It comes in 4 variants, first is the Super Glow Serum which lessens fine lines, makes your skin tone more even, and brightens the skin. The Super Bounce Serum on the other hand will get that glass skin look, even on different skin types, if this is something you would want. Super Clear Serum will be for those who are a bit acne prone as it'll lessen oil and rid some clog pores. The Super Plum Serum is for those who are aging fast, firms you up too. Addressing different issues for different skin types would certainly solve a lot of issues when it comes to skin. They have also made sure it remains affordable, effective, a little over 2 drops would do, which means you can use this for a long time.
They are also doing Supercharged Personality Search so make sure you follow their social channels, and also in Watsons because they'll be posting more updates about it there. You can follow @iWhiteKoreaOfficial to know more.