Bloggin Back... Yeah I'm Back!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Okay I admit... It's really not easy to squeeze in activities while at work... I do have spare time but I don't blog that much nowadays... Anyway, I'll try changing that and probably get more acquainted with my past... being the blogger that I am that had 2 or 3 posts a day....

I gave myself a break, from the hustle and bustle of my professional life and started once again. I only wish this isn't the ningas cogon that people often do... more so coz I know I'm not as normal as most people think I am... I'm wayyyy above that...

After a happy weekend, I'm a lil bit tired now... and I'm spending too much again...what's new!....sheesh...hopefully I don't bash people connected to me.... which would probably be the content I'd tell people but that's gonna be a longshot now...I've toned down...that is NEW! =P

I'll try to do this everyday... once a day at least... and let other people what I do in a day to day basis....

When she looked at me... ^_^

Monday, April 07, 2008

Yeap! You heard it right! I am inlove again...I dunno why but things didnt work out with the nursing emo girl....she was too demanding... we both know our limits but I guess that's just it...I think she's really not that into me anymore... I hate it when that happens...but what can I do...people do really fall out of love... I'm a hapless wierdo... and yes I am probably living too much of a single guy's life... is it my fault? I don't think so... I'm enjoying my life the way I want to... not to keep pressures off (yeah my friends do that too)... but the hell...I don't care about what other people think anymore... I am in the marrying age... but I dont think I should just because I need to... I have to be in the state that "I want to"... that would be the niche I'd find before I settle down...

I do despise people who do that... like its their job to see you married off because they are married already too... and have kids... I can do that in a jiffy but I won't because that's the lifestyle I want to have right now... no this is no grudge... Im just tellin... nyahahah....

Well just today... I found out that a common friend... liked me... and what do you know... I like her too... we texted about what happened when she and a couple of our friends went out to Laguna just this weekend... I mean, yeah there were a lot of them making out, and doin stuff you already know when guys and gals get together but she wasn't doin anythin that time... I even asked myself why was I so behaved...much like what she was doin...just now... she asked me out of the blue... and told me this:

"You know the time that we were only the ones left in the room... you never even bothered to talk to me... or landiin man lang ako... heheh"

I asked her " hah?! (O_o) bat naman po?! "

She said.."Nahihiya kasi ako sayo nun...pero gusto kita"

I mean coming from a girl, I was a lil shocked... usually when someone falls inlove with me, I put effort into it...but this one was a lil off my chart... she likes me a lot...I'll try this one out..

Yeap.. I like her too...and I told her already.. We love each other... We're gonna try this out... hope it ain't another heartbreak in the making... ^_^ I've been lucky about love so far.... and women don't hold grudges against me... we still end up friends... Wish me luck on this one!!!


Monday, February 25, 2008

I've heard there are numerous groups on the verge of launching rallies and stuff because they either dont like Arroyo or the current system... I am not a fan of Arroyo either... but Id rather spend the day working my butt off than going to your filthy prayer rallies and spend hours of precious time complaining to God.... people of the church should stay doing sermons in churches..... not on the streets.... you claim to care for poor people, and claim to care for the greater good... if you were the president of this country, do you think you can change everything? I'm a 100% sure you are also going to be marred with the same allegations that she has... and HOW DARE YOU use People Power for your actions... The term is relatively ABUSED... You do not represent the WHOLE PHILIPPINES for cryin out loud!!!


Yeah Im back dating and emo girl!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Well...havent blogged for a while so I decided to go back to my usual habits... this emo boy of yours is now back in business....oh yeah haven't I told you yet? I got back being single last Jan 31'st.... and now... I'm back datin!!

Yeah I know...kinda cheesy.... and a bit abrupt.... Its all good since I ended up friends with my now EX Joanna... she's all good but the pressures of going from here to Pampanga every week for 6 months just got to me I guess.... so that's that and a couple of things..... my fault.... EXACTLY!

Well since I have been too bad...I just got back dating this nursing student from UST... and damn she's pretty.... she's a friend of a common friend so its quite okay... well I must admit I got interested with here even at the time I was committed.... I wont tell you I have another GF of course! =P hahaha


Anyway, life aint easy...I wish I could press rewind and turn back the hands of time...but it dont get any better as each day go by..... PS Im still not over you but since I am single... I wanna love this girl now.... let me try it again okay? Oh and its a good thing that she lives about 10 minutes away from me.... we'd probably know in a few days how I do in this new girl Im dating..... Im a good guy...i deserve better! Caching! kapish!