Is That True 5G You're Getting?

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

It must have been so exciting to hear that you have 5G with your mobile network provider, but there lies the question, are you really getting true 5G connection?

It must have been just a bandwagon they tried to ride during their launch, but most of it is just what we already have, much of which is 4G and its predecessors. Real 5G connection is 20 times faster and a lot better, so when they say that you have it, it should feel that way, it should show you are getting the 5G connection you were promised.

5G connections are 20GB's per second, have super less latency and is reliable. DITO has it, they use 5G SA so you can have true 5G experience. Some networks only use 5G using 4G and LTE towers, which more or less employ 5G NSA, it doesn't bring you to the full potential you need in mobile connection... so don't be fooled.



It's been a while since I've seen the country's IT girl, Maine Mendoza. The last time I think was during the launch of her husband Arjo Atayde's restaurant in Quezon City. She was so nice, very approachable, so it's no surprise that companies still get her to represent them especially in entertainment. Recently, she was at the launch of Pinoy Drop Ball, the newest among DigiPlus' line of perya games which will be live streamed at every instance, something that's traditionally seen in local fairs in the Philippines.

Aside from Maine, the launch was also graced by one of the hottest boy groups in the country, ALAMAT who provided us with really good dance-able song numbers during that evening. Their Chairman Euseblo Tanco likened Pinoy Drop Ball to several of their existing entertainment offerings that are not only exciting but authentic and culturally resonant. According to him, this is a huge leap forward to put mortar and pestle offline fun into digital, which now is available for adults to enjoy. They follow strict standards, as it is appropriately licensed, and employ rules to make sure fair play and consistency happens at every aspect, and available whenever you want to enjoy it. They also change hosts every 20 minutes so no one gets tired when throwing the ball, the chance to become victorious is there!

It was surely an evening to remember, and with what they have on the platform rolled out, the variety of what people can enjoy is just a LOT! It was certainly awesome to see Maine Mendoza again in person, she's adorable!


Affordable Innovative Therapies for Detox and Relaxation: The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness Bioclarity Therapy

Times have changed, and so have our views about health and wellness. After a long strain filled day in the office, we want to find a place to relax, detoxify and just get better. As we age, signs of wear and tear would show unannounced. We get sick, can't move as much, and try to find physical, mental, traditional and holistic therapies that could make it all better. This is where The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness comes in.

Located at the 3rd floor of Bell-Kenz Tower in #127 Malakas Street in Quezon City, The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness offers various services aimed to promote overall health. This is the handy work of world renowned medical practitioner, author, columnist, radio & TV host Dr. Gary Sy who has dedicated his life in the field of Geriatric and Functional Medicine, health and wellness.

In their facility, we tried a few procedures to better treat my frozen shoulder which I've been suffering from the whole week. After checking my blood pressure, they recommended the Bio Clarity Therapy so that I could relax, detoxify, get a bit of weight off, relieve myself from body pains and so that I could improve my blood circulation. They could combine this with other services like Cupping Therapy (in order to ease back and neck pain, headaches by inducing blood flow to the area), Magnetic Acupressure (much like acupuncture without using needles), or Activated Charcoal Bath (to help detoxify the skin and body by bathing with it in a tub). They also have Thermal Mineral Phototherapy which they do to improve blood flow, reduce the feeling of anxiousness and insomnia, lessen muscle stiffness, in about 15 to 30 minutes.

After the sauna like experience with the Bio Clarity Therapy, we then proceeded to do the Diathermy treatment wherein they had me massaged with a heat element. It felt so good when they placed it on my shoulder area where the pain was emanating. It was better right away which says a lot about their treatments. A lot of their clients/patients get this ministration in sessions so that they could heal over time, something I'm considering now after seeing the effects on my day 1.

If you are feeling under the weather, or in pain, it's time you detox, have a day of repair and rejuvenation at The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness. Again, this is located at the 3rd floor of Bell-Kenz Tower, #127 Malakas Street in Quezon City. This sits at the back of the Philippine Heart Center, so you wouldn't miss it. You may walk in but it would be best to set an appointment via (02) 8911-13-14, or (02) 8400-42-05, or their mobile number 0917-5777675 so you wouldn't experience wait times.

It's a good time to detox and relax, all at affordable rates. The Life Extension Center for Health and Wellness might be a good place to start.


ALJUR ABRENICA and AJ RAVAL Set to Star in WPS Themed Series

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

With the recent pronouncements and action of forces in the West Philippine Sea, this WPS themed series is set to premiere on DZRH TV, Radio and other platforms. This is the handy work of Dr. Michael Raymond Aragon of KSMBPI (Kapisanan ng Social Media Broadcasters ng Pilipinas, Inc.). It's going to be a series, based on fiction and real life events happening in the West Philippine Sea and we got to talk to them (Aljur, AJ, Doc Aragon, Rannie and Lance Raymundo) this morning via zoom.

Dr. Michael Raymond Aragon "We are here for a crucial advocacy, the issue about the West Philippine sea. It's part of our EEZ, awarded in an arbitral tribunal but there's a bully trying to threaten us. Many think tanks think China will not go to war with us and the US due to the economic issues, and they are bluffing us. They want to get us without firing a shot. This positioning is the same thing of what they did with Vietnam. This project is fiction, entertainment, but a subliminal way of talking to people to rally the correct foreign policy to make sure it doesn't go to them. We are talking to air this on TV, Free TV, Cable, Satellite, radio drama and Viva One. They have subscribers from all over the world, this is different from Vivamax, and is their prime brand." 

