live in homes but the community they belong to."

Charity Agbayani from OPDS-DILG says "Traditionally, it contains harmful chemicals and with the improvements,  toxins that are in paint should not be a problem anymore. Our homes and workplace should be lead free, so generations to come would not experience the harmful effects of it anymore."

Aileen Lucero of ECO Waste Coalition "Triton paints have passed standards and now proves how they are the right kind of paints. This is one concrete way of protecting our children from the harmful effects of lead in paints. The DENR, DILG, and you are all moving in establishing standards that would phase out lead containing paints in the coming years. The advisory which called government units to not purchase paint that contain lead is a step forward and we congratulate them all for doing what is right."

Solon Sy the VP for Sales and Marketing of Roosevelt Chemical Corporation says "We have always felt this is a step forward to the lead safe certification. This is our commitment to our partners, customers, for a sustainable future. This has been the result of expansive research, and we know that families will benefit from it. We are stewards of environment and health, and these lead safe paints will be at safe spaces. Thank you for your trust and making Triton Paints the right kind of paint "

Reginald Yu the President of Philippine Paints and Coatings Association says "We celebrate the remarkable achievement. In behalf of our organization, our heartfelt congratulations for being certified lead free. I've had the pleasure of witnessing their hard work first hand. They have been a pillar of excellence in the community and have earned our trust and respect. This highlights their commitment to excellence. They are now a benchmark for paint manufacturing. As industry leaders, family friends, their support have always been commendable. Our member companies want to push for industry goals, for the benefit of generations to come. We are assured there will be more, congratulations once again to the Sy Family, may your success inspire others."

Teodoro Cayetano the Municipal Engineer from Roxas Palawan adds "The efforts of the Triton Family and Roosevelt Chemicals did not just comply, but have provided a reiteration to executive orders and ordinances to become lead free in our town. It was just recently approved, ad we will be a partner to follow provisions of the law. I'll make sure to follow requirements and support Triton in using them in our projects, as we find their efforts phenomenal for our country and Roxas."

Here's part of the press conference on video earlier. Please, enjoy!

Triton, Rosco, Primecoat, Acri-Lux, Lotus paints and their other products are now lead safe certified. You get premium quality finish, sustainable and eco friendly products from Roosevelt Chemical Inc. Because of innovation, they were able to make this safe, economical, and quality. Their commitment to your safety is their priority.

Congratulations Triton Paints!


An Advanced Way of Living with Amaia Home Solutions

Friday, March 01, 2024

There are homes, and then there's Amaia. We could say this statement is true over at their Scapes Bulacan Sector 3C property as they've continued to innovate how they live in the flourishing Ayala Land development.

This is quite groundbreaking to say the least as they introduce Home Solutions in this particular community. They designed these homes in order for it to be efficient, and utilize smart technology with its Centralized Controly System. This manages different home functions that we can use in our day to day lives like USB ports, external CCTV's, Smart lights, door locks, Smoke detectors so you don't have to worry about a few things inside your home.

This has been integrated inside the Single Home 60 model units at Amaia Scapes Bulacan at Sector 3C. This is also sustainable which makes eco friendly solutions a must in these homes. Like the roofs that reflect heat, a lighter colored exterior wall, windows that can natural air in so you don't get too hot in the afternoons and evenings.

Who wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood like that? With even more facilities for everyone to enjoy, it's going to be a little crazy if they don't get occupied in no time.

Make sure you ask them about the Amaia Home Solutions if you're looking for your next home!


Giving Hope, Paying it Forward with "Si Manoy ang Ninong Ko"

Sherilyn Reyes Tan, Gelli de Belen, Congressman Wilbert Lee and Patricia Tumulak

Together with seasoned hosts Sherilyn Reyes Tan, Gelli de Belen, Patricia Tumulak in "Si Manoy ang Ninong Ko" is Congressman Wilbert Lee. This is his first public service show that will premiere on GMA this March 3, 7AM on Sundays. 
He says "This show is different, it isn't a one time big time thing. We look at the root of the problem and give a lifelong solution. More than that, we want to give hope to a lot of people, and hope others would do the same. If they see something like the situations in our show, they would never bat an eyelash and help in their own way. Actually, we have done a lot but not publicly. We have a lot of countrymen who still couldn't get services they need. This will be a place they could go to, where the impossible becomes possible. This is what I want people to feel at the grassroots level, we're doing this not because we are aiming for a higher post. There are people who really have heart to help other people."

