A Great and Healthy Night With Soyami

Sunday, January 29, 2012

It was a wonderful evening of getting introduced to great products whilst having dinner at Tourne at the Fort Strip. Everyone knows the healthy benefits of Soy and how it has surpassed just being the plain jane taho/tofu in the Philippines... and now there's more things to rave about!

Yeap! That's Marc Nelson!

Some of you probably ask "How in the world does a Marc Nelson/Rovilson Fernandez ever look so good?! Why in the world do they have hot bodies!?" and "Why does kumagcow look a little fat?! LOL?!" Well that's simple to answer because Marc Nelson and Rovlison have better, ultra healthy food choices. I also haven't been going to the gym these past few months... hence the sculptured German physique I have now. (hehe)

Filipinos love to eat; and consequently LOVE to snack. I don't even know anyone who doesn't have a sarisari store nearby or a restaurant to go to when hunger strikes. Our diet is a mix of east and west so we kind of already have a saturated mix of food, that entails those that are healthy and not so healthy ones. As we continue to grow efforts to eat right at this day and age they spurred an idea of making chips out of these soya beans but prepared them in a special way. That's where SOYAMI Chips comes into the picture!

It comes in WHITE CHEDDAR!

also Pizza!

And my favorite the Original flavor! I can dip this in hummus or low fat Sour Cream/Yogurt and ooh can I just say I LOVE IT!? =)

A dietician from Fitness First Club was there too to give us advice on how to have a healthy life and of course WELLNESS. Ms. Apple Rosales from SOYAMI who initially had this idea of serving healthy snacks for kids in her play pen business approached and told us about the SOYAMI Story and how it came about. She was so nice and bubbly, very enthusiastic too about the other new things they have launched. She was so excited about the potential of getting this out in the market. I love the these too!

Soyami Oatmeal Cookies, not too sweet and just right for that fiber fix. For those who want to have better digestion, a couple of these everyday can probably get you going.

The usual bread sticks you get on dinners just got jazzed up and fortified with Soya as their new Soya Stix in 3 different flavors won't disappoint you! I love this CHILI flavor so much that I refused to share it with my Dad! LOL! He got the garlic one though!

For the sweet tooth, why not have this better tasting Puto Seko to satisfy your cravings. I love how they got native this time. I put this in the fridge for later consumption but I kept opening and closing til the next day. Then POOF! nobody saw it again hehehe!

SOYAMI also partnered with Tree Hugger in this event. Yes! it's that great brand that not only sells excellent corn/recycled paper based pens, highlighters and pencils but with every Treehugger Pen you buy contributes to planting more trees in Philippine forests. They are also a big partner of HARIBON foundation; one of the leading nature conservation institutions in the Philippines. You should check out these special tree loving pens on all Papemelroti stores/kiosks or specialty shops nationwide! I didn't use the pen they gave me because they were so pretty LOL!

The nice and bubbly chef of Tourne. Visit them at the Fort Strip, Bonifacio Global City! Right in front of Fitness First! (image from Soyami FB Page)

Food served at the event were Soyami-inspired dishes courtesy of Tourne Executive Chef Sandralyn Hataway. I bet you would love the Mac and Cheese with Alugbati (which is my personal favorite!). It's like real deal slow cooked comfort food but without the guilt!

I would have loved to have a few seconds with him but he was busy entertaining people. I wanted to ask some questions but too bad. Anyway you are doing a good job Marc Nelson! I wish you all the success in this new venture!

The good people from FaceOne took time to explain to us what their products are from and how it can help in a lot of ways to maintain skin health.

Funny labels on these skin whitening, oil control and anti bacterial products from FaceOne eh?! I'll be trying out some of these and see how they fare against some of the best ones out in the market. Will this be great for men?! I hope so. Though right from the get go it looks quite natural and that's a plus in my books! You should get one of these and test them out, the whitening lotions and toner works for me though... you should definitely try it out! Throw away those hard fuel based products that you have and go natural instead!

I love the Suncoast products I won that evening. It's probably going to be a whole different ballgame now while I'm working out at the gym. The Vit Water tastes great too! For those who prefer a more natural electrolyte enhanced drink try the Lightwater, it's gonna boost your gusto for more activities for sure!

Congratulations Soyami for a very successful bloggers night and to the winners of the blog contests have a wonderful year ahead of you, you must have been really special to be chosen by the owners of SOYAMI so be proud of that!


For more information about healthy eating and SOYAMI

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123 Pioneer St.
Unit 8, Guererro Bldg. 01550
Mandaluyong City, Philippines


Be Informed: Loans Should Be Easy!

