Do Not Eat at TGIFridays Trinoma!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Its one of the most horrible plates of food I have ever seen and the people here didnt even dare to change it after several attempts to ask them to change my plate. You go ahead and eat your own freakin RAW rice.

Stupid TGIFridays! You have outdone yourselves. What a pity serving this in a restaurant! And yes I am still upset!

Sorry but I just had to say that.

Well Surprise! Surprise! =)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just Look at What Arrived in the Mail Today!

Am I dreaming?! =O Somebody pinch me! =)

It looks like I'll be reviewing the L'Oreal Paris Menexpert Line... hang on tight guys!
This just gotta be good! =)


A Perfect Night: Art by Manansala - Fashion from Freeway

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It was a nice evening for reconnecting with art. I seldom pick up a brush or knife these days to make something in the canvas. Actually if you think about it, I never even thought about it til now. It's been years since I conceptualized something like that. I guess it pays to actually go to these events; you get inspired again. It gives you that extra umph you need to get a muse... and believe me just the name Vicente Manansala on its own would make anybody believe in the arts again. He's the best there is in modern cubism. Imagine at that time he's already done what photoshop is doing now in layers. The transparent figures, different shades, he's done all of that decades ago. While we on the other hand stare and marvel at his great works now.

Artists made portraits and artwork at the center of Glorietta 5. These things just inspires me!

Different styles, different mediums, they began creating works of art right in the middle of the mall. Guests and celebrities joined in and had their portraits made too.

It was a delight to see such talented people in one place. Paying homage to the one and only National Artist for Visual Arts Vicente Manansala. Whilst upstairs Freeway was doing the same thing; honoring the artist through fashion. The line aptly named after him... Manansala.

Freeway has been doing these great fusions of art + literature + and fashion over the years and what great way to celebrate it but by making this available to consumers now. The generation of today probably don't even know a thing or two about this national artist for Visual Arts. Even great artists were influenced by his work years before even I was born. I was educated in some of the best schools to learn a few facts from them. It made a difference in my education later on in life. If this becomes something well acquainted with special stuff like a dress, or a top, or a whole shirt line... wouldn't that be more endearing to our generation?

Graphic prints and detailed image captures with intricate embroidery in tops. What more can a woman ask for?!

Sketch interpretations of Manansala's work also seen in black blouses. Ingenious way of interpreting the great national artist's work on textile.

Those translucent/transparent effects he started as I said is also shown on this red number. If you dig the images on canvas, you would definitely love these too.

Great artwork from the Lopez Museum and private collectors were all imprinted on silk, cotton or satin like fabrics. The colors exude almost the same palette as the original paintings.

Prints applied on the blouses, clean crisp white shirts never go wrong with black skirts. Prints even on the bags make quite an attractive accessory to any day/night dress. Go sleeveless, or full dress... Freeway just shows different appliques to the artwork made by Vincent Manansala.

Sporting the Manansala design on his coat and wearing the Manansala top are the hosts of the event, Tim Yap and gorgeous Ms. Divine Lee! She's so chic!

FreewayXManansala Fashion Show

After understanding the concept of this line, Freeway treated us with a fashion show fit for the name Vicente Manansala. It was very high fashion, I had so much fun I had to get one of the models contact numbers. I envy Freeway getting such awesome ladies on the ramp. I'd gladly do an editorial spread for them on my portfolio. Just look at how gorgeous these clothes were carried by these models.

Key Item: Tops, have it sleeveless or not its still going to be the perfect shirt with all those graphic design/print on them.

Just look at the accessories, even the fans had the print on them!

Colors and designs made this collection a lot different than the other National artists series but all of em are good representations of their work. Above the knee, solid colors, it still works. They can use this for day dresses, very pretty.

Those almost opposite in the color wheel shouldn't be mixed but just look at this one. Long sleeves, long skirt and a leather clutch. Classy and formal, quite nice for professionals who want to be still updated.

Mini's or above the knee dresses with large prints shy away from the norm color blocking and use frames or lines. Genius!

So I guess its pretty obvious that we're looking at Audrey Hepburn hair this evening. Very classy.

Oh! I see something nice in this set. The jacket/blazer. Mix and match that with any shirt and voila! It'll turn into something formal. =)

What a way to end the evening, very high fashion indeed!

With pieces that give justice to the artwork of a great man, Freeway continues to be socially relevant in a sense. I never even thought that any brand would do that; and they did it in style. It was an artsy, glamorous event attended by great people. Experienced collectors, friends, family of Mr. Manansala were there to witness the event too. It was such an honor to be with people who made a difference in culture and felt in some way, shape or form that we belong to something so remarkable... a race that stands so proud with talents like Vicente Manansala. We pretty much knew Freeway was doing something so right. I can't wait to see the Men's line come November. It'll surely be one heck of a collection again!

Congratulations to Freeway on your FreewayXManansala launch. You have outdone yourselves again! Made me happy too! =)


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The Plight of Health Professionals

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There are thousands of health professionals in our country that go out and spend most of their career in the United Kingdom, EU, the Middle East, Asia Pacific or North American regions. The standards of our health workers are quite high and have been regarded as the best in the industry. The continued evolution of our educational system and health specific trainings are lagging behind more advanced countries. It's but right that we do something about it so we can still manage to attain the high standards the recipients need for their health care. What's great is that this is available in the UK and a medical management course is perfect for those who want to further advance their studies in this field. It's also one of the great things they can do while practicing their profession. They can do this on the side without sacrificing work related matters because they can get the courses that are apt for them. Doctors for example can get a medical teaching course in order to pursue doing this in universities. This would hasten them to have a career in educating future nurses, medical technologists, doctors or medical workers.

It's so nice to see that we are making a mark in the United Kingdom and nearby countries. I love it when most managers treat Filipino workers twice as efficient as their regular counterparts. Later on in their careers, they can probably just get a consultant interview course and have a managerial post rather than spend too much time in operations. It's like any job; it's giving them what they worked for. If they go back to the Philippines maybe they can teach the new generation of health workers and do the same thing. They learn now then impart what they have learned to generations of health professionals later on. If we get some teach the teacher course in the future we would make this noble task viable to anyone who wishes to be a doctor someday. Do you have relatives who work in the UK health industry? Did they get more courses when they arrived there? What made them different from other professionals who didn't study further? Let me know!
