Toni Aquino on Wattpad Presents: Lala Laitera

Sunday, April 26, 2015

We met the cast of Wattpad Presents: Lala Laitera yesterday at Mario's Restaurant in Quezon City. It's  been a while, I know. Though I was kind of excited because they're introducing Toni Aquino, she's the daughter of comedienne Ruby Rodriguez. The proud mom is also appearing in this week's episode and she's not actually playing to be Toni's mom, quite opposite in fact because she'll be punishing her several times in this show. Aside from these two, Carl Guevarra will also be playing Toni's love interest in the series. Lala Laitera basically talks about Toni's character who will be shooting tons of hurtful words to people she'll meet in the school, home and the community. They want people to learn the value of humility, respect, good manners, all in a week's episode.

This is the first time that Toni is actually appearing on a series but she's always been doing birthday greetings in Eat Bulaga, or when it's Mothers Day on the same show. Back then, she was offered to actually be part of showbiz but her mother Ruby didn't see it was the right time. Ruby wanted Toni to finish her studies and if she'd still be interested when in college, that was the time she allowed her to. Toni admitted she was really hurt at that time because she did really dream to become an actress. She also did some small stints in school plays and theater group Trumpets (remember Monique Wilson's group?) so being on stage wasn't a problem. Ruby also attributes Toni's confidence stemmed from her exposure to Eat Bulaga and the whole Dabarkads because from the time Toni could go out of the house, she always had her in the studios and got Toni to talk with other hosts of the show. Ruby was probably going to get worried because she knew her daughter would be subjected to kissing scenes in Wattpad Presents, as the show is kinda romcom. Toni told the press that her Mom wasn't there during the first kiss, consequently mom Ruby started talking about a cute story after that.

Ruby laments "You see, Toni's Dad used to play basketball for leisure. One day, Toni and another friend tagged along and spotted a cute guy in the court whom they didn't know at that time. That guy was actually Carl Guevarra. Who wouldn't be crushing on this guy right? And after that, when they offered this series to Toni and she knew who she was going to be partnered with, they went bonkers! I feel he's their ultimate crush, and now he's going to be Toni's first kiss, choosy pa ba?!!" she adds.

As with the title of the book, teasing and using hurtful words would always be something that they have personal experiences with. People called Ruby names, and she did get used to it. Toni however in an anecdote said she heard someone from her school call her mom names, she got teary eyed and said she mustered up the courage to confront that person that time to hopefully educate them. She's okay now but if it's about her mom, she felt it was really something else, much like bullying. She didn't find any reason why a person would call another person's mom names.

Admittedly, Ms. Ruby said she thought of keeping the weight down (well we've all seen her do it successfully right?) but every time she did, she felt it was a struggle and she kept on getting pregnant after thinning down. Now, she's relaxed and she's always telling Toni to keep herself a little thin by jokingly pointing at herself sometimes and Toni gets it. Ruby trusts Toni a lot, even gave her what wise words she learned from her own mom, to know her limitations even if she's not there.

Ruby knows Toni is going to another market. She's not in the direction of being a comedienne but more of an artist that could do everything. It was really a treat to hear them tell us these personal stories in between. 

I find Carl really very friendly. He's also very inspiring. Did you know he used to weigh 240 pounds and had a size 38 waist? Look at him now. I asked him personally and he said he really did the work. He did diet plans, really rigorous workouts, he was just so lucky he got in the Be Bench thing because it was his brother who wanted it really bad. Things are really going his way and when asked why he's not sticking to a person paired with him, he said that's how he wanted it to be. He's very practical and adds if there's a job he needs to do, he's just going to do it. Actually, he's been branded to be the one to always be the first guy to be with when there's a new lady to be paired in Wattpad. I think he's been with them all! Working with Toni he says was easy because he didn't find her nervous at all, he praises that Toni is someone who loves to do this and she's a ball of energy even in the wee hours of the morning. They only took one workshop and said it was easy to get her, to let her feel comfortable. He also can't wait for people to see their story unfold in Wattpad Presents.

 Toni is excited, she hasn't really heard about what other things she's actually going to do after this week's episode. They have different managers and Ruby doesn't have any plans of being a stage mom. She knows Toni can hold her own flame. Toni on the other hand hopes that her (Toni) Mom would be ultimately proud of her (as they already are), that's her ultimate dream and she would like to achieve that real soon.

Wattpad Presents: Lala Laitera will be shown from Monday to Friday 9PM on TV5.


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We Can Be Heroes: #DevantxAvengers Event

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Guy posing with superheroes not me. I am not worthy yet but I will be, soon! -kumagcow

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a super hero?

I know I did. I've donned countless costumes, flied around and fell many times over, thrown shurikens, drawn swords, and imagined laser beams coming out of my eyes often. It was something a normal kid would do. Although I'm not in that age bracket anymore, I still do it today. You can call me a freak anytime, you can call me different, but for me, I feel special. It's something that I've always want to be, and I'll still dream of that until I become a real super hero one day.  I know it will come true.

Devan'ts ULTRAHD TV, impressive!

I've been rearing to see Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron since they've started talking about it. Good thing our friends from DEVANT invited us last April 23 to see one of the most awaited films this summer. DEVANT partnered with Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron to finally see what great things these heroes have that are also present in DEVANT’s newest TV Collection. It was easy to spot, these superheroes clearly had something similar. You may ask, what characteristics would these Avengers have with their TV units? They told us one by one.