He adds "This started when I was in my post, I got to go around and see things for my self while I was in congress. I couldn't believe what I've seen in different places, they live hard lives and don't even have food on the table. I want to help them all, but I'm only one person, and this would show it to a lot of people. We hope this would happen soon. I am from Sorsogon, a Bicolano and I lived in a good environment because my Dad had everything in his store. He was an employee, but worked harder to sell things. We now get to build businesses, affect the lives of over 3000 employees in different industries. It's what made me want to be in politics, so I could help even more. I think everything has a right time, I know this show would make a lot of people know more of their stories."

Gelli says "I've done a few shows and this one is different because we help, it's an opportunity to know issues in one area. We don't just listen, we ask experts about how we could address things so we can do change, I want to be part of that. All I wanted to ask was how, they explained to me about the advocacy, despite all that, it's about helping fellow Filipinos. I'm learning aside from seeing how this could be instrumental in how to address societal issues holistically. This isn't the first time I'm working with Sherilyn, but is the first time with Patricia. When I saw Manoy Wilbert, he wanted to inspire those who have the capacity to help and do it. He's someone who's been doing this for a long time, and he has courage, and now he's in front of the cam, he wants to have more people to do what he's doing. Our difficulty is to find solutions for them, because we need a more permanent solution and not just a one time thing so they could sustain their livelihood, handle their money, help maintain what they receive. We have done a lot of episodes that deal with agriculture, not just focus on it because we want to help them in the social aspect of it. In a nutshell, when it gets to laws, the papers, legal documents, and the budget to get things done. Even applying for jobs require that, hopefully we would be able to help them and not need a show for it to happen. We can't just leave it up to the government to make our lives easier, we need to start with ourselves. We want this simple show to give hope, eventually more and pay it forward to others."

Sherilyn adds "The experience is so good because I am personally going to go there. We get molded with the different people we talk to. We get to see their heart, and you will see that in every episode. I was excited and really thankful about it. I talked to Sparkle personally and they agreed even if it will be conflicting with my schedules. We only were able to see other during the launch and photo shoot. I always guest at Sis which is why I've had the opportunity to work with her back in the days. When I was offered this, I did my research and of course, I asked around and saw how he helped even more without the cameras. I can vouch for that. In this show, you get to love each episode because I cried every time I watch the show. This isn't just a travel show, it's un-glamorous, because you get to adjust, be humble, be grateful, because they live in horrible conditions but still have hope in their eyes. You really need to see this every Sunday. Sometimes, you would not get to just stand and watch but help personally in their education, hospitalization, societal issues... they need to help their families and it will be their priority."

Gorgeous Patricia Tumulak

Patty says "We get to see how people live their lives, we see their unheard communities and we could choose what to do together with a lot of people from different organizations. I am so happy to be part of this! We have different regions to go to, we interview people. I think the Lord gave me this, and if every he runs for higher office, I'd support him in a heartbeat. We will be going around the country, and we have been shooting since October. Just recently, we were able to go to farmers who walk 4 hours just to go to school. It's a huge impact for me, I look forward to each story. One person who we got to help told us how fast we got to do it. I'm a preschool teacher, I want to also now teach the value of reading, sending children to school."

Here's a short talk we had after the event!

This is early morning of Sunday because they chose a time where the whole family is at home. Their hope is that the show would influence those who are fortunate to share their blessings and perhaps, bring hope to those who need it (and I see nothing but good in that). Come watch it this Sunday morning at 7am, it'll be worth your time to hear their stories and seeing how they would help them.