He adds "Honestly as long as  there's things happening in WPS, we will introduce it in different channels. We will also have it streamed, and other TV channels we plan to put it in. It's information dissemination. There's really a chance to put in other artists of course. We will prioritize A-listers, we are supporting their transition to mainstream. The cases are done and moving forward. Lala Sotto brokered things, it's time for us to help the nation. This is part of our information campaign because it's ours. They are the first choice as far as actors go, I saw them as a family and this is the fight we are taking on, like the cognitive war. The world will back up the Philippines. The family is the basic unit, we have Raval, we have Raymundo, we have Viva. This is a cause for the Philippines, and it's ours. We are treating fear, they are aggressors and we just have to stand up for our rights. Entertainment is a very strong aspect for battling that. Every day, we talk to people, although fictional, you will see things that are happening in the WPS and streamed after three days since this is a continuous project. They are heroes because they are doing this beyond themselves. They will be toured nationwide to promote the advocacy to go around and promote this. We want to make them laugh, cry, fall in love when it shows on TV and hear on the radio. It's subliminal. It's fiction but real life."

Rejie Jularbal of DZRH announced "We will be putting this on radio, thinking of putting this in free to air in major cities translated in local dialects. In the meantime we will be promoting WPS on our platforms."

AJ Raval says "Just to be clear, I didn't say I didn't want to be an actress, but there was just a time that I wanted to do other things like finish my studies, use it for better things. I did have a time when I didn't want to do things, but it was just because I wanted to do other stuff and learn, spend time with family. I am happy about this project because you can use your artistry for good things, it was offered to us and we didn't even ask for fees. It's something that would be good for the country. We're not a package, but we were just invited. My Dad and Aljur. I think I'm done with sexy scenes, I want something new, but I'm quite happy I did that. I am still under Viva, and I don't have plans to do other things. I still am planning to do projects with them. Aljur really didn't have a say, I just did it and he supported me. My role here is Alena, an adoptee by Commander played by Rannie Raymundo. While very young, she had promise training. I don't have advise for other Viva artists, they know what they are doing. I think if it's their calling they will get there. It's also my dream to work with my Dad, I am happy about that. This is my first time doing things outside Viva so I'm weighing things. Since my Dad is there, it was very comfortable to do things because he's there. He has worked in the industry for years and he gives me good advise. Boss Vic is also happy about what I'm doing, he knows about it. I went to his office to talk about it and I appreciate that he said I can do it. I am happy hearing Aljur say that, my Dad is overjoyed and proud of me when he heard I'd be giving this up. This is the first time I'm doing an advocacy project, I am obsessed with the cause because I always am up to date with the things happening there. Aljur too because I know, he's very nationalistic."

Aljur Abrenica says "I am excited to work with them, specifically in acting and singing. When AJ made the decision, I am so happy for her. I am always supportive for the people I love, but I am so proud of her. This isn't an easy thing, but this is her next step. When she goes to a greater path, you get to be proud. I play a specific role but it will be changed, because the script is being updated. I am the cousin of Lance, this talks about espionage, cyber media. Things happening in the WPS will be reflected in the story. I am doing covert operations, in the interest of the Filipino nation. Just working with AJ and her Dad Jeric, it's going to be a family bonding. I still see him in his movies, and this is face to face working with him. This is a chance to strengthen our bond since we will be working together. Right now I am not under LVD, but I stayed because of Sir Leo, when nobody believed in me, he was the one who supported me. May he be in peace. Now I am doing freelance work, hopefully I'd be able to work with a new management. I'll announce it soon. As for being an advocate, I'm very grateful because we can be instruments to fight for our country, in our own way. I experienced bullying when I was a kid, I talk to people, when love intervenes, God will find a way. They will change eventually. There is fear, but this is what we can contribute for the next generation."

Rannie Raymundo says "It's been a while since I've said yes to a project but since it's Doc Mike, it's time to fight for our rights and we need to do it now. It's a beautiful start on our day. You know I let him be his own man. We wake up, go to the gym together. He also makes his own music. Everyday we talk and read about the script, we are really hearing the news, and we are battling fear. I am done with fear because it's the one that stops us, art imitates life, and hopefully life will imitate solutions. If it's just up to us we're okay, but if it's about the future generations it's a different thing. It tickles me to see him succeed, we are the most abnormal brothers in the world, ever since he was born, we didn't fight or argue. We put all the praises to our parents, my Dad was tough, and we were trained hard. We are excited about this because there will be a lot of surprises in store for our countrymen. I am offering my songs for free, to hopefully be part of the soundtrack and let people hear the voices of AJ, Ayanna and Diana. People should know, they too are very talented singers."

Lance shares "This is something off our bucket list and working with my brother is something we wanted to do. As a Filipino, we were a hit in Bollywood. They know how hard working Pinoys are, families are asking for photos, I could think we made a huge impact with what we did. Hopefully Filipinos can do more other than hosting, we talked to people, our looks, it's similar to Northern folks in their own country. I had a lot of layovers, so I read the script, but there's nothing much to prepare in because I believe in the project. My character represents us, as long as you are aware about what's happening in the news, it's easy to do this. Everything that we do, if it's for the country, we take risks. We are using our platform, like soldiers we are giving what we can do. We are not afraid if we are using it for the good. We were raised very well, people in social media see this. Rannie was already an OPM icon even then, for me, just being here is a big thing. Now that I'm finding my niche, my brother is supporting me. We push each other up and no rivalries. They will be doing CGI and knowing Doc, he will only be coming out with quality films."

This series also stars Ayanna Misola, Daiana Menezes, Ali Forbes, Masimo Sciofield, Jeric Raval, Mary Sharapova, Henry Lo, and Jericka Madrigal. They are planning to have this be shown come October this year and will go around the Philippines to promote it. This would certainly be a great way to entertain folks at home, but at the same time, inform them of the threat that looms on the west side of our country.