Captain America

This is DEVANT's very own 65 inch Curved Ultra HD TV. Just like Captain America, it's good looking, strong, and you'll never hear a bad word coming from it (unless you do of course). It's very smart, since it's a Smart 3D TV. All the curves, much like Captain America's shield makes it the perfect thing to watch your favorite shows, movies and games. Having this in your living room would feel just surreal that you can't possibly find another hero with that disposition. I want to be Captain America like I want that Curved Ultra HD TV too. Hello DEVANT! LOL!

Iron Man

For something more comic, something smart, something very like Iron Man, DEVANT also has this 65 Inch Smart 3D Ultra HD TV. It's got impressive technology much like Mr. Stark. Boasting an 8.3 Megapixel display and a built in ISDB-T receiver, even mad scientists like you (yes I know what you did last night with Pepper) would be impressed with this thing. You want technology to work for you and this just does the job. I want this one as well, so if Devant and Mr. Stark had the same characteristics, they'll pay for it right? LOL Hello DEVANT again!


Hulk can SMASH! It's the same thing with DEVANT's Superb Sound quality in every 50 inch Smart 3D Ultra HD TV. Just try and visit their stores so you could see what Black Widow loves with this monster, he's got built in subwoofers so you can get you and your facts clearer, and viewing experience ultra hypnagogic! You can ask Bruce Banner about what that word means too, he's smart like that.


Just like Thor, you won't stop until you get answers to your questions. DEVANT wants you to see what you clearly want in this 55 inch Smart 3D Ultra HD TV. You'll never see blurred scenes anymore because of its fast frame refresh rate made better with 120 Hertz Vivid Motion technology that'll get you that fast frame refresh rate. It's fast as thunder and lightning, when you see him raise his hammer and struck by it you won't see blurs, you see lightning details itself! Now that's demigod-like!


This DEVANT 55 inch Smart 3D TV is just a sharp shooter. It never misses a scene because of its spot on picture display. He could be out in the forest or inside the walls of a building but he'll never miss a target because this has got a Perfectly Clear Panel Display. It basically eliminates ambient light reflection even on different lighting conditions. The TV, just like Hawkeye will never miss a target. It's never gonna miss to let you see all the video details that you should see. It's like an advanced human feature that only wants to show you still have the heart to enjoy it with your family. Retiring soon like Hawkeye would have never been so good without this in your home, you'll enjoy time with it for years!

Black Widow

Her love for Hulk and her cleansing psycho dramatic story was for the books during the film. Much like DEVANT, she is special. You can get DEVANT's 50 inch Smart 3D TV's and get yourself 2D to 3D conversion. You don't really have to go to the movie houses and experience that. You can enjoy it at the comforts of your own home. You can watch all those action movies, sports channels just like the boys do. Black Widow shoots, punches, kicks and break them necks for breakfast. The DEVANT TV outperforms most of those expensive brands in the market and get you less what you paid for. Wouldn't you want things to be worth it? 

As for me, my super hero dreams would still be there. I'll take a look at the DEVANT TV Collection and its superb features to inspire me. I might not be an Avenger now but I'll definitely have that same hope for consumers that you'll get a lot of things from getting a DEVANT TV. It's unbelievably priced quite nice too. You don't have to spend a lot to think you're special, you just have to know what you're buying is worth it and that's exactly why DEVANT TV's are actually like these guys from Marvel's Avengers : Age of Ultron. Remember, no matter who you are, where you're from and what you do, you can be special too! (I think I should credit Backstreet Boys on that last part LOL!) I don't have a DEVANT TV yet, but I'm sure just like these heroes, they know how to save me... I know they will! We could be heroes. (Hello DEVANT! Haha!)

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(Avengers artwork inside images not mine. CTO)

Gerry's Plus Opens at UP Town Center

Friday, April 24, 2015

How many times have you gone out for lunch/dinner with friends and you couldn't make up your minds about where to go? Crazy isn't it? Well, that's about to change if you're near the UP Town Center because Gerry's Plus has opened its doors to the public last March 26, 2015! They're located at the second floor of the second building that's pretty near the exterior stairs.

Gerry's Plus is mostly much like Gerry's Grill but with a few items added to the menu. The ambiance is a little upscale sports shack, with a little country wood interiors too. It's relaxed, not too strict, no dress codes either, which is good in my books. They say they stayed in the Gerry's Grill concept because it would be hard to start a restaurant from scratch, at least with the name recall, you can adapt with the brand right away and you'll practically get the same menu, same price with some added food items of course. Still, it's not inferior to the Gerry's Grill Brand.

The Interiors

They have an open viewing kitchen, exposed beams, wood and slate walls, wooden and upholstered leather chairs mixed in. Seating capacity is around 60-80, with 16 of them in al fresco overlooking the Katipunan strip. 

The Food

ASUS Launches ZenFone 2 for Southeast Asia

Thursday, April 23, 2015

It was an awesome trip indeed! We had to go to Jakarta, Indonesia to witness the Southeast Asian launch of the ASUS ZenFone 2 and their other products. Yes, it's the phone that is rumored to beat all the competition in its class. It's my first time here so it was something I was definitely looking forward to. I've heard so many things about this place. Jakarta has its own charm, a little dated but they prove to be true to their heritage, a history that dates back centuries rooted in religion, built with wars and culture.

As with ASUS, they sternly believe that in order to become great, they have to do the legwork in making the best phones specs wise but have it affordable that most consumers would be able to get one when it finally comes out of the electronic shelves (rumored to be May). It looks kind of simple on paper but in real life, designing a dream phone/phablet like this would cost an arm and a leg if they did it on their own. ASUS had partnerships with other manufacturers so they could get the best there is architecturally but keep the prices down since these components are made by the experts themselves. It's some sort of synergy, a meeting of minds where you make the best fit hardware for your mobile devices.