Friday, January 27, 2012

I just like any normal guy would want a house, a car, a family that eats three times a day and a successful career. Times are hard; and sometimes there are a couple of things we can't afford to spend on but if it entails the opportunities or the survival of your financial independence you really have to do it. Having some time off I read a couple of things over at Blue Global Media and in one way or another it was quite enlightening to know stuff about how to market services like loans and affiliate programs. The reality of it is if you earn an extra buck or two and need that extra kick to get your motor running then it would be nice to get it when you need it.

This isn't rocket science and you just need a couple of things to start. First of all you need an international affiliate network right off the bat. Maybe if we do it earlier than usual we would have some advantages and get approvals. You need to check who's doing a good job and try not to fall for those who don't! The assurance can probably start from their current accounts and offers. If it all seems good from a financial and economical standpoints don't hesitate to grab the opportunity... it only comes once in a while. Don't be afraid to avail a cash advance affiliate program sometime soon if you want to move forward in your career or take advantage of your on line presence. Things like these should be easy for anyone, anywhere. I'd love to just do it now!


SUMOSAM: Authentic Bento in the Metro!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who's up for Japanese food?! I know I am! Well don't despair if you can't think of anything to eat this lunch break because SUMOSAM just came out with a new BENTO BOX line that you'll surely love! I got first dibs on it last weekend!

The Samurai's Choice

Samurai's Choice Yokozuna Bento

This is the premier BENTO Box that they have in the SUMOSAM store - Gilmore. Taking a peek at what's in store for me that afternoon was part of the excitement. Since this is the first time they are serving this I immediately thought of who can actually best benefit from this scrumptious Japanese meal!

1. Business people who love lunch meetings
2. Love birds who fondly take chopsticks and feed each other
3. Families who want kids to sit beside them and wallop different things for lunch
4. Those who are in a hurry but need a big meal, less fuss, more substance
5. For Samurais
6. For everybody!

Let me just do a rundown of what this particular meal entails. I'll section it off with how the serving was done in this HUGE YOKOZUNA BENTO BOX!

Beef Misono (US Beef Knuckle) and Yasai Itame (Sauteed Vegetables)

Soft chewy slices of beef and sauteed veggies rule this corner of the box. Don't you just love Beef Misono that's sweet and salty partnered with piping HOT GOHAN aka white rice! The beef smell was invigorating though I wanted it to be a little more salty, good thing they've got soy available in cute little clay teapot containers so you can adjust to your own taste.

Cute Soy Sauce container and Iced tea.

The Iced tea was nice, twas not too sweet! It was a little tangy in fact. It does make a difference if you put slivers of lemon on it. It becomes a tad fresher!

Dory Tepan with bean sprouts and Yasai Itame

We all love those fish fillet pieces on the YOKOZUNA Bento, it was lightly seared on TEPAN which is another name for an iron griddle. In Japan and in the US, there are even restaurants based on this particular way of cooking. SUMOSAM knows this is a hit and this fish by far is the most adored in restaurants in the metro so why not make this a part of the SAMURAIS CHOICE YOKOZUNA BENTO. Not to mention the crunchy bean sprouts that come with it.

Dried Anchovies aka Dilis

Right smack at the center of the YOKOZUNA Bento box was a load full of dried anchovies aka dilis. It's a staple to most of us who dig this at breakfast but their version is kind of sweeter. The sugar coating is eminent which is kind of surprising since most Japanese would probably have this fresh and lightly toasted. The fried dilis in this case probably was cooked that way to keep it crunchy so as to contrast the rest of the things in the bento. I guess everything has to be balanced, so there really is like a thought process in putting these things together. The texture itself was a delight to experience. Soft, hard, mushy, to crunchy! Oishi desu ne!

Gohan - plain white rice jazzed up quite so nice!

Tuna and Salmon Sashimi, plus Kani stick

It's pink, it's raw and I like it that way. I like what they did on this particular portion; neat slices of Tuna and Salmon plus a couple of sticks of Kana (Crab Sticks) just was so good in its dipping sauce of thick soy and wasabe. You can tell the freshness because it ain't fishy at all. The tuna and salmon was firm to the bite and you can actually get a hint of sweetness out of it. I love sashimi! Their Samurai's Choice YOKOZUNA BENTO BOX hits the spot in all the right places!

Since I love Sushi, look who came in to make us one!

Chef Marvin Agustin for SUMOSAM

Oh yes ladies, he's my personal Chef! Anyone want to have lunch with me now?! (Joke!) Kidding aside, Chef Marvin Agustin personally prepared two sushi dishes for us.


And in a couple of minutes he came out of the kitchen carrying these!

The Las Vegas Sushi Roll - coined from their trips abroad composed of Kane Sticks, Scallops with a helping of flame melted Mozzarella Cheese on top. If there's anything cheesy on it count me in!

