Now what am I to choose?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

There seems to be a mixup here...I was confused then about what I would be going as far as my career goes. Now that I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am now being offered other positions. Now what the hell am I gonna do? On the contrary I would still know that I am currently enjoying my work. How would we be able to choose between the PROS: where I could earn bigger, I could be higer in position and the CONS: where I would be still under operations, mostly getting nowhere but where I am enjoying work. I have decided to go with the latter since that would be preferrable for a guy my age. Hey! Where did I get the idea that I am aging? huh? Well, I dunno really. I don't know what to do right now... I'm just gonna need more time I think and wait and see how far it goes... Hopefully there would still be more room for promotion in the future... Good luck to me I guess!...

Love...a tired one...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

You sometimes really get tired of loving... I have given up again on goin back to my same old story... Bein fooled once again... I never really want t do it but it always comes to a point that I have to in order to be happy... At what cost? You really say it is costly. A date nowadays is not that affordable, if you would want to keep your partner happy you would have to think about how yed be able to spend the next day on a different manner to become interesting. These days, it's really not about the sex and how I often have to do it because that would really be not a relationship if I would only be the one who's happy right?! Who's to tell what I have to do, it's not a script at all so you run out of ideas after a while. Like you are burned out at work, the same goes here. I don't really complain a lot but it seems I am again. Well, not much on other people... I usually complain about what I do everyday... Am I complaining now? can say that... I just do this because I am hurt I guess...just loaded myself with tons of work so I wouldn't be grieving over this...this is becoming too pathetic. Go figure!

Hey Mama...Stranded...A real Survivor...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hey Mama... I'd like to spend this day with you but yer not in Manila ryt now... You have unfinished work in Southern Luzon (Bicol) for the Palarong Pambansa so it's not much of a choice for me to go out later... We'll try our best to keep you happy...Remotely I guess... Try to greet you later if ever your trip back home would be pushing through... We have been eating take out for a few days already and I miss my Mom so bad... What if in the near future my Mom's plan to migrate to Canada pushes through?!! I'd probably end up starving and so will my dad... I know how to cook but I am too lazy to do it. I also would have no time for it also. My work is pretty much getting congested, if I would have no time to go to gym or cook I'd probably get a permanent maid so she can do chores. I hope it won't be too hard for both of us if my Mom leaves again. :( But I'm happy she plans to still go home later by hook or by crook. :)

Gym Rats in the City

Friday, April 28, 2006

Working out! This is what Im gonna spend most of my time now since Im not yet satisfied with my physique. My original plan of getting Vin Diesel's Body in 3 months seem to be a little far fetched. Im trying my best now to do it everyday. If possible, I'll try working out on my day off's. Im worried about my relationships also right now but I think I better get off of them for a while so I can get money first. I have to earn more enough to satisfy my needs. But that is not happening right now. I don't even have enough savings for a trip around asia. Im planning one but it seems it too will take time. I plan to buy a car but where would I be able to park it? In the Philippines, you can probably park it anywhere. Though in my town, it is already on a survey that we have the highest incidents of car theft in the City. It's so near the carnapper's haven "BANAWE" that it would be a joke if you just park your car outside. When you wake up 2mrw you won't have a hub cap, mirror and wheels. Sometimes they get your radio, if out of luck you'll probably never see your car again. So I am really thinking not twice, but a hundred times before I would buy one. Maintenance is hard already, stealing the accessories, then buying a new one is not a good way of getting my money's worth. Instead of being more convenient, I'd be getting more problems. I better wait till Im able to use the Van regularly so I won't waste more money on that. I'd better save it for Europe. I'm off to gym now... to get my belly flat and sculptured! See yah!