Gym Rats in the City

Friday, April 28, 2006

Working out! This is what Im gonna spend most of my time now since Im not yet satisfied with my physique. My original plan of getting Vin Diesel's Body in 3 months seem to be a little far fetched. Im trying my best now to do it everyday. If possible, I'll try working out on my day off's. Im worried about my relationships also right now but I think I better get off of them for a while so I can get money first. I have to earn more enough to satisfy my needs. But that is not happening right now. I don't even have enough savings for a trip around asia. Im planning one but it seems it too will take time. I plan to buy a car but where would I be able to park it? In the Philippines, you can probably park it anywhere. Though in my town, it is already on a survey that we have the highest incidents of car theft in the City. It's so near the carnapper's haven "BANAWE" that it would be a joke if you just park your car outside. When you wake up 2mrw you won't have a hub cap, mirror and wheels. Sometimes they get your radio, if out of luck you'll probably never see your car again. So I am really thinking not twice, but a hundred times before I would buy one. Maintenance is hard already, stealing the accessories, then buying a new one is not a good way of getting my money's worth. Instead of being more convenient, I'd be getting more problems. I better wait till Im able to use the Van regularly so I won't waste more money on that. I'd better save it for Europe. I'm off to gym now... to get my belly flat and sculptured! See yah!

WAITING IN VAIN: Not the one by MYMP...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Waiting again... The promotion or next position I've applied for is still not materializing... What the hell is my company doing?!! This is the longest time I've waited since I was able to submit my exams... Geeze... Red tape and the old beaurocracy is still in the Philippines!!! Hail to King Kong!!!
I think it would be better now to probably look for something more.. More economically sound; and something nice to work in... This place has been toxic... very very toxic... I plan to go here if I find a reasonably attractive package but if not then goodbye!!! Hehehe... It's as easy as that but why the hell am I still here?... Friends are also a big part of it... but that's a long shot... I maybe on a stomp because I am afraid to move on and get another job that would be able to satisfy my spending habits. Good deal I haven't tried to get another credit card yet, I would have gotten buried in debt if that was the case.

TOP GUN: I feel like I'm flying today!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

I wanna fly high now just like in Top Gun. Now I finally have the answer to one of my life's questions. Is it possible for me to be loved? The answer is YES. Last night I popped the question and this love of mine said YES!! When all along I thought she was just playing with me. I thought it was not serious until I just found out last nyt. I am so overwhelmed by happiness right now. I almost fainted when she answered my texts back with the words "I LOVE U TOO" I was not in my own self until early this morning. I had to go to work of course but I'll probably spend the time with her later after working out. I thought it was just a one night thing, but now I seem to believe that there is really something special for me this year. I just have to be patient...really patient in order to acheive my goals in lyf. HAPPY NA PO AKO officially. Right now, I dont really know what to do with the other 3. I think something might come up this week about that, I don't want this happiness to end but it seems to be just around the corner. This should always be my condition. Happy and just chillin... From the depths of our heart we want to be happy all the time, but we are not usually very concerned with the happiness and freedom of others. I'll try to work it out...some other way I hope.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.

Show me the Money!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Money makes the world go around... The 4 relationships I have right now is so expensive... I'm still keeping up with these girls but my GOD!!!!!! It costs so much!!! I can't even get a decent date for a few hundred... Its a great thing some of them choose to stay in their house to play with ye mouse!!! Hopefully I'd be in the right mind to maybe take care just a few of them ryt now... The job I just applied for is not materializing yet so I'm keeping my options open ryt now...hopefully I'd get a better salary next time...if not here...somewhere else.... I'll try continuing this tommorrow... I better get to the gym... My beer belly's gettin bigger!!!!