The Dynamite Roll - one of Marvin's favorites that's got tuna with a spicy kick! I loved these two that I had to order extras to take home. =) It was VERY spicy and I LOVE how they went out of their way to make it like that. I love spicy food!

GMA Marketing Manager Ricky Laudico part owner of SUMOSAM expresses his excitement in this new restaurant in Gilmore. This together with other nightspots in that new district seem to be really doing well. Even the locals are their patrons too. Loving this new YOKOZUNA BENTO Meals will surely be like second nature. SUMOSAM is surely gonna have a lot of customers coming their way now that YOKOZUNA BENTO Meals are available!


With a wide array of YOKOZUNA BENTO Choices at different price points there's always a perfect one for you. I recommend the Samurai's Choice though so you can get to taste them all! Isn't that amazing?!

Plus it's right beside a Seattle's Best Coffee branch. I like their Mocha Javakula and you might wanna spend a couple of hours digesting there; catch up with friends or your special loved ones over coffee right after your SUMOSAM lunch.


Both are perfect joints to talk and make that special connection. Make sure you drop by their place soon!



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PhilAm Life: Awakening A Dragon In All Of Us!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life is a little complicated in the Philippines, but there are surely a lot of things unique in this place that you have to be thankful for. We are indeed a melting pot of culture, some sort of East meets West in its truest sense. Though we owe our identities to these other races, ours is a unique blend of Malay, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, American, Japanese and others merged together; giving us this natural tan most foreigners envy.

Since we've adapted to these cultures, they also have something in store to exchange with our culture. China has been time in memorial a trading partner of the Philippines. They also have communities built within our cities which coincidentally is also the oldest CHINATOWN in the world! Going to BINONDO has always been a treat for me because the food is a whole other story. This time I went there for the Chinese New Year celebration! This is the year of the Water Dragon! So the drums did beat like so!

The color red flooded Ongpin and the streets of Binondo. I asked my friends immediately what was this for? Why the grand celebration? It apparently has always been this way.

Celebrities hosted the event. This was for the launching of the new DRAGON that PHILAM LIFE has. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a new dragon just arrived in BINONDO... but it's not your ordinary run of the mill dragon, it's a GIANT DRAGON!

These lions were the welcoming committee!

Then the GIANT DRAGON came along! OMG!

This is the start of the parade therefore the EYE DOTTING CEREMONY will commence first. The GIANT DRAGON was blindfolded. Awakening it needed this particular ceremony to be done.

The weight of the head itself is no joke, they had to make 3 to 5 tired but STRONG people carry it not to mention around 80-100 strong men to carry its body. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is probably the BIGGEST dragon there is in the country!

President and CEO Rex A. Mendoza says "Philam Life has been at the forefront of the Philippine life insurance market. Our strong brand name and ability to deliver on our promises have made us a trusted partner in securing the future of our customers. Bringing this Giant Dragon in the picture was but a commitment and homage to the Chinese Community who has been sternly supporting us through the years. We were renting dragons the previous years and decided to make one of our own. We got the BIGGEST and imported it from Hong Kong to show how much we value our relationships with the community." he added.

I hope you learn a few things from that. =)

When the GIANT PHILAM LIFE DRAGON arrived at the front of their Binondo office, the eye dotting ceremony was done. Photo above shows President/CEO Rex A. Mendoza putting in red paint on the eyes, tongue, ears, mouth, teeth, nostrils and the spine of the dragon. If it has to be done, it has to be done properly.

Miss Earth - Water was there!

Ms. Chinese Philippines was there too! Now just look at how statuesque she looks like from afar. She was probably 6'4 if I was not mistaken, very beautiful!

Photo above shows how long the GIANT DRAGON is. It must have extended from the PhilAm Life Binondo Branch to the edge of the Bridge of Binondo. It was really long!

PhilAm Life Binondo branch also unveiled their new signage on the facade of the building. People were already flocking the whole street. It was festive! It was all red! This was my first taste of Chinese Lunar New Year and I really felt that I was part of the celebration. Dong Yuei must have been smiling at this time!

We also got balloons and tied up our wishes on it. It apparently will come true. I won't say what I wished for but it would be nice if it does come true haha!

In hindsight, PhilAm Life celebrates the year of the Water Dragon with all of us because they know how to value culture, people and you. It was really proper with their theme "Anong plano mo? Usap tayo!" because they want you to see the bigger picture. Whatever your plan is, whatever your dreams are, they want you to realize it with industry experts and their people helping you. If you think you can't do it, they can make it happen. So make sure you ask someone from PhilAm Life, it doesn't matter how small or big your plans are... they probably have something designed for you. Later on this year they have big plans for the BPO industry professionals, make sure you avail that! Because PhilAm Life believes that there is a DRAGON to awake in all of us!

PhilAm Life is part of the AIA Group.


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