New Projects for the Geek

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm currently designing a VPN network for a local company that wants to get on line on everything they do. With the structure starting with 20 branches nationwide, they need to consolidate their accounting figures in real time and have their produce fresh when they need it. This is a tall order for me but after configuring these things for about 5 years, I can probably do this. This also means that we'll be setting up POS and ATM software but I'll have that sourced locally too.

I am thinking of getting a couple of routers that would be able to get us networked first. This would cost roughly about 24,000 pesos because the SOHO routers cost around that. Maybe in the first phase I'll be getting them to organize a shared resource then after that, have their software send the information and have it consolidate the earnings versus their supplies so they can have their products delivered on time. Since they are in the food business they need this to make things faster and easier to understand. It will make their ordering system more efficient since they plan to get bigger this year. Its a good thing I know vpn like the back of my hand. Hopefully I can get them to approve the budget I require to accomplish this. This would be a nice year for me too if that pushes through. Wish me luck!


39, 455 Passed the Nursing Board Exam

CONGRATS naman! ^_^

he Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Board of Nursing has released the Nursing Board Examination results and from the 88, 649 that took the exam last November 39, 455 lucky nurses have passed. Topping the list was Jovie Ann Alawas Decoyna from Baguio Central University that got a whopping 89% rating. Xavier University of Cagayan de Oro City was the top school this year that had more passing students because only 5 out of 341who took the board exam did not pass and got an average of 99% as their passing rate.

Oathtaking ceremonies of these new nurses will be slated on April 6 and 7 at SMX Convention Center SM Mall of Asia. Other schools and regional oath taking schedules will have their own at the Board of Nursing Website Decoyna who topped the exam said that this is the first time she took the test. At 24 she is the last daughter of a farmer and an OFW mother from Taiwan. Everyone at the College of Nursing and students of Baguio Central University were proud of Decoyna in this feat.Congratulations to my friend Leo who passed the exam as well, we are proud of yah!


Fare rate cuts will take effect on Monday

Friday, February 20, 2009

The public has been notified about the 50 centavo fare rate cut that will take effect on Monday. Commuters that take Jeepney rides around the metro will surely enjoy this perk that the transport groups and government worked on because of the diesel prices falling in the world market.

It has been a few months of price decrease in Diesel prices so it is rightful to do this. The ordinary consumer that normally pays 7.50 in a few kilometers will get their money's worth.This will also be taking effect in 2 other regions in Luzon because it includes regions 3 and 4.I hope it continues to go down until 75 centavos. Yeah, I remember that did happen once.

Aren't you glad?


Hope for the Country

I believe that someday, the economic woes in the US will end. With the stimulus plan of the US President already in place, there is greater hope that everyone would land a job soon. This in turn would promote consumer spending because people would already have money for their everyday needs. With the Dow Jones industrial average in its in more than six years, the sharp declines in key financial shares led the market lower and a couple of establishments are now affected. Even if they all rule over what goes out in the senate and congress, much work needs to be done at the market itself.

I applaud the US President for taking care of the long forgotten veterans. They have been given what's due them but its quite sad to know that some of them died already not seeing the benefits that they should have had protecting the sovereignty of their country. The US Ambassador to the Philippines also had the same resentment because the passage of this bill was a little late. How can we all talk about political matters without someone else stopping us from speaking freely? I'm quite happy to say that the Internet would be a better tool for this. If you want to let the world know anything about politics make sure you visit sites that promote free speech. Check out the political debate website and be heard!
